
Economic Principle Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The velocity of money is very important... small businesses... keep it circulating."
"Things are worth what people will pay for them."
"If there's less of the supply and the same demand, then the value should go up."
"Strong leadership... presence across America."
"Businesses exist to make a profit, not to lose money."
"The spending multiplier: when people spend, that becomes somebody else's income, and then people save a portion of that and they spend the rest."
"One person's gain is equal to another person's loss."
"The cure for high prices in commodities is no longer high prices."
"You want to own businesses that have pricing power."
"Money is just simply the byproduct of how much value you deliver in the world."
"There's nothing free in this world; you're the product."
"If you buy it, it becomes scarce, something happens that's going to go up in value."
"When there's more money than fools, asset prices go up; when there's more fools than money, asset prices go down."
"Money is power and he who has the gold makes the rules."
"As a friend of mine says, 'A rising tide lifts all boats.'"
"Volatility is going to be the order of the day."
"There's no value without labor. That's the reality."
"The value of everything is just what someone else is willing to pay you."
"There's definitely a law of diminishing returns."
"The more value you bring to people, the more money you make."
"The greater the demand, the greater the supply."
"It's worth more as a seed than it is for us as a sale because it's worth a hundred times when you sow it."
"Anything that is man-made we can produce more of it."
"When value exceeds price, price is no longer the issue."
"You literally have to spend money to make money."
"Money only creates wealth when it's combined with human labor."
"That's value. You don't stop value. Value always finds its way to happen."
"If you give it value, if enough of us give something value, it has that value."
"Businesses exist for only one reason: to make a profit."
"Recurring revenue is like compounding interest."
"Anything that can't go on forever will end." - Warren Buffett
"It's just economic physics. It just is what it is."
"You show me the incentive, and I will show you the outcome."
"One bitcoin equals one bitcoin. That's never changed."
"The amount of money we make is directly corresponded to the amount of value that we give the marketplace."
"Money, like an electrical current, needs to keep moving to retain its power."
"When there's competition, the consumer always wins."
"Ultimately, people should be paid based upon what they bring in, right? Eat what you catch."
"Sticker price does not always equal performance."
"You've gotta go for the rule of comparative advantage."
"A lack of supply causes an increase in demand."
"The more you build, the more the price goes down."
"Something is only worth as much as you're willing to pay for it. Absolutely 100%."
"Whatever you subsidize, you get more of; whatever you tax, you get less of."
"In economics, there is no such thing as a free lunch."
"It's not even necessarily rare it's just that that's what the demand it sustains you know that that value."
"Always go with demand. You can never create more demand."
"Every single thing can be turned into money."
"In every country it is always and must be in the interest of the great body of people to buy whatever they want of those who sell it cheapest."
"Time value of money is nothing, but the money available today is more than money available tomorrow."
"When you give, it's worship, but it also is God's economy."
"If the store lowers the price, the demand is most likely to go up."
"It's group economics, dog and sled. If we don't pull for each other, then there's trouble ahead."
"The law of demand: as the price of a good rises, buyers will choose to buy less of it, and as the price falls, they buy more."
"Competition breeds really good products."
"The law of diminishing returns is one of the most important concepts in economics."
"Profit maximizing firms will produce the quantity where marginal revenue equals marginal cost."
"A rising tide tends to lift all ships."
"Interest rates follow inflation, not the other way around."
"The more competition, the better for us as consumers."
"There is a supply for every demand."
"More is better states that if bundle A has at least as much of all goods as bundle B, and more of some good than bundle B, then A is preferred to B."
"Competition is good at the end of the day, more competition in the market is only a benefit for the consumer."
"To them that hath shall be given, to them that hath not shall be taken away."
"The law of diminishing marginal utility: the more of something that you buy, the less useful each additional unit becomes to you."
"It falls due to internal economies of scale and it increases due to internal diseconomies of scale."
"The good money drives out the bad."
"A 1% decrease in price would lead to a 2.6% increase in quantity demanded."
"Demand is greater than supply, the price will go up whether you like it or not; those are the laws of economy."
"It's a valid supply to demand flip."
"We want to look for and identify those significant supply and demand imbalances in a market."