
Voting Encouragement Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"We are a few days away from the midterms... tell people to come vote."
"Vote and make sure anyone that you know makes your family members that's of all of the things that you can do right now."
"Please vote, especially if you're a Democrat because Democrats tend to not show up for midterms."
"Our voices are more powerful than we ever knew, so tell me, Georgia, are you ready to vote?"
"It's time to get up, stand up, speak up, and go and vote."
"However, instead of just tucking his tail between his legs, Chris tweeted this out: 'Now that I have your attention, vote November 3rd.'"
"Please vote. Vote early. Come up with a plan to vote."
"This is the most important election of your lifetime."
"We believe in our democracy, and here's what I'd like to say to everybody: vote, please vote, vote early, come up with a plan to vote."
"To keep this momentum going, to continue this incredible progress, to keep on winning, you have to vote Republican in November."
"If you live in a democratic country, go voting."
"The important thing is: please, please, please, vote."
"It was very formative for me to be bullied. I'm very thankful that I was bullied because it made me a better person."
"vote blue in 2024 that this like a boxing match don't leave it up to the judges you got to make sure that you have a knockout and that's what we need in 2024."
"But the first step, and I know this is going to be infuriating to hear, is for you to vote."
"I encourage every Christian and everyone listening to do their civic duty and go out and vote."
"Boom shakalak! Get your votes in till the boat comes in."
"Get your early votes in. This isn't the time to make that fight."
"I'm on bended knee begging you to please vote in the elections."
"Vote and make sure that you vote without even hesitating to vote."
"Must vote, must must must vote. No no two ways around it."
"For God's sake, there's an election November. Vote, vote, vote, vote."
"Don't let friends vote alone, grab a family member, grab a neighbor, grab a coworker and vote to re-elect President Donald Trump."
"If we vote like never before, we will elect Joe Biden, President of the United States."
"Vote for Joe Biden like your lives depend on it."
"I encourage everybody to vote, and that's that."
"Don't sit back, get your friends, get your neighbors, and everybody in your family. Let's get out the vote because we've got the numbers to do it for sure."
"Register to vote today. The deadline is in a few days. It takes a few minutes."
"Thank you to everyone for voting, regardless of which party you voted for."
"Please register to vote... make sure you're double-checking to make sure you are ready."
"Make sure you can vote, make sure you do vote."
"We once saw the stars, now we'll see fire. Vote Democrats, fight to see the next fight."
"Please, please, please, please guys, don't want to get all political on you but get out there and vote."
"The future of this nation is in your hands, young people."
"The only poll that matters is the poll on Election Day."
"Tomorrow's the day. You can go to vote.org to find out where you vote... Please do not miss the opportunity to make your voice heard in this very, very important election."
"If you knew how much was paid for your right to vote, you wouldn't mind standing in line."
"Everyone get out there and vote. You can do it. We have to give ourselves a chance to turn the page."
"Vote... it's the number one most important thing you can do." - Gen Brian II
"now is a good time to remind you guys go vote go over early if you can"
"Get involved, do not be discouraged, never stay home on Election Day."
"If you want to stop the destruction of our country and save the American Dream, you must go out and vote Republican in this giant red wave."
"Make sure you vote... that's really our only hope."
"Tomorrow is election day, y'all. Go out and vote."
"Speak up, speak out, get engaged, vote, vote, vote."
"Vote blue no matter who, yeah just get out and just keep voting Democrat just keep doing what you've been doing because it's been working out great hasn't it guys?"
"If any of my friends don't get out and vote, I am going to be so ashamed of you. I hope every single person watching the stream gets out and votes tomorrow."
"Vote for the thing that you think is going to make things better."
"Vote in person if you can, encourage others to vote in person, educate yourself about the rules of your state about how you're able to vote in person."
"We got the numbers to do this... Tell your neighbor to vote."
"Whatever you do, you know, just vote, vote your conscience, vote for America."
"Stick with it, make that plan to vote on Tuesday."
"Vote, vote, vote. If you have not voted yet, please do so on Election Day."
"I definitely think that you should be voting."
"There is only one way to preserve, protect, and defend the American way of life: you must show up on November 3rd."
"Listen, this is one of the most important elections in the nation."
"This is why voting is important, people! Pokémon go to the polls!"
"Let his defeat be overwhelming your one boy your one vote and your one voice does matter absolutely."
"Do your part and elect justice. Your voice and vote matters."
"It's the voting van, yes the voting van is here!"
"What if we use this opportunity to encourage people to vote, to make it easy for them to register to vote?"
"If you don't like the people in office, vote their asses out."
"Go vote, it literally does matter."
"Please vote, if you're an American. Happy election day!"