
Cardano Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Throughout the entire history of Cardano, smart contracts is definitely the most bullish launch we've had, which is why I do believe a three-dollar ADA is very possible."
"If you like Cardano, or you've thought about possibly investing in Cardano, you have to check out this interview with the founder, Charles Hoskinson."
"Cardano is generation three... tries to solve both high gas fees and speed issues."
"Cardano tries to solve some of the problems of Ethereum, specifically high gas fees and speed issues."
"Cardano is a perfect combination of an amazing proof-of-stake blockchain platform combined with an all-star team of engineers led by the inspirational founder, Charles Hoskinson."
"I firmly believe that in the next bull run Cardano will make tons of crypto millionaires."
"Cardano seems to always be a little step above in terms of innovative solutions."
"Cardano's success may be hosting billions of lower income and middle-income people all across the world."
"This means potentially a lot of projects coming onto the Cardano network flowing onto the network soon after smart contracts launch."
"Expect to see people not in Cardano realize, after announcement after announcement, Chain Games and then some other project and then some other project and then some new project that's nowhere else is being developed on Cardano."
"Hydra aims to boost throughput reduce latency and provide cost effective solutions without requiring a lot of storage um just another way that cardano's moving forward"
"Cardano's best bet is capitalizing on DeFi and building the ecosystem."
"When you're investing in Cardano, you're investing in the potential."
"I predict there will be hundreds of assets running on Cardano, thousands of dApps."
"Investing in Cardano because we think it's going to be worth more by the end of this year than when you're putting money in."
"Cardano is a really good alternative to this and I see it being a strong long-term hold."
"Cardano becomes number three crypto after 13."
"Cardano continues to thrive and continues to be relevant in every dimension from our engineering to our science to community growth and engagement."
"Cardano's ecosystem is working on projects from voting to payments and even ways to run the currencies of nation states."
"I believe that cardano...is going to be implemented with millions of people, hundreds of millions of people, and dozens of governments around the world if not more."
"Cardano has outperformed like almost all crypto, it's just leading the pack."
"Cardano's Alonzo upgrade introduces smart contracts to the network and makes it more useful."
"Cardano is now the third largest cryptocurrency by market cap and looks to be very strong."
"Cardano will soon have smart contracts and IOHK designed the Marlow development suite to make the process easier than ever."
"I think Cardano for sure is gonna hit, I would say ten dollars, but really, I think it could be as high as twelve to fifteen dollars by end of this year."
"Ada Cardano discloses encouraging on-chain stats for September."
"Alonzo purple has arrived, one giant step closer to Cardano's smart contracts."
"Ultimate buying, Cardano when it was down so hard on Satoshi value."
"Cardano's broken all-time highs, look how fast we are moving."
"I feel like a lot of people are overlooking Cardano, but they will come back strong."
"How crazy would it be for us to make a protocol? They learned about Cardano and said we're right on the cusp of this space."
"Cardano's smart contract revolution has begun."
"The single most important update since Shelley to Cardano."
"Cardano is on the verge of fully unleashing the gogan era with the alonso hard fork they'll bring smart contracts to the sixth largest blockchain"
"A lot of awareness coming to Cardano for the first time."
"The biggest news for Cardano: the release date announcement."
"Cardano could be above two dollars by tomorrow."
"Cardano's market cap is going to be 330 billion dollars which is roughly around the same market cap that Ethereum has right now."
"I just want what's best for the ecosystem. I want Cardano to be not only a success but a revolutionary product that changes the world."
"Cardano is not being built quickly, it's being built correctly."
"So, if we look at Cardano, it just broke all-time high. It's over, GGs, we're going to the moon."
"October is going to be the month for Cardano, for sure."
"The power of Cardano is we have the hard Fork combinator."
"Cardano has always had a mentality of let's do it right the first time."
"Cardano is built for a purpose and on principles."
"Cardano has its fundamentals growing faster than ever."
"The price is lagging behind the fundamentals, and that means that the price will eventually go parabolic."
"Cardano is the only project in the cryptocurrency space that has the ability to challenge Ethereum."
"I think you're going to see Cardano outperforming both Bitcoin and Ethereum."
"Cardano is shaping up to have an absolutely excellent next few decades."
"The Cardano blockchain now hosts over half a million unique wallet addresses, with the number growing every hour."
"Cardano's just getting started... maybe it could possibly get to ten dollars."
"Cardano's testnet is finally becoming smart contract compatible."
"Cardano's prospects are very interesting... it comes down to the fact that they say that mathematically they have proven every other thing that every other cryptocurrency project could not prove."
"Every move Cardano makes is put through rigorous theoretical testing."
"Did you know Cardano toppled Bitcoin to become the most held crypto on Etoro?"
"Cardano is the most decentralized protocol out of the top layer ones."
"As far as Cardano is concerned, I do quite like it from a charts perspective."
"Cardano's trying to solve some of the hardest problems all at once."
"Let's see what mainstream adoption really looks like if we really bring in a billion people in the next few years and Cardano's got a better product."
"Cardano ecosystem is actually incredibly strong and I think it's going to lead to huge multipliers."
"This is hopefully our decade, Bitcoin owned the last one and I hope by the end of the 2020s Cardano will be the most predominant force in the cryptocurrency space." - Charles Hoskinson
"I'm not counting out Cardano, even though it did have a 3x in the span of a month."
"Cardano is supposed to be fast, scalable, and solve a lot of smart contract financial situations on the blockchain."
"Cardano's dominance pressing towards new all-time highs in the market."
"Cardano is one of the only peer-reviewed and academically accredited projects in the crypto space."
"Cardano, I feel, is probably going to become the biggest cryptocurrency in the world." - Charles Hoskinson
"If you want to make more Cardano then it's worthwhile checking out these charts and understanding where it might peak to."
"The reason that Cardano has done so well in the last 12 months is because it is promising and now starting to fulfill the ability to do a lot of what Ethereum does but a lot faster and a lot cheaper."
"So for Cardano I'd still expect some decent performance for Cardano towards the end of the year approximately."
"This is why Cardano's going up, and if you are looking for a pool to stake your ADA with, check out Swag Pool."
"Cardano is getting ready for an absolute ecosystem explosion with more and more dApps pledging to build on its blockchain each day."
"2022 is the year where Cardano is really going to shine."
"Smart contracts are here and it is going to be a big step that will let Cardano compete with other programmable blockchains."
"Cardano has shown everyone how to stake correctly... and now it will show everyone how to be decentralized correctly."
"You take the best of Ethereum and the best of Bitcoin and you've created Cardano."
"Even if Cardano was a fifth of the market cap of Solana, I would still call Cardano overvalued."
"Cardano's core focus is to have sound money, non-debase money."
"One of the key factors of SIP 1694 is that anyone should be able to implement or propose a Cardano Improvement Proposal."
"The future of Cardano is really going to change quite drastically."
"Cardano will then have the ability to go even more global than it is today."
"Once we get SIP 1694 through the door, then the devs, the retail investors, the big companies, everyone will have a say to push Cardano forward."
"We could really see something special happen with the value that Cardano provides."
"It's the first tokenized venture capital and launch pad on Cardano."
"Once this recent news with Elon Musk came out about not wanting to use Bitcoin, wanted something more energy efficient, everybody turned to Cardano and ADA."
"The Alonzo upgrade of the Cardano network represents a spectrum of hope in the industry."
"ADA Seeds will be cross-chained with Cardano as soon as possible."
"Smart contracts... this is where everything blasts off and this is really the launching point of the Cardano project in my opinion."
"Cardano has teamed up with global land restoration and tree planting verification company Veritree."
"Cardano's a huge crypto, everybody, and it's not going anywhere."
"Cardano is on schedule to reach full decentralization at the end of March 2020."
"Cardano has a major network update coming, which is basically their final major update they need to get smart contracts going."
"Cardano ADA is going to be the highest ROI investment for quarter one for the next three months."
"One thing is for sure, Cardano has been killing it lately."
"I've grown more and more bullish on Cardano the more you understand about the technology behind Cardano."
"That's when the world's really going to see what Cardano is ultimately truly capable of."
"Cardano offers them all and now that it's listed on Coinbase, major player."
"Cardano, the successor of Bitcoin."
"Cardano took those principles and foundations and added an entire level of capabilities to them with smart contracts."
"Cardano is very much built with the ethos that Bitcoin was originally born out of but with more capabilities."
"We have a huge nft ecosystem over 5 million native assets have been launched on Cardano."
"Cardano's ADA to be listed on Bitstamp crypto exchange, fantastic."
"Cardano truly is fully decentralized; it truly does have a complete open source ecosystem and community."
"Cardano is an incredible project also because of the thought leader that is Charles Hoskinson."
"Hydra is a scaling solution for Cardano that could essentially see it scaling into the millions of transactions."
"We ultimately do see Cardano going to $2 in 2024, a conservative price prediction."
"Every single protocol in Cardano is based on some form of peer-reviewed foundation."
"Cardano actually uses formal specifications which are ambiguity free."
"Cardano has recently come out with many announcements including stable coins to be launched very soon."
"It's really obvious at this point what Cardano is doing, just building a complete suite of products that people can use to invest or hold their assets in a self-sovereign way."
"We can do it; it might take 10 years, but damn it, we'll get it done. That's the Cardano way."
"We're here to stay; Cardano's here to stay."
"Cardano is doing a lot of real-world stuff and has a lot of plans to bring real users onto its blockchain and give them some sort of usable infrastructure."
"When I look at the competitive landscape that Cardano is in, I think one of the reasons why Cardano performed so well in the last bull market... is because they inherently know it is one of those really truly neutral settlement systems."
"Cardano is really really solid in the tech run and it's really well respected within the whole industry."
"The pace at which Cardano is improving the technology of the blockchain is quite incredible."
"There's more going on in the Cardano ecosystem now than there has ever been before."
"We got a lot to do; it's a very busy year to close out, next year will be the busiest and most interesting year in Cardano's history, probably our biggest year for real meaningful growth as well."
"It's a celebration not only of Cardano but it's a celebration of the community that's brought us so far."
"Congratulations on almost nearly surpassing 1000 projects building simultaneously on Cardano."
"The one thing about Cardano is that it's all about community."
"What is the point of Goguen and all this Plutus stuff? Applications."
"An application is some kind of program that interacts with Cardano in some way."
"We've actually got an application development ecosystem that is built on top of Cardano."
"Cardano has made some of the better design decisions at the protocol level."
"What Cardano has done organizationally has been built for the future."
"They're in a good position right now, despite what people might believe, to make a resurgence if the conditions are correct."
"Cardano is a leading project in the crypto space in all the ways that people may not care about as much."
"It's not going to be the sexiest project; they're not going to have as many VC relationships."
"The technology is going to be dense and almost academic."
"They've taken a much different approach to the same design problems that we've had in this space for a long time."
"Cardano's done things almost completely differently from the start."
"They've made good decisions and bad, but they're in a good position right now to make a resurgence."
"What Cardano has done at a protocol level, organizationally, has been built for the future."
"They've polished up the smart contract functionality a lot."
"They've created better tools for people who are non-developers."
"They've launched the beginnings of what will be the scalability future of Cardano, which is Hydra."
"Cardano today has an ecosystem which is developing and budding."
"The vision is broader than that; it's allowing people to execute functions of government using a public chain."
"We need to see that the functions that have been built deeply into the protocol within Cardano... needs to be fully in the hands of the Cardano community."
"In five years, I want to see a thriving, democratically managed network that's global."
"There's a reason why we're in the space, not just to make money, but to build technologies that make a difference."
"We work on a lot of projects; we work on ZenCash, we work on Ethereum Classic, and the one we're increasingly becoming known for is Cardano."
"So the Cardano project is like a Leviathan, it's got dozens of researchers and engineers."
"We're pretty confident we're going to see some more dapps on Cardano within the next month or two."
"It's such a pleasure to be here with you and always continually strengthening and expanding our beautiful partnership with Cardano."
"If you care a lot about Cardano and you think you have something to contribute, now is a great time to join."
"Cardano is the protocol of the stakeholders; the community owns it, the ecosystem owns it."
"It's the people who wake up every single day and build on top of the Cardano blockchain with joy and passion."
"We're going to change the world through Cardano."
"We've got that real opportunity now to do things right and build a robust DeFi ecosystem from the beginning on Cardano."
"We love what they're doing in Africa, Cardano is really focused on real-world applications."
"We see Cardano being the blockchain that's truly going to take crypto to mass market."
"Determinism and validation parallelism, this is what's different about building on Cardano versus other platforms."
"Ultimately, 2022 it's about layer one scaling, and we're going to get Cardano to be really competitive."
"If we get Cardano in a place where she or an ordinary person on the street... can explain to them in two or three sentences what it is we're doing and why it improves the world then I feel like my job's done."