
Passion Projects Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Hybrid filmmaking is how I've made award-winning feature films, ambitious shorts starring friends and Hollywood actors, and propelled passion projects I could have only dreamed of making."
"The best stuff comes from people who believe in it, you know, who really, really care about the thing and then try and make the thing."
"I still want to make them because I really enjoy making them."
"Take all the time in the world to professional craft reflect your passion and just take small steps every little step towards your goal will get you there."
"I actually did make a lot of money... but it wasn't about making money. It's about... doing what you love, furthering the human species."
"I make videos knowing it won't get many views just because I love to explain."
"Every single person that we photographed is doing something that they care about."
"So, if suddenly I was not allowed to make videos about mousetraps anymore, I still have things I'm completely like really passionate about."
"Take advantage of side projects, they demonstrate your passion and proactive nature."
"If you have something that you're deeply passionate about and you become an expert at it... you can make a living at it."
"Definitely just working on myself and my passion."
"Just focusing on what excites you and doubling down on what you're enthusiastic about."
"If you're passionate enough about anything, you can make anything happen, literally anything happen."
"There's nothing quite like this that I've seen because it's doing like all the things that I love."
"It's clear that a lot of heart went into this game... the vehicle system works at all let alone as well as it does is a huge accomplishment."
"YouTube makes a lot of these creators ask themselves, 'What is it worth it for me to pour time into this passion project I have?'"
"If you do what you love to do, then you don't work a day in your life. It's very hard to find something that you love and get paid enough money. But if you can come up with that concept, good for you. Go ahead, build it."
"YouTube and music are my one and only, it's the only thing I can really imagine myself doing."
"Passion projects and every day being new and exciting."
"Just try to have fun making videos... pick a topic that you are insanely passionate about and just go do it."
"This whole project just getting passion, it's all created through pure passion. Incredible."
"You should always have a side hustle, a side passion that shows that you're doing things."
"Raise enough money to continue doing what you like without worrying about profitability."
"Do what you love, inspire people... and it'll come back to you tenfold."
"Just because you love something, some idea, you've got to figure out if the rest of the world wants to love on that idea."
"Tweak the things that you are passionate about to make them the best."
"I don't think I will ever care about anything as much as I did 'Don't Park on the Grass' because it was like proving to myself that I could do something I'd never done before."
"You can monetize your passion by creating content around it."
"We're not seeing the asset flipper, we're seeing the asset creator finally create their dream project."
"I feel like I would be better served doing it with something that I enjoy massively."
"There's so much value in pouring your heart into something."
"When you find something that you can't not think about, that's the thing to maybe try and make."
"You gotta be excited about working on that for 10 years... do something you're very passionate about."
"You can really tell that this is project of passion."
"The things that have really been the biggest successes for me were both things I was really passionate about and things I did well."
"The story of a passion project made by an underdog."
"You gotta make your money just doing what you love man, that's how you stick it to the universe."
"Do something you love, and that's what life's about."
"Keep your passion projects on the side and keep doing what you really love to do for yourself."
"Ruby has always been a passion project and even if it didn't turn out all that great there was equal amounts of passion poured into this season."
"If you put your heart and soul into things, of course, you can end the galaxy."
"It's really cool that this is a dream project someone got to make."
"I never thought that I'd be able to invest in my own passion and see those investments be rewarded so that's because of you guys thank you."
"Vita games that still are coming out today, they are indeed labors of love."
"This is a passionate new beginning in some area of your career or your enterprise."
"Money may not be able to buy happiness, but this rakes to Rich's Story shows how it can fuel an automotive passion strong enough to truly change the world."
"It was never supposed to be a business when I started it was a passion project."
"I had been saving up money and then this YouTube passion project was kind of there on the side."
"Most individuals who work on a passion project for three years... they just enjoy doing that."
"You're gonna be very passionate about this thing that you're doing... This thing is gonna bring money... Financial success is coming, a financial breakthrough."
"Sometimes taking a step back from what you love is the best way to love it even more."
"Always create something that you're proud of, always create something that you're passionate about, and you won't feel that. Hopefully, you won't feel so let down."
"We are the ones who made the thing we love worth the hundreds of millions of dollars that you paid to get it."
"If your dreams don't work out and you've given it a good run, it might be time to consider getting a job and pursuing your passion on the side."
"One man's passion project turned into something far beyond what anyone could have possibly predicted."
"Let’s do the passion project and to hell with the consequences."
"It's super refreshing to see a game development team actually make a game that they want to play."
"You work on passion projects when you're not working on your primary project."
"Whether you think it looks good or not is a sheer miracle that despite Riot's efforts small teams of passionate players can still make contact like this for nothing other than the sheer love of seeing people enjoy their work."
"If you really care about [your passion]... you're gonna make room for it, make time for it, regardless of what your situation is."
"I'm passionate about the things I do are going to make the world a better place."
"I just love the fact that you turned your interests into a business."
"This is my best hope for being able to do more of the stuff that I love and hopefully others really do enjoy it as well."
"Keep going, keep living your dream. What you love to do, there's a way to make a living out of it."
"That's making it, that's the fulfilling part. To take only projects that you're passionate about."
"You can turn your passion into your full-time job, but it has to be a lifestyle, not just a job."
"You have to teach yourself. Find what you love and build something around that."
"Just keep working on what you love to do and share that as much as you can with everyone online."
"And that is what I think all art derived from passion for an original work should strive to do."
"That's why we do this stuff. Because we love knives."
"You might as well make the thing that you care most about."
"Launching a Patreon would safeguard my income and allow me to focus on my passions."
"Create a blog about something you're passionate about and you can make money from the adverts."
"I think if you're working on the thing that you're excited by it will attract an audience."
"Don't throw all of your energy into like your big passion project, have something on the side because I think it's hard, it's harder to divorce your self-worth from what you're working on when you don't have like more than one iron in the fire."
"Start a side hustle that is more in line with your passion."
"I'm heavily invested at this point. This is the kind of stuff I live for."
"Follow your interests and passions. Monetization will catch up."
"Support from viewers enables the creation of passion projects."
"We take that money and we invest it back into what we love to do into filmmaking."
"Only do the things that you're passionate about, don't do them because they're popular."
"These are people's passion projects, and it's so easy to tell."
"Many flash games were much more than simple waste of time. These games, no matter how big or small, were true works of passion by developers built for free purely for the enjoyment of others."
"Honestly, all you have to do is just get started... just start on whatever you are passionate about."
"Passion without a plan is called frustration."
"It's cool to help support people doing what they love."
"There is nothing cooler than a project of serious passion."
"The jobs I do, the my businesses and all that, like they all started out as passion projects."
"Film something about something that you're interested in. It's not important to make movies and be in the cinema industry. What's the most important thing is what's in front of the camera."
"It's heartbreaking to see creators' passion projects fizzle out because the studio just couldn't market it properly, if at all."
"I like the idea that no matter who you are or what you're doing you can devote yourself to a project that is outside of your skill set and that can bring you Joy."
"Passion projects are a luxury, but at the moment, it's one that Hollywood can ill afford."
"You're creating conscious products, conscious books, doing the projects that you love, activism to give back."
"Make your passion projects, make stuff you want to get paid for."
"After the estate market crashed... I would love to just do things that I love and make videos about it."
"Anybody can produce content around the passions they love, anybody can get into video, anybody can be a director, a chef, a videographer, or whatever, you just have to practice and do it."
"I recommend 100 hours projects that you're really passionate about, something you would want to build."
"I play with cameras and great cars, which have always been my passions, so honestly, I'm having a lot of fun."
"I really would hope that maybe Tana would make some adjustments in the future and possibly go after more of a special passion project that actually is close to her heart."
"If you love to do something, no matter what, you can do it."
"Once I've smashed that and I've got that time where I feel like I could make content that I really want to make because I'd only really make passion projects."
"Sometimes you got to take the things that you love into your own hands."
"Being inventive and finding ways to do what you love and be able to make money off of that."
"Find something they really care about, and then create champions."
"It's important to re-engage the things that you love that are not related to your work."
"It's the most impractical projects that people are passionate about for whatever reason that they can't get out of their heads that end up later changing the world in very practical ways."
"I just want to focus on creating stuff and sharing things that I am passionate about that make me happy."
"Choose a project that excites you, represents you, and more importantly, the project needs to be a project you can be proud of."
"There's so many possibilities online as long as you have some sort of passion for something."
"Find a product that you're actually passionate about, something that's unique, something that's better than the competition."
"Create passion projects... you get full creative control over it as an artist."
"Let's rock, dude, and little indie films and make no money, let's go."
"You should make content about anything you want to make, things you're passionate about."
"It's a revelation that you can have a job that's also something you would be doing on your own time."
"It's heartwarming to see a place created by one person just showcasing a singular passion."
"Realizing what your strengths are, what's the most profitable, and also there's nothing wrong with doing work that pays well and can fund the passion projects."
"We're hoping to get to that point where we would probably have to consistently be making about double what we make now in order to be able to comfortably work on passion projects."
"It's the perfect junction between doing a project with a person who likes to do that, not for the money, but for love."
"I'm not one to think about monetary things; what I love doing these videos, it's so fun knowing that I have a platform to help people."
"I'm so happy that we can finally take on these passion projects and make what we want to make."
"This project has been near and dear to my heart for a long time."
"You're happiest working on something that is the hobby or is meaningful for you."