
Emotional Reward Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"That's the thing about this game, whenever you beat a memory, it feels fantastic."
"The most rewarding part is when Ziggy or Stevie looks at me and they're like 'I love you, mama'."
"Have some courage even if it's not financially rewarding. I think you'll find it one of the most emotional rewarding experiences in your entire life."
"It's obvious why I want it simpler because I want it simpler to operate, but why do I want increased capacity?"
"When the dog wins, that is the most valuable feeling because when they legitimately win, they feel strong and they enjoy that."
"Give to someone else and that feels good... and that feeling of pride, you're going to give to someone else and that feels good."
"Positive reinforcement from Baldi feels so good."
"The joy of seeing... that you've made progress is uncomparable."
"To be able to give them this belt means the absolute world."
"Is there a better feeling than when your kid is proud of you?"
"The feeling you get from helping someone you can't put it into words."
"I've always wanted to be a mother. It's so rewarding and special."
"Helping others find self-love is the best feeling in the world."
"Everybody's happy just to see that you made somebody's day. It's just an awesome thing."
"Helping someone realize their first success and like seeing that glow in their eyes that you used to have, feels really good."
"So, just keep loving them the best way you can and they're going to see it. And they love Matt and they... Man, being a stepfather, Granger, is hard, man. It's hard but it is so rewarding."
"All you want is the feeling, the happiness, the commitment, the joy, all the things like that glow that you have. That's the treasure for them."
"Those that labor in tears shall reap in joy."
"The physical and the mental demands of breastfeeding are rewarding, yet exhausting."
"Honestly I'm waiting for that serotonin bump when I see the number go up."
"Every news, every current news, it's like scoring two goals for me."
"Seeing how happy it makes them, it's so much better. I better win this freaking fight."
"The combat feels really good, really tight, really fluid, and most importantly, it's just a lot of fun."
"Obedience to God is a reward for us because we feel so good when we know that we're doing the right thing."
"Love is always worth it, no matter how long it takes."
"Knowing that it's making a difference is like the greatest gift on the planet."
"A smile on your face is probably the biggest incentive."
"Love is an excessive thing. If you just give and you don't stop giving even if you don't receive, you all of a sudden receive a lot."
"It's like when you're taking the time to learn the combos in a fighting game and you just get that surge of pleasure shot into your brain when you can do this."
"This is one of the first times in my life where I felt like I was given so much more back than I could have ever imagined."
"When I start frying up green tomatoes and when I start bringing in my harvest, do you know how much sweeter that experience is going to be?"
"There's something very satisfying about that."
"The puzzle excites me, it frustrates me, but when you get it right, the satisfaction is immense."
"You finally get the recognition and the honor you so lovingly deserve."
"Put the player in that sweet spot with that pride."
"It's the greatest feeling in the world, changing someone's life."
"No one knows what it feels like to give. That's priceless."
"One shotting these guys... feels pretty good."
"Mmm in the very first few days we met I felt quite vulnerable for a change and that feeling was quite rewarding."
"It's going to be very emotionally fulfilling. This is a gift from spirit."
"Raising a team of your own cute little monsters is one of the most rewarding and personal things in gaming."
"Just the smile of your baby is already like rewarding."
"The fact that it's green today honestly is like a trophy."
"A person who's caring and loving is already being rewarded."
"There's no better feeling than helping somebody else when they're in need."
"There's no greater feeling than to help another human being."
"Just getting to see Mario and Luigi being so happy, like they're finally celebrating all of the work that Luigi put into getting into this ending, it's so heartwarming."
"There's no feeling like it when your hypothesis works."
"I'm the happiest and most emotional when I can help someone."
"And that was very rewarding to all of us because we wanted her to know that we never let go."
"Her efforts paid off as changu smiled again."
"That was more given to me than I could have ever given anything... what those kids give back is one of the most incredible things I've seen."
"It's a more exciting and emotionally rewarding final battle than you'd see in just about any action or superhero movie."
"It's a free emotional payoff sitting right there."
"I feel very happy to see my family proud of me, to see my mom crying, my sister, my dad, that part I think pays everything in my life."
"They were actually often expressed pride in saving a cat."
"It's always a priceless feeling to see your patient recover to a normal life after going through a difficult time."
"When you give, it's actually better than receiving because when you make someone's day, it's an amazing feeling."
"Nothing tastes as good and as emotionally awesome as the stuff that you grew yourself."
"The longer one has this wonderful frequency modulated tail and that is the real duchenne laughter, sincere laughter that is what predicts reward."
"It's a beautiful part of life, and the emotional rewards are enormous."