
Character Build Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Everything becomes so valuable and your build feels so much better."
"If you're inclined to make a character that's more of a silver tongue devil, I'd suggest investing in speechcraft."
"This is how you get these builds that are absolutely crazy, that are maxed out and basically unkillable gods."
"Wow, man, it is a crazy build. Yeah, pretty overpowered, eh?"
"This build is one of the fastest clearing builds that I've ever seen."
"This is easily the most fun build I've played."
"Hurricane is fantastic on this build, I love this skill."
"Lupine ferocity gives us 60% increased damage while we're in grizzly rage."
"I love playing Fury not necessarily because arms is bad so just want to uh just mention that on the outset although I do think that this build right here uh may be the most powerful thing that you can do on a warrior at the moment."
"But yeah, if you've never tried main DPS Bennett, try it. It's fun."
"This build is incredibly strong, super tanky, consistently nasty damage... a perfect beautiful melding of offense and defense."
"This is an S-tier starter build, one of probably five."
"Jam everything into vitality and just buff your life up as you're going."
"Orc: Best in slot stamina damage race. Extra stamina, health, and weapon damage."
"Norman's health is pretty decent just because he got really good rolls and his constitution's good. Oh, I'm going for a no-hit run."
"For freeze Ganyu, we really only have to focus on two main stats: attack and crit damage."
"Borderlands 3 doesn't struggle at all with build diversity."
"You can make this character very useful for u9 farming and a lot of fun for u9 farming as well."
"Kindred can potentially benefit from the Infinity Edge blade and Black Cleaver Buffs."
"Hello there, I am now the no Terror radius Perma tier 4 Myers with instant Tombstone."
"This build is pretty much like making your Necromancer a shadow Mage with curses that essentially deals a ton of Shadow damage."
"Can never go wrong with two pale flame two blood stain."
"Energy recharge is a very valuable stat on her."
"Moving on to Brock, I'm gonna set up three meditates."
"Hope you learned a lot and you can now go and make a fun fury druid."
"Agility is just utterly fantastic and I will definitely be thinking about at some point moving my perks towards having access to both Blitz for 10 times sneak attack criticals."
"Feral rage: 104% lifesteal, basically life tap."
"One problem with lethality Fiora is tanks, but luckily our player does have a solution."
"You can push this build upwards into the tens of millions of DPS at very high levels of gear."
"You want him to survive a long time... Put him on vampire, ignore defense, and even if he doesn't have a tremendous amount of attack, as long as he has crit damage, he's gonna do fine damage."
"I just love the gameplay flow of that Druid build it felt so smooth."
"Udyr seems to be making good use of items that are good for him and that's pretty cool."
"This six seven build that I'm about to give y'all today is a nightmare to play against."
"This build is going to be a W, I think this is definitely the best guard build."
"A scourge arrow character has ended up being probably one of the most highly mitigated characters I've ever built."
"Building elemental mastery on Venti is really, really good now and beats out DPS build by a lot."
"The ultimate summoner build. I adore this build."
"Sometimes I know a lot of people actually build Fischl for physical damage, you know I'm kind of biased."
"Get ready for the big, big number: this is the DPS version, like I said, this is 1.1 million."
"For melee characters using fast weapons, this is practically overpowered."
"You almost have to go out of your way trying to die with this build."
"He's turned himself into the ultimate bad boy, the ultimate heel, and everyone is watching to see him get his ass whooped."
"The main things you need to know though are that cookies two in one Healer and Electro applier become much more valuable with the new danger reactions."
"If you manage to knock every once in a while I'm going to get a 2k auto tank."
"Quality build: can really use almost any weapon with it."
"I don't think I can prepare anyone for the flat out viciousness of having a three-hit combo with hyper armor behind a single button on a weapon with innate bleed."
"The elements build is kind of XD right now, no cap."
"Getting Dodge chance is actually very, very effective on the Rogue."
"Life and crit strike chance are the most important things to look for on your rings."
"Adcs are in a very strong spot right now, play a crit hunter in adc every single game."
"Stealth archer combo like if you throw a puppet master we've got a puppet master build that was really focused around illusion and conjuration but if you want to throw conjuration onto a stealth archer bound bow and then summons."
"This build is absolutely ridiculous... it's amazing at everything other than your signs needing to be limited to quen as your stamina should be reserved for Rend and whirl."
"Nice build, man. I respect. Okay, nice build. That's really cool. You have a really cool build."
"Bone Spirit hits for like five plus million damage every single hit with this build."
"Focus for faster charges and any kind of damage, affinity, and sharpness boosting skills."
"Cooldown reduction is really important... life on kill... armor and health... the symbiotic aspect... is really important for this build."
"Kaia is great and definitely a unit worth building."
"This build is going to be an expert with massive fists and massive guns and is perfect for anyone wanting your real shoot-'em-up Brotherhood of Steel play through."
"No matter the cost the Paladin is going to moonwalk into the wasteland with nine strengths one perception five endurance one charisma nine intelligence one agility and two luck."
"This build is an absolute blast to play with and no matter what season it is, this build will always be extremely strong."
"Lethal tempo is such a good rune for Nocturne because of the way the passive works."
"Berserker Greaves are so important because the whole strategy revolves around attack speed."
"When you pair a high arcane stat with a weapon that not only causes bleed buildup but also scales its damage with your arcane stat, your damage will be lethal to any who stand in your way."
"This build is six one, I will get mismatch expert on pure locks guarding me."
"It's not just about how you play, it's about your build. You need the best."
"My recommended badges for this type of build."
"She is amazing for clear speed and a great magic fighting character."
"This is what we’re gonna turn Yasuo into, an obnoxious diver, almost unkillable, knocking and slowing everyone, while still unleashing a decent amount of damage."
"This build will be getting the intimidation perk, fitting well with the past skills of this build."
"For your weapon, you would want something with energy recharge, so a Sacrificial Bow or a Favonius Warbow can be very nice on her."
"Annie shouldn't be building overly defensive. Otherwise, you're gonna find yourself being really confused about how to operate in the game, you're gonna do no damage, people are gonna ignore you, there's no point staying alive if you do no damage."
"So if you look at your abilities, getting extra levels of ice armor, it just boosts the barrier amount and that's cool but it doesn't reduce the cooldown, it's always 20 seconds."
"I hope you've all enjoyed this breakdown of my Earthling Landslide poison creeper pop and build."
"I wanted to show you guys my build, my maxed-out build, best artifacts, best everything so you guys could play him at his maximum potential."
"Overall given this builds ability to turn any melee character into a main crowd dps capable of crushing the current abyss 12."
"Once holy fire skill is at level 20... go for resist fire and salvation... a comprehensive guide on how to assign your stats early on."
"We're taking a single level of death cleric here."
"This is literally an unkillable way to play sorcerer."
"Crit is actually one of the better stats for a holy paladin and you actually can get a crit proc on a zamlord troll so I think it's fine."
"I realized that electro damage on Lisa is all well and good, but if you really want her to hit, it's got to be the Berserker set for crit rate, crit damage, and attack."
"So say the least though this is in my opinion the strongest mob clear build and highest survivability build for Necromancer currently."
"Honestly necro mage vampire is a combo essential to any overpowered build."
"For Sucrose's artifact stats, prioritize elemental mastery on the main stats and substats."
"I cannot explain how broken this build actually is for Vayne."
"The bard is in god-tier multi-class option giving you expertise at level one and also there are subclasses for nearly everybody."
"Welcome to D4, the show where each week we take a deep dive into one specific character build for Dungeons and Dragons."
"It's difficult to be more effective than an evoker when it comes to a character focused on area of effect damage spells."
"We wound up just pumping ourselves full of Charisma and began the journey."
"Blade singer 2.0 regains their title as the best single target sustained damage dealing character that I've built to date."
"What really surprised me, especially was just how much sustained DPR (damage per round) the character build could actually put out."
"I'm going to build a monkey monk, a monkish monk, a monk's monk."
"If you want to play a character who is about as strong a healer as you can possibly be but still be able to pump out about as much damage as a dedicated damage dealer, then you're going to enjoy this particular pathfinder character build. Welcome to D4."
"...since we're a cleric, we will naturally have some really fantastic Support options to boot meaning we get to do my favorite thing with a support character - heal, buff, protect our allies while bringing down the wrath of the righteous upon the unworthy."
"...I really like the skill feat that it offers with field medic. With field medic, we get training in the medicine skill and the Warfare lore skill and then learn the battle medic skill feat."
"Luffy doesn't usually wear much armor and he's all about his punches and kicks so it should be absolutely no surprise that we're gonna start with monk."
"The Wolverine is perhaps the most effective intimidation build in the game."