
Player Involvement Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"We want to develop this game with players from day one."
"40% of playtime with in-game tools in Creative goes to creative Islands."
"Players are very active throughout the entire design process."
"Tabletop role-playing game is not supposed to be a solitary endeavor. It is not solely up to the game master or keeper to create a fun experience; players should meet the GM halfway."
"The End's boss fight knows what a duel is and goes all out with it. It has so many variables in it that this fight is basically what you make it."
"Players will uncover the fate of the Black Pearl and its crew, and players will take part in an epic battle against a familiar Sea of Thieves enemy in ways never seen before."
"Games like Elden Ring can call us as players into the creation of art."
"FF14 is more customizable. It's because as someone who likes to play the game a lot and has that time on their hands I can actually tweak and eventually change the UI to be precisely what I want."
"I genuinely believe we could not make 'Rogue Legacy 2' without the support of the community."
"DeSean Jackson, they're going to get him more involved."
"Legitimately and are currently beefing with each other big time over the Skyrim civil war."
"The key to a good video game story is allowing players to become a part of it."
"Encourage players to bring their creativity to the game by allowing them to shape artifacts."
"The mystery component of Firewatch really isn't much about Henry; you're the one putting in the footwork."
"We did make it with modding in mind so players and modders alike can introduce some of the features into the game master."
"Tonight, the suspect list is in your hands. Can you figure out who killed Bugsy Siegel?"
"Songs of Conquest is sounding extremely ambitious with a closed alpha coming soon, supposedly apart from building up your kingdom and raising armies it sounds like battles are actually commanded directly by you as the player."
"Overall, I felt like I could spend hours just theory crafting builds."
"All of my concerns about the game and all my frustrating situations about the game, it all stems from an interest in the game and interest in the franchise."
"Having you know hundreds of other players and you guys being able to be involved in it I thought would be super cool."
"I normally wouldn't consider this feature as part of a list like this but the player base has been so vocal about their desire to have liberated babies."
"Cutscenes are the easy way out, but it takes true talent to let the playing mechanics themselves involve the player in the emotion or message."
"There's gonna be some incredible customizations."
"I'm so very excited for this project. Any ideas that you have for things that we'd include inside of the Nether hub, please be sure to let me know."
"I think this entire game is that where Ellie is making the choices I want I don't want her to make but I'm along for the ride with her."
"Such an iconic pioneer MMO... run better by players than the developers."
"We saw a significant uptick in the number of players and time spent within Crucible."
"Players should become true stakeholders of their games."
"The way the gameplay and plot intertwine actually gets you involved in the Rivalry with Nemesis in three making the resolution exciting and impactful."
"At the end of the day you're the ones that you're the ones are out here playing Fortnite being a part of the family enjoying the game and we love seeing that passion."
"For there to be lore at all, the spawn of the player is a requirement."
"Player input is critical. If you incorporate the players and their feedback into the story correctly, it should be pretty easy for the DM and player to wrap up their character stories."
"I actually get to equip gear in this challenge now."
"Halo is special because unlike most other games, the communities within Halo big or small all play a role in elevating the franchise beyond what its creators are capable of doing."
"I've played almost 10 hours of awesome blood content."
"You're of no use to the game if you never talk, you never give info, and under discussion, don't vote, skip your vote."
"This is one of the best times to give your input to CIG as they're still tweaking it right now in the PTU and will be for some time."
"An 'emergent story' is when a narrative becomes clear to the player, but it wasn’t written or planned that way."
"Dungeon Master's love when players involve them in the character creation process."
"The race the world first seen in MMOs has been growing for over a decade and it's something I'm thankfully a big part of."
"It's a long way to go, have a look at this from Dortmund, Haaland involved in everything."
"Turns are so fast and the longest turn is when the break happens."
"Let's go, guys! Hit some buttons if you got hit with the crossed up LL, talk to me everybody!"
"Fallout New Vegas... involves the player in that philosophical discourse."
"The economy in Star Citizen is not player-led; it is player-involved, with planets responding to what is happening economically."
"This game's crazy, they got you doing everything in here."
"Hopefully both Mount and Amrabat are involved."
"Players should never be isolated from action or allowed to simply go into autopilot."
"All this cool [__] you see going down, that's all player controlled."
"It makes you think about decisions which you kind of ignore in most games."
"Just get their community side straight because the community is what makes the game."
"So American volunteers now properly summoned all copies. Power recognition now has two armor."
"The game has plenty of critics citing the lack of actual player involvement."
"It's working out great for both managers tonight because they are able to get a lot of players involved in the game, and that can be important in championship series play."
"I enjoy former players getting tied back into the franchise and the programs that they kind of helped create and build."
"You've got to maintain your focus even when you're not getting a lot of opportunity to be a part of the game."
"The next design goal was to make the AI in Halo interactive."