
Servant Leadership Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Monarchists understand that their role has changed. They are servants of the people."
"I am God's son, I am man's servant, and I am the devil's master."
"Your job as a leader, no matter your capacity... is to serve, serve, serve, serve. The word minister comes from the word minus; it literally means to make yourself less than so you can uplift other people."
"Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper... and washed his disciples' feet."
"Leadership is actually a servant's position if you're truly a great leader."
"Jesus clearly says the greatest among you will be a servant but there seems to be two types of leaders today those who lead for their own glory and those who lead for the glory of god."
"Politicians should be public servants, they should not be politicians."
"Teach them that it is very [important] to be a servant leader."
"Jesus demonstrated true humility... by washing his disciples' feet." - Jesus' demonstration of humility.
"The Lord refers to Joseph as 'my servant' 94 times. That's just interesting that He's trying to teach us how to become His servants."
"Money is a good servant; you want to put money to work."
"Jesus emptied himself by taking the form of a servant."
"Jesus girded himself with a towel and got down on his knees with a basin filled with water and washed their feet."
"We rule with the heart of a servant. Jesus, the king of all kings, is the one with the towel over his arm washing the feet of his own disciples."
"We get the most out of our work when we view ourselves as servants."
"Leadership is not a qualification on paper. Leadership is how well you serve, how well you can solve problems."
"We need to start electing servant leaders who can set aside their self-interest and ask what's best for our country."
"It's about your glory, it's not about our glory... we are merely vessels."
"Leadership is about serving the team, removing barriers that prevent progress."
"Harry Belafonte wasn't trying to be the leader of the movement. He said, 'I want to be of service.'" - Roland Martin
"He took the very nature of a servant... being made in human likeness."
"Jesus said, 'Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.'"
"The Scrum Master has to be a servant leader, facilitating and guiding the team."
"Scrum Master has to be a servant leader."
"Scrum Masters are servant leaders."
"Truly good leaders are not bosses but rather our servants; they see to the needs of those following them with compassion."
"Scrum master is a servant leader, a facilitator, and a protector of his teams from the outside world."
"Scrum Masters must be servant leaders, putting the needs of the team before their own."
"A servant leader has a totally and completely different mindset. A servant leader cares about the needs of people and puts their needs at the front of his or her mind."
"So, the number one characteristic for servant leadership: listening."
"Servant leadership is real, it's tangible, it's quantifiable."
"Jesus washed people's feet, held children, was in the nursery ministry, fixed breakfast for the disciples."
"Those who are greatest among you must be subject to those who are subject to you. In other words, you should be a servant leader."
"The picture they're painting there is that the Jesus of the scriptures was a servant and his followers are servants."
"You can never become a king in Christ Jesus until you become a servant first."
"Not so with you. Not in my kingdom, not in my ecclesia, not in my movement."
"A wise servant shall have rule over a son."
"You can do the impossible if you walk in the light and lead with a servant heart."
"It's always a joy for me to talk to folks about servant leadership because it's the only leadership approach I know where you're guaranteed to get great results and great human satisfaction."
"The servant part of servant leadership is you got to philosophically turn that pyramid upside down because now you work for your people."
"If you really want to make a difference in your organization, you want great results and great human satisfaction, go for servant leadership."
"Servant leadership is when the leader cares more about the good of the team than his or her own enrichment."
"If you lead for any reason other than to serve others, you will never be a great leader."
"Servant leaders love the hard stuff because they want to improve so they can serve others."
"Practice servant leadership by supporting and encouraging others in their endeavors."
"Let the young woman to whom I shall say, 'Please let down your jar that I may drink,' and who shall say, 'Drink, and I will water your camels'—let her be the one you have appointed for your servant Isaac."
"I'm a servant to the players, I always see myself as a servant to the players."
"It's just that kind of servant leadership."
"Being a flight attendant is about being a servant leader, not a boss."
"Being a manager is about serving people, not having them serve you."
"The servant part of servant leadership is philosophically turning the pyramid upside down because now you work for your people; your job is to help them live according to the vision and accomplish the goals."
"...a servant leader to me is the greatest leader."
"True leadership is servant leadership, not just dictatorial pontification but leading by example."
"The servant leader shares power, puts the needs of others first, and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible."
"Are you a servant leader? Are you coaching your team, being there to solve their problems, without any egos?"
"We need leaders who are primarily servant leaders who serve the higher purpose of the enterprise."
"I do believe in servant leadership, and since I've been serving the company and helping it to flourish, that helps give more authenticity when I talk about servant leadership."
"Servant leadership doesn't necessarily mean leading from behind, but it means devoting yourself to your people and you're there to serve them."
"The best Leadership Model in the world is the model of servant leader."
"Servant leadership begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first."
"The best test... is do those served grow as persons? Do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants?"
"It's all about being a servant, not a celebrity."
"In servant leadership, it is important that the leader sees him or herself as a servant first before he or she is a leader."
"When you walk in servant-leadership, your wounds can become somebody else's wisdom."
"When you walk in servant-leadership, your pain can become somebody else's medicine."
"In a world that's obsessed with status and position, make us servants of purpose."
"Being empathetic is one of the most important characteristics of a servant leader."
"A servant leader is to serve the team by removing impediments, supporting them, empowering them, bringing out the best of their ideas."
"Elisha was powerful because of serving, not because he was a leader."
"You're a servant to your employees, you're a servant to your customers, that's just business if you're a real businessman."
"This business of servant leadership is much bigger than any of us."
"Always take the lowly place, the place of pouring water for people to wash their hands."
"Let he who would be first be last; he who would lead, let him serve."