
Mountain Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"The highest mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons on Mars."
"Once part of a mountain breaks off, nothing can stop the destructive force of the falling rock."
"A wicked mountain, its frozen peak looming high."
"The Matterhorn is one of the most famous mountains on the planet."
"Lake Baikal: Oldest lake on the entire planet, thought to be 25 million years old."
"There's an infamous mountain here called Mount Cristobal... locals call it the Devil's Mountain for a reason."
"This drone made a chilling Discovery after spotting this on the side of a mountain... some sort of rock art, a carving of someone or maybe a god."
"Just something that you won't see and you can also do like hikes up to Versus, which is actually not that high of a mountain."
"Everest today stands as the highest place on planet Earth."
"A graphic illustration then of how narrow mountain straight is."
"If you can carry it to the top of the mountain, you may find what you were looking for in the first place."
"Beautiful trails and roads up high in the mountains above Tilbuch, which is the playground today for stage three of the absolute epic."
"That's a beautiful mountain breakfast right there, ladies and gentlemen."
"The reason why the mountain feels insurmountable is because you've convinced yourself that it's too late. That's the only reason why it feels insurmountable."
"Nanga Parbat: Known as 'Killer Mountain'."
"As of now, the only thing we can all say with certainty is that an SOS sign on the side of this mountain saved the lives of two men from Tokyo in 1989."
"It's a nice little trick, you can do, we'll take this and wrap this one around, so just that easy, we just wrapped that old mountain around, that easy."
"Whosoever will say unto this Mountain be removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart."
"Running off a mountain with zillions of people from all over the world uh peacefully screaming their lungs out at one Rider and all of it in peace are goosebumps."
"Look at that now that is a freaking mountain."
"I also feel like that this feels like a real public transport place but not a real one like actually like that's the peak of umate. Highest mountain on Coruscant? That's really cool. That's the highest point on... Yeah, that's really cool actually. I really like that."
"A bone-chillingly cold morning to be hiking up and down steep mountain ridges."
"Thanks to the plethora of boot packs and five Alpine bowls you've got 3,486 acres to shred yourself silly on."
"If you want to see who's big, just look at one of my creation, the mountain."
"Northstar may be good if you want a mountain that has normal below tree-lined terrain, is naturally resistant to wind holds, and has a reliable early season snow base."
"We made it to the top of Bald Mountain in about an hour and a half. The view from 9,000 feet up was absolutely incredible."
"I think last time I was able to look at mountain weather forecast, it was saying for tonight that it would be 40 to 50 mph gusts."
"There's only a sacred emerald of immense size at the top of the mountain."
"A hole in the wall in the most literal sense, the hole at Oro de Jar is a hole on the side of one of Spain's Sierra de Guara mountains."
"K2 is really the Mountaineers mountain."
"Oh, and bravo on the food. Nothing like mountaintop fish on a hot day!"
"Reaching the summit of a mountain... cannot be achieved in any other way."
"After ye and the others safely made it to the top of the mountain, Everest began to hum to call his family."
"A lot of heavy hitters who have been to the top of the mountain before."
"I need to drive a motorbike in the mountain under the stars."
"Imagine being the person that lives at the bottom of the mountain."
"This mountain especially overnight was bitterly cold."
"I desperately tried to bring him back, to remind him what mountain we were on, what we were doing there."
"K2 is the world's second highest peak after Mount Everest."
"However, if you're adventuring off road into more technical, mountain terrain, then you really need to be looking at a full suspension bike."
"This region is also known for its local food produced right here on the mountain."
"There's something magical about that mountain."
"Speak to your mountain and it will be done for you."
"It's so nice to breathe this fresh Mountain Air after a month in India and Bangladesh."
"The best tree skiing mountains make for some truly unforgettable experiences."
"To go to the mountains and think that you don't suffer is to not have understood anything, the mountain is a teacher of life, it tends to be the one that teaches us many things."
"You can destroy your mountain here by changing the angles, and we don't want to do that. Look at that, that easy, we got a happy little mountain."
"The little town was nestled in the mountains."
"At the end of it all, the racers found that the greatest challenge was against the mountain itself."
"...this city is built into a mountain."
"...the city is Walled in and also walled in by the mountain."
"Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world."
"We're on top of the tallest mountain in England."
"There's a pretty fun sense of camaraderie when you head down a mountain and you see people struggling up the mountain just like you were doing like 10 minutes ago."
"The rock became a great mountain and it spread over the entire earth."
"I love this fresh mountain air, this crisp, you know, like autumn kind of late autumn wintry air, I just love it, and it feels so clean."
"The mountain is holy mountain, no doubt."
"The evidence points to this mountain as the place where God's words were put to stone."
"Far away its dark head in a torn cloud, there loomed the mountain."
"They've all had visions of this mountain."
"What's the tallest mountain in the world? It's Mount Everest, it's 29,035 ft tall."
"Oh, this is an epic day on the mountain. The skier's art is awesome, killer views, tons of fresh powder. I haven't seen it like this in a long time."
"The mountain does hold some dark secrets, many consider it a place of portals to strange realms of the unexplained."
"Mount Kilimanjaro is a beautiful mountain in Kenya, true or false? It's actually in Tanzania."
"It's a great day to be on the mountain."
"We also attempt to educate the public in the rules of mountain safety and survival."
"Edsiza is a mountain of mystery, both spiritually and scientifically."
"It's the largest mountain in our solar system."
"The highest mountain discovered is the Olympus Mons, which is located on Mars."
"If nothing else, this mountain taught me I can do it. I know I can do this."
"It's the day two riders from Slovenia go head-to-head on the highest mountain of this year's tour."
"Mount Snowdon is the second highest peak in the UK."
"We've made it 14,100 feet above sea level, this is Pike's Peak Mountain or America's Mountain, and it's been a fun drive."
"It's going up the mountain that's going to make you feel good."
"I just feel like this is when I'm the most in my element when I'm just cruising down a mountain, I feel so powerful."
"Mount Everest or Sagar Mata, the tallest mountain in the world, shared with China at nearly 9,000 meters high."
"Mount Everest is undisputedly the highest mountain on Earth, with a height of over 29,000 feet."
"Next, we're going to add a sort of misty effect on the base of our mountain, kind of a foggy misty effect."
"The glow of the mountain and the color of the waters will dazzle your eyes glitteringly."
"Water courses are the arteries of the mountain; grass and trees are its hair; mist and clouds give them an air of beauty or charm; they're like the breath of the mountains; rocks form its bones."
"The Mountain View Observatory on this massive custom Mountain."
"We have a bandit of sorts on that mountain; most see evidence of him passing through but very few have been able to catch a glimpse."
"I had taken three steps when a scream pierced the quiet of the mountain."
"We're about to climb the highest mountain in the UK, wish us luck."
"We could do this, let's do it, UK's biggest mountain here we come."
"The Matterhorn, an iconic mountain with a distinctive and almost symmetrical pyramidal shape."
"The highest mountain in the world, located in the Himalayas."
"The volcano called Olympus Mons, or Mount Olympus, is the highest known mountain in the solar system."
"It's very rare you have a landing on top of a hill that meets flush with the hill, so we've harnessed all of this mountain."
"Edmund Hillary himself once famously claimed it Australia's only true mountain."
"Feels good to be on the mountain."
"Mount Cook towers 3,754 meters high, that's nearly 5,000 feet taller than Australia's highest mountain Kosciusko."
"The entire trail is staircases built in rock, you're climbing on ledges along the side of a mountain. It's probably the most unique hike we've ever done."
"It absolutely changed my life up on the mountain."
"It's a tough, tough climb; it's unbelievably hard, this mountain."
"It's not just a mountain, it's an ascent into the heart of Mauritius' natural beauty."
"I'm the largest mountain in the solar system by far."
"Mount Everest, you know, tallest mountain on Earth."
"Mount Kilimanjaro is actually the tallest mountain on the continent of Africa and what's so cool about it is it's actually a volcano."
"Mount Logan is the highest mountain in Canada and the second highest peak in North America."
"The glory of God looked like a raging fire on the top of the mountain."
"Moses entered the cloud; he went up on the mountain. He was on the mountain forty days and forty nights."
"The mountain harbors many secrets."
"What a beautiful mountain this is, the site I'll be climbing it from."
"Each individual step up the mountain was the more interesting part."
"Name the only mountain in North America that rises more than 20,000 feet above sea level."
"Denali soars over 20,000 feet, making it North America's highest peak."
"Eating cereal on top of a mountain, pretty cool."
"Snowden, of course, being Wales' highest mountain, is something like 3,000 feet, a thousand meters."
"The views from Great Gable are phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal."
"It's an imposing mountain, it's a beautiful mountain."
"It's so crazy to think that they had to dig under a mountain just for us."
"The highest mountain in Scotland is called Ben Nevis."
"This entire cutout section is going to be inside of a huge mountain."
"The highest mountain in Great Britain is Ben Nevis, 1,344 meters, in Scotland."
"The Lord came down on Mount Sinai to the top of the mountain."
"Expedition Everest, a high altitude high speed train adventure for those who want to take on the treacherous terrain of the Forbidden Mountain."
"The design is supposed to look like a mountain scene."
"It's a pretty mountain. That's Mt. Ruapehu."
"Mars has the highest mountain in the solar system called Olympus Mons."
"Beautiful mountain sunset, absolutely gorgeous."
"Height does not make a mountain; the presence of an immortal gives it prominence."
"An exhilarating mountain adventure in Yosemite National Park."
"They call it Jabal Musa, the mountain of Moses."
"This is a garden mountain that's up high, it's lifted up, and the waters of life run down it to water creation."
"It's about all the outdoor mountain jacket that you will ever need."
"Summit, which is the highest point of a mountain."
"When you talk about Kilimanjaro, you talk about a free-standing mountain in Africa."