
Societal Conflict Quotes

There are 305 quotes

"The White Walkers are an allegory for climate change. While everyone with power is occupied in their own petty little conflicts, the larger more existential threat goes unanswered."
"Perhaps we really are in some kind of civil war, or at least a precursor to it."
"One value system is going to have to triumph, and one value system is going to have to lose. There is no neutrality in this particular battle."
"The real battle of our time is not between pluralists and zealots; it's between people who believe there are in fact eternal, transmitted truths and people who do not."
"The Creational Power of Words and how important they are in this 'war of words' we're currently experiencing."
"People are always going to be in conflict. Again, very interesting idea for a game."
"There is a war going on and no great society can survive the destruction of its own culture."
"We are so divided that political violence is in the air and is becoming acceptable."
"I think it makes things a lot worse if we're gonna hate each other for [ __ ] sake."
"This country is on the verge of being ripped apart."
"Storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches because when it hits you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us."
"The culture war issue of our time is whether you think your neighbor is a bad person."
"The potential U.S. descent into violence: Mutual suspicion and even dissolution."
"It's like vax on vax violence is what it is."
"I get hate letters every day from white brothers and sisters who are mad I'm teaching their children."
"It's a new age of Darkness, a new age of strife."
"Every time I see those comments, it lets me know it reaffirms why I am in this fight because it is a fight of good versus evil."
"Just be kind to people because we are in a versus state."
"The culture of free speech in this country is under attack."
"What I worry about is a decision by people who want to win a culture war to say, actually, we're going to give up on that, we're just going to level it as hard and often as we can, and that'll show them."
"There's a direct attack on Truth taking place right now."
"They plan to fight back folks grow a pair and get ready to fight back."
"We've got to stop attacking people for everything."
"It's white versus black because it's an election year... There's no race war going on right now."
"When a fight is over who has access to power, who deserves the necessities of life, and who gets shut out from these things, people will fight and die for their beliefs."
"We've abandoned all notion of any kind of Truth, and now it's just simply a battle of Spin and narratives."
"This was like a lynch mob from people who have political inks and issues with people who have a little bit more conservative esque views."
"White supremacy is at war with us, and we're at war with their propaganda organ, the media."
"Self-autonomy, control, and free will are concepts that seem to always be clashing with society."
"They're literally on the side of the people who are burning books."
"I don't see how we bring factions back together when they're this bitterly divided."
"When you're in the middle of a perpetual outrage machine, at some point the mob wins."
"The most terrifying thing is realizing that actually I'm no longer refereeing a contest between two sides."
"I'm very white-pilled that the good guys will win because they're so ridiculous."
"We really are right now in a fight between good and evil."
"The divide at the heart of the American identity causes us to struggle because there's part of each of us that wants to be the individualist, the rugged individual, pursuing our version of the American dream."
"Trump is defending a white supremacist who murdered two people in cold blood."
"About half of both Republicans and Democrats view the other side as enemies threatening their entire way of life."
"People don't want to comply with what they view as an infringement."
"Freedom is losing out in the tension between security and freedom."
"We are engaged in a spiritual war, it's battling over that capital as we speak."
"If you keep calling the truth racist, ultimately the Huck Finns of this world, the Americans of this world, the true Americans are going to say, 'All right then, I'll be racist, because it's worth it to speak the bloody truth.'"
"It's the people who lean away from culture war fights who end up losing."
"If you're black in this country and you don't know you at war right now then you are mentally lost."
"Working Class People standing up against tyrannical government are being called terrorists."
"Some people are traditional and conservative, some people are liberal and progressive. Nobody benefits under the current system, so we have to awaken to the illusion of our conflict."
"You're the problem if you're willing to strip others of their rights under duress."
"Fed up with every time that there's an incident like this that the black community yells out and screams racism."
"It's a fight between individualism and identity politics."
"I just don't understand how we're going to keep squabbling and fighting over the most basic human rights ever."
"I think this is good news regular people we're trying to win this is the information war of the fifth generational conflict that we're facing the cold civil war you can say we're in the recruiting phase."
"Remember this as long as you live: Whenever you meet up with anyone who's trying to cause trouble between people... he's a rotten American himself. Not only a rotten American, but a rotten human being. Don't ever forget that!"
"You're scared of the riots? I hope you're ready for more. And it'll be your fault."
"The two party system is working perfectly because we're all at each other's throats."
"The fight is top to bottom right now in America. It's not left to right."
"Ambition corrupts the future and harmony shatters in the flames of turmoil."
"They knew they lost, so this is a very, very cathartic moment, I suppose. It finally feels like you can fight back against the Machine when they're trying to destroy your life."
"We're addicted to being offended by each other... we woke up this morning here in the greatest country in the world and it still is."
"Who gains from us being at each other's throats? It's not America."
"You only need to study history to understand how these things end it never ends well for the groups who are trying to push something that the people simply do not want."
"Stop this crap, stop all the stupid race baiting."
"People cannot agree to disagree anymore. It's immediate like, 'You disagree with me, you're a bad person, I hate you.'"
"The connection between the domestic conflict and the foreign conflict is indissoluble."
"Prepare for more social conflict, prepare for cyber wars, political systems will fail."
"The libs find excuses to destroy people who question their agenda and who threaten their power."
"Maybe we can get Beyond these institutions Wars lies escalate in tension and despair."
"We do not want Civil War we do not want that kind of horror no question about that."
"People are afraid but they're also so committed to individual justice that they'll fight tooth and nail to gain it at the expense of others."
"The struggle for justice isn't a tribal struggle between different colored people; it's a struggle between classes."
"I think a lot of what we're seeing right now is on on one level sort of a spiritual or energetic battle in a sense"
"People are looking for a reason to be angry, a reason to hate people."
"You can't fight back, and we began to see this accelerate in 2020 during the BLM Riots."
"Cities burning, rioting in the streets, vigilante shooting protesters, and culminating with a literal Insurrection on the US capital because the guy at the top set a tone that turned Americans against each other."
"It's not just we the people in America, this is we the people all over the entire world. This is the battle between the tiny tiny portion of really bad people at top and the rest of us at the bottom."
"We're unwilling or unable to have conversations with people because everyone is looking at different tribes as an existential threat."
"Regardless of who's right or wrong, both sides are pointing at each other saying 'arrest that person.' That's how you know we're getting dangerously close to a legitimate civil war."
"I think it's a damn shame that something like a vaccine has become a political ideological issue."
"White supremacy always takes both sides of an issue."
"The president is openly supporting white supremacy; time to get on board and fight the real enemy guys."
"It's not about progressivism versus conservatism. It's about civilization versus anarchy."
"This culture war bickering and you know, the constant escalation of cultural and political issues is an excellent distraction for the people to keep us fighting each other instead of going after the machine that's keeping everybody down."
"These woke thugs are not people who have gone too far. This is evil, this is wickedness, this is deviant, this is child-destroying, career-destroying ness, and I will not compromise with them and nobody can."
"When you do that, any parent doesn't go along with this is now going to be targeted for destruction."
"It wasn't burnt down because people were mad at the police, it was burned down because the police were mad at the people."
"We need to be prepared to defend ourselves, as peace doesn't keep itself."
"It'll be a war by Society against these Powers, the whole of democracy trying to defend itself."
"The fight will always continue. That fight is not between the left and the right; that fight is between basically greed and humanity."
"This country is just becoming extremely divided."
"The culture is trying to silence us, the culture is trying to shut us down."
"Divide and conquer is well understood as a core strategy for winning, this is dividing us very finely."
"The collective West is trying to split our society, speculating on the combat losses, on the socioeconomic consequences of the sanctions, provoking a civil confrontation in Russia and using its fifth column to achieve its goal."
"We're going to make everything political in a fight."
"Graduate Elite who hold values that are simply very different from the values that are held by millions of people out there."
"It's the people versus the political class, the ruled versus the rulers."
"We are very much entering one of the worst periods of strife this country has ever seen."
"This wasn't an insurrection or an isolated movement, this was a civil war."
"This will always be our struggle to fight against those who are ignorant or intentionally lying."
"Standing up against evil is the most selfish thing in the world."
"If working Americans are too busy fighting with one another, we'll never address the very real problems our country faces."
"Both sides are telling the other side that they're bad."
"This is an existential struggle over what life will look like in the 21st century."
"How many of you are still in denial that we are in a cold civil war, a fourth and fifth generational conflict for the soul of the nation and the future of this world?"
"The links that we're going to to try and screw over trans people, just in general, just all across the board, they're doing anything they can to screw them over."
"They're angry that these black kids are not going to their schools."
"I don't think we're moving toward a civil war. Who would have the stamina to fight the civil war?"
"It's a spiritual war first, but it's a natural war because you're being murdered."
"We're engaged in a white supremacist war that has been amplified."
"We're entering a political system where one side thinks they need to own the other side."
"We are living through a crisis of trust as we're beginning to relate to each other not as opponents but as enemies."
"The real divide of what happened at the Capitol is chaos versus order."
"Strong men get cancelled, fired, when they speak, you send your lawyers after them. Talk to Sandman about that."
"Republic City stands as a beacon of freedom but the equalists are using that freedom to tear it down."
"There's a direct attack on Truth taking place right now and I think that's why people are getting so aggravated."
"This is frankly an attack on the First Amendment."
"If the left wants the right banned, well, if you don't, the left leaves. So what do you do?"
"Far more than a simple war between Crescent and Cross... the conflicts that eventually became known as Crusades were more akin to a struggle between settled and nomadic peoples."
"We're at war, people, and whether you want to believe it or not, the New World Order along with their evil master the devil and his demon thugs are at your doorstep."
"We can't have a democracy if we're just fighting among ourselves all the time."
"What are forces that will unite us and what are illegal forces that will destroy us?"
"Civil unrest is almost inevitable at this particular point in time."
"We need to stop the risk of civil war and deeply fragmented societies."
"School privatization, like the others I talked about in the book, are all extremely effective wedge issues that ultimately cause us to fight with each other for scraps."
"Will we sit idly by or will we stand and be counted in this epic battle for the greater good?"
"At its core, it's about hate—hatred for a secular society that in their eyes almost destroyed them."
"Humanity is in a race between revolution against the status quo power structures and the ubiquity of armed police units."
"Empires are both a reflection of human nature and exist in conflict with it."
"Everybody believes only what they believe and everybody else... both sides are saying that the other side is completely wrong."
"It's definitely a war going out here, freedom of speech, honey, is not so free."
"When they break it this time, it ain't gonna be no civil rights movement to help you keep it together."
"White men will pay you to go into battle led by your women and your children."
"Here is a state that has a huge potential that is grounded in religion and every one of these edifices is under attack for the benefit of a few."
"It's a bad place we're getting to as a society where you don't just disagree with someone, you want them dead."
"You're either with the people or you're with that mob, it's pretty clear-cut."
"Whenever there's civil unrest, whenever there's a larger conflict, whether internal or external, it usually is fostered because of economic instability and chaos."
"The other side are essentially flat earthers and they're winning in spite of that."
"We shouldn't seek to find common ground with insurrectionists."
"Human beings define themselves along the lines they are willing to fight for."
"If the opinion is substantially different from this draft, then we will know that the libs have succeeded at pressuring and threatening violence."
"We're at a point where a lot of people are talking about wanting a civil war, and they don't understand how bad it will be."
"We're not in a political battle, this is a spiritual battle."
"It is utterly despicable that you have a political party in America, the Maga Republican party, that is treating terrorists insurrectionists like Heroes."
"The mere mention of certain truths stirs up rage in mainstream society."
"We're already in a civil war, it's the information war."
"Stop bullying and patronizing the silent majority or they will rise in terrible revolts."
"The challenge of our time is a struggle between those who follow the rules and those who recognize no rules at all."
"There's a fundamental battle between those who have sided with humanity and those that have decided to be against humanity."
"People don't like us because we're into freedom."
"The crazies of the left are fueling The Crazies of the right."
"The culture war will not be fought on the physical battlefield. Instead, it will be fought on the digital plain where words are as devastating as heavy artillery."
"Please be aware that there are people, if you do go out to protest, that are okay with you never living again, with you never being able to see your friends and family again."
"We're in New Territory and new ground here in our country where Americans long ago Christians had the home field advantage in America that's long gone but now we're fighting an enemy territory again."
"If you don't actually investigate the claims made then you are going to end up with half the country pitted against half the country."
"A chilling Civil War trailer sees America ripping itself apart."
"They hate that because they continue to create a picture of people who love Jesus as literal terrorists."
"There's this pervasive problem of white supremacy and that nooses are being left around every black guy's house—none of which is happening. It's all fake."
"You can never appease the mob... until the destruction of America is complete."
"The end of the Soviet Union was somehow an American plot."
"Who killed Malcolm? Are they trying to rip open the wound again and have us fight each other again?"
"Lots and lots of people profoundly and earnestly disagree with the pro-life side."
"Leftists are trying to undermine the celebration."
"I think the war against misinformation must supersede the war against all other things."
"This isn't about unity. This is about subjugation."
"Secession is an approach you take when you have irreconcilable differences."
"Dear white supremacy, you're pure evil. War of the Heart, available worldwide December 1st."
"I am not telling you uh to lose your job I'm telling you that this is the war you have been chosen to fight that's what I'm telling you I'm telling you this is the fight that we're in."
"Stop tearing yourselves apart. You may not like the style, but the people doing this are doing God bless you genocide."
"Politics are divisive and all across the world has taught us anything is that people really disagree politically and it doesn't matter how right you think you are there's always going to be a sizable opposition to you."
"One group of people hates our country so much that they're willing to risk their lives to destroy it."
"The systemic racism narrative is all about getting people to rebel against the system and apparently justify doing so in violent ways."
"That's the promise of equality right but then came this radical anti-science anti-reality movement."
"We've been told that they're out to kill us all."
"Institutions are attacking people, especially when it comes to the way of life."
"Womanism has turned our society into a bit of a battle of the sexes, I'm not on their side or anything, I'm just pointing out that we're currently in a sort of us against them mentality."
"It's us against them, not Republicans against Democrats. That's yesterday, baby."
"The fight goes on. These people aren't going away."
"Society is fragmented and full of conflict. The fantasy: people can come together in a mystical union of souls."
"So, in my opinion, the fake news is what makes us fight, and if you fix the fake news, extremism would disappear. It would disappear."
"The left...peace and love...unless you're Republican...then they want blood."
"Legalizing the use of race in deciding who is admitted to schools of higher learning has caused enormous conflict in our society."
"He's a fascist and this is textbook fascism you know assists against fair supremacist is gonna lose do this absolutely the premises or the news Fox then white woman the areas then white biker gangs ain't [ __ ] the police ain't bullshittin."
"There's a very anti-working-class sentiment on the left."
"I think it's a war back and forth and we're losing just because you know the left's a minority but they're in power."
"A double standard of justice: one for the January six protesters, a totally different one for the left-wing riders."
"We're seeing riots as we speak, riots going on in Minnesota and many other cities, and you see people fighting with cops, hitting cops, jumping on police cars."
"We're in a war, a war for the 99 versus the one percent."
"It's amazing if you stop and think about it. It's the dumbest thing to argue about."
"If we become what they are, ultimately we lose because I think this is a spiritual battle at its core."
"Turn critical race theory from a minor occupation of academics... into the most intense and enraged public debate..."
"Instead of empowerment... they need the conflict."
"Things are going to get very very nasty in the country."
"It's not going to be a bloody conflict or a riot in the streets. The real war is a slow steady march to destroy all dissent."
"People don't realize that when you try to take from the rich, they'll find a way not to be taken from."
"Don't you see that the democrats and the liberals and the media and academia and big tech don't you see that they like evil they prefer evil they think good people should just bend over and die at the hands of paroled evil."
"Evangelicals filled with the Spirit are hated, but it's not going to happen."
"They've declared war on the American people."
"These white nationalists are determined to rule or ruin."
"I'm tired of seeing people like your family being treated as the enemy."
"We're going to have a struggle for the soul."
"There are people who don't like reality and then there's people who are waging a war against reality, not merely denying it. They're waging a full-scale Normandy invasion on reality."