
Personal Confession Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"I have a secret. I have a crush on Stella, but I don't plan on telling her soon."
"I love you so much. I swear I did not expect this."
"I did it. I used my leadership, my gifting, my position in church to manipulate women."
"I actually started hating white people... for a short time I was actually very anti-white."
"I really like him. I wish he liked me. Got him, he's fucking broken."
"I love Amazon. I know I shouldn't love it but I do. That's how I am."
"I killed someone in Guillen Hill Station. I did so out of my own volition and I don't regret it one bit. But just because I killed someone doesn't mean that I enjoy doing it."
"Never broke a window but I did steal my baby daddy car."
"That's some [__] right here brother, he's confessing on that he felt that he was complicit in his wake bro."
"This is definitely a secret which I don't want you to know."
"Dalinar admits the horrendous things he has done."
"I've gone too far already, I'm addicted to love."
"I had taken the life of another human being."
"Eighteen thousand dollars for a goddamn Popeyes! I am a business failure."
"I love attention. I can't stand not having it." - Adam Levine
"I think it's important to read, but I have a secret. Most of the time I'm reading through my ears using Audible."
"Even being a deity myself... it is quite rough and tough on me as well."
"I should have told you this a long time ago. I love you."
"The shelf days. Now I've got a confession to make, I've never actually owned a pair of shell toes before. So this is actually a first for me."
"I'm a sellout who cares about money so sorry not sorry but that's the way the cookie crumbles."
"It's just kinda fun to track this stuff, I don't know why guys I think I have a problem."
"Facing death doesn't bother me. What scares me most is spending the rest of my life alone. I can't let myself believe that."
"Someone knows something. The author of this letter clearly wants to get something off their chest."
"I was emotionally abusive and physically abusive... I did everything I could to just be a piece of [__]."
"I like to say that I love my first wife, I like to say that, but the truth of the matter was is I put crime first."
"I'm racist, I don't like white people but I'm gonna respect you as a man."
"I'd like it to be my girlfriend if you don't mind. I thought I'd be more nervous to confess but I was able to do it better than I thought."
"He tells his father the truth. He doesn't tell him a story. He says, 'Father, I sinned.'"
"I am a makeup hoarder, this is literally confessions of a makeup hoarder."
"I got to my knees in front of this woman and told her how I felt."
"Yesterday was one of those days, I'm not gonna lie, where I could not get off my phone."
"I didn't want to text this. I love you, and I can never talk to you."
"I love you. Oh, I said it. Yukari has professed her love for you."
"My righteousness is filthy rags, my goodness isn't me. There's only one thing I can say to what you said to me: It's under the blood of praise."
"Well, there isn't any way to sidestep the fact that I love them!"
"Mr. Depp told me verbatim that he was addicted to oxycontin."
"Yes, I was a little dishonest and a lot dishonest."
"I've talked to women online. I've done it. And I knew I had crossed the line in that."
"I did cocaine for 30 years, melatonin? That I could eat 20 times." - Joey Diaz
"I'm drunk, sorry. October 9th, oh my God, that was yesterday."
"That's such [__]! I'm not happy that's the case, but also I am happy because I was right."
"He repeatedly said that he wanted to and should have told me from the second they even met for coffee."
"They want to bare their soul to you... They want to clear their slate."
"I confessed to save my life, not because I was guilty."
"That's so rough, she admitted it was her first felony like jury trial, right?"
"Left God out. Now how many of you will admit that you have bought a car or..."
"He said, 'I believe I did the right thing, but I may have broken the law during the course of it.'"
"I've done some pretty [__] terrible things in my life, like some things I'd never would never mention on this camera."
"True story, I cheated my whole way through high school."
"I have a way too much clothing like too much too much way too much clothing."
"You're my closest friends, I never thought I'd say this, but there's no one closer than you two."
"My name is Video Bob and I have an addiction to Rolls Royces."
"The first is that I am a great sinner, and the second is that Jesus Christ is a great Savior." - Unknown
"I have a crush that nobody knows, he goes to my school, he has brown hair, he's about my height, and his name is... And now you guys know too."
"And today I just, I lost my mind." - Alex Rodriguez
"It's amazing coming clean to someone you've been in love with for years."
"I think I'm ready to talk... I'm going to tell the truth... I'm going to say everything that I know happened."
"Addressing what happened with Depressed Nasagi, admitting to discussing past lives."
"Because I slept with you. That's how you knew it."
"One of the exceptional aspects of Brian's confession is the level of detail he provides together with his casual commentary and jokes."
"I did have MySpace. My mom didn't know ahead of MySpace, so if my mom's watching now, I think I've confessed that before."
"Getting them to confess all the things they don't want to confess."
"I don't glorify being locked up. It just means that you got caught."
"Every dollar that I've ever gotten came back with some kind of drug."
"Personal confession is thus the form most expressive of reconciliation with God and with the church."
"I'm doing it because I'm desperate and I'm desperate because I'm horny."
"I said, 'Hey, Rachel, I'll be honest, I think you're really cute and I like you.'"
"I wanted to visit the dark web myself," he confessed.
"I'm addicted to peace and it's crazy I know."
"I think it's time that I let you guys know... I really like the dollar store."
"I'm 32 years old and I have to confess that I'm afraid of elevators."
"I love you Jojo more than anything else in my life; I shouldn't but I can't help it, and to be honest, it's a great feeling."
"I told her I was tired, not sleepy tired, but just tired of everything."
"I loved my husband, but I will speak the truth: we both know you should have been Queen."
"I'm real with you; I'm head over heels for you."
"The truth is, I've always liked you."
"We're toxic, it was like that come to Jesus Breaking Bad moment where Walt admits to Skyler that I did it all for me."
"I've always loved you, that's never changed."