
Lasting Memories Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Call of Duty Black Ops 3... a one in a million video game and all of us who are part of it have the unique experience and memories that will last the rest of our lives."
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
"I made so many wonderful memories here on this campus that will last a lifetime."
"You never truly top those magical moments you had as a child that just stick with you."
"Some experiences will stay with you forever, even if they never actually happened."
"Once your boot has stepped its foot in Africa, you can never get the dust off."
"By having images that couples can frame and print... by coming back with those photos, he really just kind of goes to the next level as a second photographer as far as creating value for myself."
"When you feel that big love for somebody, you will always remember that feeling."
"That kind of memory doesn't go away. It's seared in one's memory."
"You know I've always just tried to be open and look about and really take in the moment because I as I keep reiterating over and over I do feel remember these movies for very long time"
"Travel is so worth it; no one can take your memories."
"I want people to leave with a memory."
"Some things you just never forget even if you want to."
"The memories of your space vacation always linger in the back of your mind."
"That memory will stick with me for a long time."
"The disappointing moments fade, but the amazing moments stick with us."
"Our journey was over but the memories we made will stay forever."
"People are gonna always remember you more for how you make them feel than what you did on the court."
"It's easy to say something is corny or bad, but if you remember it 25 years later doesn't that count for something?"
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, and love leaves a memory no one can steal."
"A new generation came to life on the planet, in part thanks to our effort. The eternal journey on Kelly 8 would continue. All the things I've seen while serving on the ISS Vanguard, this is one memory I will carry with me to my grave."
"The only thing you need to hold on to is family for as long as possible and memories forever." - "Sometimes people need to be reminded that the only thing you need to hold on to is family for as long as possible and memories forever."
"It means something, you'll remember it forever."
"You don't actually get to forget about Iowa until four years from now."
"They'll always remember how you made them feel, bingo. You know, bingo."
"Your time on the water is precious, you return season after season to make unforgettable memories."
"It's building those relationships and, you know, you showed a few of those clips from on the ice but it's, it's more the off-ice stuff that you remember as you go along here."
"They haunt you, they stay with you forever. I haven't forgotten it."
"You'll also keep those photos forever."
"The Annapurna circuit is truly a journey of self-reflection and one that will live in our hearts for a very long time."
"The show may go on for half an hour, but the memory will last your lifetime."
"Make a memory that lasts a lifetime and let Vivid Seats help you get to your favorite live event."
"Nothing leaves a clearer impression upon the memory than a residence amid such scenes."
"It was really fun and I'll remember this forever."
"Very rewarding hunt. I enjoyed every bit of it, and I'm going to continue to enjoy this for a long time."
"I love how they look how their rides are still here."
"The memories will last of this week."
"Little things create big memories."
"Make memories that your kids and you will never forget."
"You're not going to remember your grades or your fourth GPA, but these memories or these events that you worked in and the people and the friends that you made for your lifelong through those clubs."
"It takes you to places you wouldn't go doing things you wouldn't do and leaves you with very strong, powerful memories."
"With the tournament won, Yugi and his friends returned home, their hearts filled with joy and memories that would last a lifetime."
"It's memories that's always going to be with me and I'm never going to forget it."
"This was our road trip whose memories and lessons will stay with us forever."
"It's memories that I will have for the rest of my life."
"There's a purpose and meaning behind our relationship."
"I think my favorite part of actually competition is all the people and all my friends and really making memories that you're never gonna forget."
"If memory were a canned food, I hope it never expires."
"Building memories with our children, building those positive happy memories that they'll have as a reference their whole life."
"What does it do for you when you hear from somebody that you coached years ago who said, 'Hey, thanks, and I'll never forget you'?"
"They're the moments that live in your memory forever, that you will never ever forget."
"That's a memory your kids will remember forever."