
Skill Demonstration Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"The hardcore martial arts world took notice for the first time, arm was broken, and the master of flying submissions, the Tobikan Judan, had been born."
"I jumped and I successfully made a two block jump with a 360."
"If you don't believe me, I'll just let them do the talking. Your jaw is going to drop from their incredible skill."
"Legendary, he beat Zodiac with only one jump, that's insane, holy crap."
"We made that look easy, man. It is not that easy."
"It's just so much more enjoyable to smoke a driver right down the middle."
"Two surgeons out here performing surgery on this track."
"Oh, the shepherd's staff takes down the goat and he takes simple out of the round to give it to G2, unbelievable to find all three. How fast is this guy?"
"In any game when you pull off a sick combo like that, it feels good."
"You might be lucky, you might come across this project that can help you show those skills."
"Confidence builder that you can hammer out six rounds under two seconds in distress."
"Kevin De Bruyne is so good he has earned the respect where man... I don't know if it's the last goal he scored, I don't know who he was against, we've done some kind of footwork thing."
"He just made so many defensive plays to even get to this point."
"Thoroughly impressed by albon again... he's showing that he has got the skills and the capability."
"Being able to see somebody have a high skill level, see them work in real time, and have them narrate and talk about what they're doing the whole entire time."
"A build that's going to impress your friend to the point where they might hire you as a professional builder."
"To show you can write somebody else's show in their voice really well, I think still is a very valuable thing."
"The whole point is not to keep it too simple, I want to showcase to a potential employer that you can do more advanced things."
"Monaco is my best track, it's my favorite track."
"Excellent work bringing those palms back around."
"Sam Mewis, very good with the ball at her feet, drives through the midfield with ease."
"Raphinha: he takes players on and he's got a good end product."
"Absolutely sensational. That's right. Vamino takes it away with the touch. Amazing."
"That's real skill. That's controlling a defender by just eyeballing them and only looking at them with the full knowledge that you're not ever going to go anywhere near them."
"Watching a skilled waterbender like Katara in action, you know just how powerful the element can be."
"Boomi was always an incredible bender, but his true skill really shined when he took back his entire city of Omashu single-handedly."
"At the end of the day, it's about making a connection with your audience and introducing them to the incredible skill it takes to pull off a winning strategy."
"I'm doing all the stunts the kid could do on the ball and more."
"How good is that? A free rusher, and he hangs in the pocket and delivers a perfect ball."
"It's frankly rather insane that they're able to do this with such precision, but they clearly trained well for it."
"You hear these 10-year-olds of like, 'This is my first time playing,' and then they [__] smoke."
"You are intentionally doing a trick that you're supposed to be doing."
"He's an incredible shot, you know, he's able to pull off these ridiculous Snipes from long distances."
"What a catch with the right hand by George Pickens... incredible ball skills."
"A masterful game out of Maru and uh really showing how he shored up both matchups."
"This build is capable of doing some of the most difficult content in the game like it's nothing."
"Nighthawk literally caught every single angle and everything. That was insane!"
"Gran Turismo 7 is like the master jack of all trades."
"Every single spacebar hop is actually a tick perfect trick."
"You gotta admit, that's an effective technique."
"Every single opportunity on screen is a chance to showcase your skill level."
"Not only are these acrobats sleeping on trampolines just for the fun of it, these professional acrobats pull off so many impressive feats in this video that it's hard to even sum up in a sentence."
"These guys somehow managed to figure out an unimaginable amount of trick shots that us normal people probably would never ever have considered."
"An incredibly short speed run filled top to bottom with ridiculously precise tricks."
"Jim Kohler with a sky wheelie off the single log into a save."
"There's no question at this point that the hardest and most competitive content in the game has and can be cleared just by using a controller."
"If you can perform well at the Circuit de Catalunya you can form out well anywhere."
"The master's primary skill really shows off the builds flexibility."
"I feel really good at it. If someone is running at me, GoPro, they got around eight feet away, I can hit him in the chest right where I wanted to."
"What a saucer pass by General Zod though, he led him perfectly."
"Concrete projects showcase skills better than theoretical knowledge."
"I don't need to prove nothing when it comes to skill."
"Nicely done, nicely done! I picked up a few that time around."
"You have to make it look easy because you have to entice other people into it."
"There will be scenarios where there's enough of a gap and you can flawlessly block the second hit."
"You don't need to build something that's extremely complicated or massive to be able to get a job or to demonstrate your knowledge."
"He put him in a final match and he just starts stroking the ball."
"Lucky, the police dog, managed to navigate a tightrope while wearing blinders over his eyes."
"Probably one of the best parallel parks on this channel so far."
"These are not just theory based, they are practical videos demonstrating everything."
"Landed a Spitfire without any flaps, my parents are so proud of me."
"Okay, let's go, kill one combo, that's actually really hard to hit!"
"I could see you working some cone patterns on this bad boy."
"It's funny because when you're on the spot, some people excel."
"Think this was a very nice game to demonstrate how good bulk up and highlight can be especially when paired with screens and dream punch is just."
"It's crazy to watching her and right he said do that backside boardslide."
"Alright Sunny, I'll show you how to be a real drift King."
"At a time when solo plays are almost becoming impossible in competitive Rocket League, Shaw set just took things into his own hands."
"So the most obvious star frame, yeah, this is a little bit of work, but dun dun dun, yeah, that's clinic in approaches."
"That's a birdie save when you throw a drive that good." - Paul Ulibarri
"Wow making one of the hardest holes on the course looked like nothing."
"Calvin's drive over the hill down the hill is unimaginably good."
"The amount of pressure that was on him during that clip and his accuracy was unmatched."
"Paul just makes these shots seem so simple, doesn't he?"
"That's what you get when you get guys who can execute an idea perfectly."
"A brilliant goal... Rushford show him what he can do here!"
"This is my chance to show everyone that I'm an amazing tattoo artist."
"Real photographers only need one shot done right, not because you're hedging your bets against it."
"All the sleight of hand moments are really based on real palming back palming sleeve manipulation techniques of elastic."
"Yes, look at these skills guys, such skills."
"I thought I could show that throw off just to show that I can make every throw on the field."
"Quality control is more than just how many flips you can do in a match."
"Maxwell is still the fastest wood chopper, once you take into account you have to pick up the logs as well."
"First of all, don't get frustrated, don't get upset, get even. Show them who you are, show them your skill set, and when it's time to deliver the punch, you deliver a clean punch and you will score a clean knockout."
"Simple is just putting on a clinic right now."
"Congratulations to Max for now having the world record for the most cubes solved in one hour with now 376 Rubik's cubes."
"It's gonna be flawless, isn't it? Make it look easy." - Josh Byerly
"How do you take a blank canvas and create this or this one here or no better yet, this one right here with the mist through the trees? I mean like how do you do that?"
"Let us show them, let them do the work, we'll critique them."
"Forgive me for getting cocky, but I haven't spilled one."
"That's my skills talking, that's my skills talking."
"Soto, oh wow! What a play! Great presence of mind by Strowman."
"Your portfolio should demonstrate your passion and hard skills."
"We actually beat the game without oofing! No way, man. I think we qualify as pro gamers now."
"One solo kill or one really good trade is all it takes to kick-start your domination over the game."
"Eli Tomac dominant fashion great starts making key passes really just riding well within his limit what a ride for Eli Tomac."
"This takes somebody who knows their body and knows the machine so well that they can go, 'I'm going to use every moment available to me and make something that you won't believe I made in a day.'"
"You know someone's really good at their job when they make it look so easy."
"His dribbling, the shooting, and the pace is a joke on Lucas."
"The best moves I showed you in today's video was definitely that left-right move... literally the easiest move in this video."
"Now we are at that point where it's time to separate the men from the boys... the finishing touches."
"This next level is a good exhibition of skill."
"College path is just one of the paths it's not a necessary path it's just one of them especially for CS employers really don't care that much whether or not you have a CS degree they want to see proof that you know what you say you know."
"Getting all your ducks in a row and pulling off an excellent shot can make you feel like a total pro."
"He shows off his professional knife skills, making beautiful cuts of meat."
"It was proof of player skill and investment."
"Nice job, dude. I'm shaking. Oh man, that's so good. Good job, Frost, and that's how you play the defect on ascension 20. There you go, it's easier. Notable gamer."
"Cap his composure and that just shows you how good he is."
"Look at that, just dashed back a little, put him in the air and just went for it, bro. No hesitation."
"To max an ultimate so quickly while methods for training the game mode were still being developed shows true mastery of the game."
"I was even able to clear the hardest raid in the beta on my first try."
"Did you see him slice all the limes in half?"
"There's something inherently interesting about watching something very challenging be done."
"Add media to your stuff. Demonstrate that you know some stuff."
"We've done the impossible, gone side by side in the Baku castle section."
"Lindong issued a challenge daring Laylee to showcase his skills."
"Honestly, no offense, this is nicer than your BMX. Thank you, and I want you to ride it today and show me how to use it."
"She's got the upper hand here, and that's just Alexandra showing her skills in bullet. She is really good at pre-moves."
"This is your opportunity to show off your skills, your writing ability."
"No player in the Premier League has attempted or completed more dribbles than Adama Traore in that time... he's an absolute machine... technically dribbling, he's amazing."
"Watching optimal smash... you have to appreciate it."
"If that isn't an incredible show of both hand-eye coordination and multitasking, I don't know what is."
"I personally disagree. I think Shotzzy's a very impactful player and I think he does a lot for the team."
"Moxie's flicks continue to be unbelievably consistent."
"Indeed assessments help take the stress out of the interview process candidates get to show their skills before the interviews."
"Time's up! Check these masterpieces out. Those were your hands? Incredible!"
"I'm just blown away I feel like man we as a creator person myself who went to school for this and you're like showing us up right now"
"It's a good ball across the box and Liam A just goes for power, power into the space, unstoppable."
"This is an achievement in itself: Barrows gloves at only 40 defense."
"That's the Great Plateau done in 21 minutes and 35 seconds!" - Impressive gaming accomplishment.
"Axe showed everyone that he has what it takes. He proved that he could be the best. He shattered the glass ceiling. He is Melee."
"Tackling Evil Roy with the Winchester 1873: a satisfying outcome."
"In one singular stream, I have caught every single pokemon and made an entire living decks from scratch."
"I always think magic shots happen after a terrible one."
"You know it's a Widowmaker 1v1. There's all these strategies, but at the end of the day, if you just hit the shot, it doesn't matter."
"Wow, we got three skulls all without doing a mission."
"I'm going to show you how you can do some really cool things."
"He's just showing him how it's done, I suppose."
"So the fact Ainrun managed a complete boss run instead of dying in that boss arena should be seen as more impressive depending on what no hit means to you, but like doing it at level one without taking any hits is just totally insane."
"Moth plays so safely and conservatively because if you die in like one second if you screw up."
"This is brilliant—every week Jimbo finds a way to do this."
"Leclerc showing some insane tire management."
"Nice job, dude. Now you're gonna have to do it by memory."
"Now that we've actually talked about these specific brawlers so you guys kind of have an idea of how to do this let's go ahead and actually watch the record-holding match so you can really appreciate the skill that these three players have."
"The barrier of entry is really low in terms of credentials you just gotta show people what you can do and the demand is absolutely insane."
"But apart from that though, is it, you know, he's hitting shot, he's getting the kills, he's winning the games."
"The most important thing is going to be in terms of getting a job is just demonstrating that you can make something."
"You're trying to demonstrate that you can actually make something."
"Doing all of this right in a live scenario is something that does require a fair bit of effort."
"Best: Receiver Trae Quan Smith using every part of his hands and head to haul in this touchdown catch."
"Earn their trust... and it's gonna show that you have actually got the skills."
"Don't stay quiet. Speak up, ask questions, and show your skill set."
"It might look like I'm spraying bullets... but there's more precision involved in it."
"I like it when players can demonstrate skill."
"If you can prove to an employer that you do have that knowledge, they will appreciate it."
"Stupid fast, anyhow, those fingers. I feel like that's just very, very, very fast."
"In fact, no defender in the Premier League this season has had more successful dribbles that have led to shots than Aaron Wan-Bissaka."
"It feels so good to go 26 and three after being stuck on the stupid knife, dude."
"I felt like a pro smurfing or something here and I felt really happy about it."
"An opportunity to really showcase your skills and talents."
"Neville demonstrates the sheer ability and technique."
"It's all about making or missing. Well, and confidence. But you can see, after he missed the first two, he's come back and hit his next three."
"Oh, come on, through the bomb parry, there we go, that's how we get them, first one down, here's the stray guardian, come on, bring it, yeah, long-distance parry, goodbye."
"It's almost too good to be true, where if you walk away after a perfect card swipe, it might had just looked like you faked the task, it's that rare!"
"It avoided everything in there, now this is an enclosed area so that's actually really good."
"I want the judges to see that even though I'm not much of a baker, I can still hold my own."
"Being Google Cloud certified simply demonstrates to an employer that you possess the necessary skills to manage the various products and services on Google Cloud Platform."
"He's a good example of that, all-around skater."
"It's always exciting to see these longer throwers really go for some of these holes that are going to take even their maximum potential in power and accuracy to get there."
"This project will demonstrate a load of different skills that you'd be required to have for working with SQL databases."
"You can impress your friends with a bottle cap."
"Every single time when you write better code in an interview, you show that you are a better developer."
"This just really reminds you how good Sora really can be in its best moments."
"Great! I didn't think it was gonna keep turning. I thought I threw it too high."
"Building your website can showcase that you know what you're doing and it's really important when it comes to applying for jobs."
"Employers want to know that you've actually practiced what you've learned."
"It all comes full circle. I want to be worthy of holding my own against someone like Luffy. I want to show people that Zoro isn't the only one that knows how to use swords."
"Just give me the ball. I'll show everyone out there how good I am. No matter where I am today, they're going to come off today thinking they've just seen Craig Bellamy."
"Clever code is good for showing off your skills but highly unreadable."
"That's an extraordinary demonstration of T20 bowling."
"It feels like I'm playing Jenga like it actually does and I am bossing it so far."
"It's been a really impressive skill to be able to flex in interviews with potential employers."
"Showing those skills Todd just mentioned, an electrifying run to open the game of 39 yards."
"Alright, first shot with the pocket shot, not too bad."
"Turnarounds are a great technical demonstration of your ability to draw a character from multiple angles."
"I'm going to show the judges that I'm the best baker here."
"It's a way to shut people to let people know that this is real. You're seeing me do this, and I will teach you how to do this."
"...shows the level of skill that is needed to accomplish something like that, just incredible."
"As someone that works in data science, a big problem for a lot of data scientists is not so much knowing your stuff, but it's the ability to show your stuff and sell yourself."
"If you can get through this, if you can stick to the budget, if you can do it on time and still make it look good, then you know your stuff."
"That throw gives you an idea of what Braxton Miller is capable of doing when he has time to set his feet and step into a throw."
"People got to see something in a way that you never saw before, you never saw a small man who didn't look physically imposing dismantle other people with technique."
"I'm actually gonna be showing you real hacking techniques and they should only be used ethically."
"All four of you throughout this competition are just showing what amazing cooks you truly are."
"Don't think girls can't run chainsaws; I've seen her running a 395, she knows exactly what she's doing."
"I actually had to beat one of the best players in Canada to win the tournament."
"I thought Manila's was my favorite talent because it was clever, and it showed that she actually had a skill."
"Just putting on a clinic here today."
"If a horse can walk backwards, have some level of collection, and roll the cricket, then everything I'm concerned about is taken care of."
"That was a thing of beauty, that was a short game clinic right there."