
Health Optimism Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The vaccination, the immunity status now, will be better obviously than a month ago."
"I think we're going to have a vaccine in the pretty near future."
"Fewer side effects after the third dose... remarkably encouraging news."
"Vaccine may be rolled out earlier with positive data."
"You're not doomed to that condition." - Dr. Ken Berry
"We're going to have a vaccine, better treatments, and protocols."
"This thing is over for the people who are vaccinated."
"There is a lot of hope that this virus is not as dangerous as it has been shown to be."
"And yes, we can win the war on cancer: we have the information right now in the studies that show the body is protective against cancer."
"Everyone that's getting infected now is developing natural immunity, and to me, that is a very promising development."
"Words have power. If I got corona, I'ma say I ain't got it 'cause in Jesus' name I'm not claiming anything over my life with negativity."
"Immunity to SARS coronavirus 2 is going to be long lasting immunity."
"My bet is we're going to be pretty good for years. My other bet is if you have the vaccine and any of the variants, you are what some people are calling super immunity."
"Sweden may be the smartest of all... Sweden may have beat this thing."
"Our people are feeling good about therapeutics and possible vaccines."
"Maybe the idea is using technology so we're healthier."
"Now the good news is every successive infection which you can get it over and over again now has progressively gotten more mild."
"Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable; it's not inevitable."
"Goodbye, COVID-19! Eradicate the disease, we could please wipe out!"
"But it does show that medical science is getting there."
"This disease called cv19 will be over much sooner than you think."
"Advancements in medicine will ultimately defeat cancer and other incurable diseases, thus significantly elevating the longevity of human life."
"The vaccines that we have are absolutely fantastic."
"Most people will be mildly affected, so someone might be unwell for a week and feel a bit weak for a week after that and then we're expecting them to make full recoveries. So that is good news."
"We're closer than ever to declaring our independence from a deadly virus."
"Hopefully we'll start to see some decline very shortly."
"Certainly we can say it's going to become much less serious as immunity reasons we can say that for sure."
"This will extend the lifeline of people that are here on earth so you know we'll see people living much more normally out into the early 100s and even a little beyond."
"Aging is thought to be a losing battle, but it doesn't have to be."
"Studies suggest it's possible to reverse atherosclerosis, challenging previous beliefs."
"Omicron outcompetes all other variants... this spells the end of the covid crisis."
"You can feel well again without medication, without drugs."
"The body is a miraculous self-healing machine... it's never too late."
"A wave coming in late April could be a good sign if heat does kill the coronavirus."
"But I've got news, my guest today says that that line of thinking is completely bogus, in fact, he believes that not only can this dreaded disease be prevented and I certainly agree with him but it can be reversed."
"Getting older does not have to mean getting sicker."
"I just can't tell you how much my heart sings to say maybe maybe Larry's kidneys won't end up like my dad's."
"Science is evolving, we could one day have a cure for HIV."
"I believe that many of these issues are reversible."
"People will live longer because they're in the absence of the disease."
"The diseases that I treat will go away. There'll be no more obesity, no more type two diabetes, no more rheumatoid arthritis, no more constipation."
"We will cure obesity, we will cure cancer, we will eradicate polio."
"Just because you get diagnosed with those things doesn't mean that you're stuck with it for the rest of your life."
"If you put your tissue in a good position and there's nothing too damaged in terms of the natural anatomy there, there's every reason you deserve to feel good long term."
"Together, let's embrace a healthier future with confidence and knowledge."
"We're now in a golden age of vaccines."
"I'm optimistic for longer-term immunity as we move into endemicity."
"Good outcomes really are possible with both fusion and replacement."
"Most of these symptoms are actually really treatable."
"How effective these vaccines are in the general healthy population is extremely good news for blood cancer patients."
"Please don't discount the advances in medicine to potentially increase your life expectancy."
"We can cure well over 90% of breast cancers and well over 95% of prostate cancers."
"The good news about hypothyroidism is that there is a solution to the problem and it is a natural solution."
"Health is happening and it's here, 2023 is going to be great."