
Event Preparation Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"This is going to be a very important night, and it is absolutely crucial we stay together on it."
"For a full six weeks leading up to the debut."
"They're so tired. They're exhausted. All I got to say is tomorrow it's gonna be a little bit crazy because tomorrow is the day." - Dianna
"This event is definitely going to be the roughest because of the amount of preparation needed to get the Vegas area ready."
"Kevin and Karen signed the agreement and the stage was set ready to launch."
"There's not more that they could have done heading into January 6th." - Aaron Davis
"The stage is ready, the lights are there, the cameras are set."
"PayPal is open for the toy drive now for anybody."
"Choosing the perfect prom dress should be an exciting and enjoyable experience."
"Okay, so you can just order them on the computer. Order, purchase wedding cake."
"Max height, it's a go. You guys ready for this craziness?"
"You're gonna knock 'em dead at the Veterans Hall tonight, hon."
"Man, this is it. The day we've all been building up for."
"It's what happens when you're told you're gonna be wearing an outfit and you don't have one."
"So if the big game is coming up and you didn't plan ahead, you're probably due for a mediocre spread."
"The day of the event, I don't know, man. I'm freaking out."
"The show is starting, everyone stand back from the wall," Jon declares.
"Crisis is just over four weeks away, so get ready for some epic build-up!"
"I know the 18th is going to be terrible, so try to remain calm."
"Celebrate with friends and family, prepare for the main event."
"I was shocked at the number of people looking at Becca, getting all dressed up."
"The draw is complete. It's coming up, it's coming."
"Preparing for the 500k merch drop and it's gearing up to be the best by far."
"The pre-prank nerves are starting to kick in."
"Last call, last call. Okay, roll in the intro!"
"All of the different props are starting to go up for HallowScream, they look amazing."
"Stephanie and Aaron were busily preparing for their wedding scheduled for the 11th Stephanie a perfectionist had spent months meticulously planning every detail."
"This team is really good for not having a DPS and we are going to need it for all the funny and interesting events this game has to offer because dear viewer."
"Advice number one: build your car, test drive your car well in advance of the event."
"People ask when it's going to be done and I say it's going to be done when the doors open to the public. Wherever we're at at that point is the finished product."
"It's just a little higher up, Lauren. Don't you attack her study your course maps till she's through the cars faster than Shaun."
"His costume so Jackson's costume ideas I have an idea I don't know if that's what we're gonna do but."
"Saturday is one of my favorite days of the year because you just know that everything's geared towards it." - Qualifying
"When you're opening an award show you need to look amazing and I think this outfit is show-stopping."
"Save keys as often as you can because saving keys is very, very, very important for when the two times rate draw event comes."
"During the event: 'Be a good indie dev and have all these essentials in your luggage, especially throat lozenges.'"
"Honestly, yesterday was a big relief. Like recently I've just been waking up feeling terrible in the morning, was so much stress preparing for the convention and getting all this stuff ready."
"To do well at this competition you need everything to be perfect."
"Everything will be ready and playable at the time of mint."
"We've spent all day today setting up, so bear with us."
"I want to look real nice for my death party."
"This is the moment before the boats take off. What's the answer?"
"We're officially ready to start getting this show on the road."
"I'm so excited to see what he's cooked up for us today!"
"well it's really early here at the tampa rv show but we wanted to get this unit in before the uh show starts and um i wanted to give andre a little bit of a break let her sleep in a little bit so she's all ready"
"There's literally been so much preparation into all of these mysteries."
"This just makes your skin like basically glow obviously want to Glow all we can today because we are going to an event."
"I've been wanting to charge you for my whole life, and on Saturday I'm gonna charge you like I've never charged you before."
"If it's a big event, it's a wedding, it's a birthday and you want to temporarily look a certain way for that event, I think it's a wonderful way to be able to achieve that."
"It's party day T-minus 5 hours before all of my guests arrive so it's officially time to start decorating this place cleaning up my house and finishing the last minute goodie preparations."
"We're making a poster that says 'Halloween is coming'."
"It's fingers crossed for a dry night tomorrow when the carnival procession starts."
"Rider technique, good battery management, fitness, and orientation skills are key for the event."
"The doors are going to open at 10 a.m., and like 20 minutes, so I thought I'd walk around and show you guys some stuff before there are huge crowds everywhere."
"We are setting up for the first look."
"We got up early to walk around and show you some of the trucks before the crowd gets here."
"We've finally arrived, we didn't get any hold-ups, it's taken an hour and 40 minutes, and we've come straight to the venue."
"We're pumped up for it; it's gonna be a lot of fun tonight."
"We got multiple parking spots, good security, be nice and safe."
"I'm going to have to do some sort of updo 'cause the back of the dress is like a whole moment."
"Get ready for this event, that way everything will be as safe as possible for everybody, including your neighbors."
"We're ready to rock and roll on the exterior lights, the concession window's up, boom, done."
"I'm going to be the one assisting you and getting ready for the big event that you have coming up tonight."
"I'm the type of person that is a perfectionist; I want everyone to have a good time, I need everything exactly right before I can sort of share it."
"The preparation of the Banju Hall has officially begun, which will bring together the very best."
"I'm super pumped to run Knick Knack tonight."
"It's a great opportunity to see what's involved in getting a show set up."
"Your layout here is where you set all of your props up, it's like a preview of your show on the screen."
"It's fight night, time to roll out, let's go!"
"She came onto the event on a mission."
"Oh yes, these girls are primed, there's gonna be a big crowd in here tonight and they're all ready for this one."
"It's very exciting backstage, that hub of activity, there's lots going on."
"The goal of today is to find a nice outfit to wear to the Crit Awards."
"I just started this one recently, in preparation for the unofficial official Stitch of the Queen City Stitch Retreat."
"We will respect the draft, we will dress up nice, we will have the whole thing, and there will be a grill cooking up some magic tonight."
"They say an army marches on its stomach; if that's true, they're going to be very busy in the tea room this weekend."
"They need to be groomed for the show on that day."
"Dress formally, jacket and tie at the very least, tuxedo if you have one."
"You're stunning; you're gonna blow everyone away tonight in the fashion show."
"Start drinking a lot of water the week before the event."
"It's the big day to record the reveal."
"It's time to turn the page and look at some of the storylines heading into this evening."
"I'm making a skirt for the Renaissance fair, and the skirt is basically a wearable quilt."
"Start saving money for Hawaii Con."
"Customer's gonna be happy too because they actually have a wedding this weekend and they wanted to wear this to the wedding."
"The auction is about to start and I do not want them to be late."
"I will definitely show you my dress the night of the event, I'm so so so excited."
"Melissa feels overwhelmed by the task of preparing for the ball event because she lacks confidence in her fashion sense and feels uneasy socializing with high society."
"Right folks, well we're just here getting set for Llama 2023."
"So right now we have the main backdrop done here, and you can see it looks pretty fabulous."
"This is a foundation routine that I would totally do for an event."