
Lincoln Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Lincoln's arguably the greatest president we've ever had."
"Look at that interior. Okay, Lincoln is killing the interior game right now."
"Lincoln plans to become an all-electric brand by 2030."
"Lincoln was a minority president, he won because of a split vote."
"Abraham Lincoln was the president during the Civil War, you know, he freed the slaves."
"The GOP is trying to cling to that blue ribbon they got under Lincoln."
"Ford will also be unveiling an EEVEE concept under the Lincoln brand on that date as well."
"Lincoln ascended to the presidency during the darkest period in our history and faced challenges no other president had before or since."
"His fame as a lawyer to all men regardless of wealth or status and due to his being a stickler on legal protocol earned him the nickname of 'Honest Abe'."
"Lincoln received just under 40% of the popular vote as it was spread among all the candidates but he secured 180 of 303 Electoral College votes to win the election."
"Government of the people, by the people, and for the people would not perish from this Earth."
"Lincoln is quite often ranked as the greatest president in American history, the GOAT, and for good reason. He saw and overcame crippling country through its most turbulent time, winning the Civil War although we did not do it alone."
"Let's do a video where we kind of give you a quick overview of all four Lincoln."
"Within a week, Lincoln would lie dead, killed by an assassin's bullet. But America had pulled back from the brink. The American nation is once again united."
"Lincoln responded in a way that would be remarkable today: he did not rush to the podium to deliver a quotable soundbite nor did he huddle with political handlers to determine what he should think."
"Lincoln saw not only the union of the states but also the government and its constitution as indivisible."
"Lincoln consciously embraced the Constitution as a workable scheme of government and he did not waver in his respect for the Supreme Court as an enduring and essential component of the American system."
"Lincoln's growth, his capacity for growth, is I think the essence of his greatness."
"I recently required the students in my Princeton seminar to read some of Lincoln's writings."
"Lincoln's career in one sentence was an attempt to reconnect the country to the founders."
"Walking around Lincoln is just lovely... it's just such an adorable area."
"Lincoln also sets some precedents, not necessarily always in a positive way."
"Lincoln learns a valuable lesson about humility and appreciating what he has."
"Lincoln had run on a platform of prohibiting the spread of slavery with the goal for its ultimate extinction."
"1864 was the key year in Lincoln's life. The year that reveals his unique importance to our history. The year that revealed the meaning of his life. More than 1776, which is in my view it's only competition, 1864 was the most crucial year in American history."
"I liked the movie 'Lincoln' a great deal. I had some quibbles with some of the distortions of facts in there, but on the whole, I think it was a very successful movie."
"The wording of the 14th and 15th amendments would have been quite similar to what they actually are if Lincoln had lived."
"Lincoln wanted this lenient reconstruction policy that allowed the southern states to come back relatively easily... Lincoln saw that that was a possibility. Had Lincoln lived... American history might have been so different."
"Lincoln's legacy... saving the Union, emancipating the slaves, making sure that all men really are created equal... so that really is Lincoln's legacy."
"Welcome to Lincoln New Mexico, one of the wildest parts of the old Wild West."
"Lincoln himself said on more than one occasion during the war that there were certain means that would not be justified you could not kill civilians without any authority of law."
"What Lincoln has said at Gettysburg really is capturing that meaning."
"Lincoln was described by friends and business partners at the time as a jovial man quick with an entertaining story capable of quoting Shakespeare at length while equally capable of relating an off-color Tale in Rowdy company."
"He did not drink alcohol nor did he use tobacco unusual for a man in antibellum Illinois then considered the west by Americans."
"Much of Lincoln's life was spent in pursuit of solitude when he could be alone with his thoughts his books his music his Melancholy despite his well-known eloquence he was at his core an intensely private man."
"What used to be a beautiful old Lincoln well I guess it's not old any time I think Lincoln I always think old outright that's a bad day right there."
"Lincoln believed that everybody had the right to rise, but slavery could not allow you to rise."
"Lincoln had always been someone who cared first and foremost about the preservation of the union."
"Lincoln was not some country bumpkin... He knew exactly what he was doing."
"Lincoln hated slavery. He once said, I think I hate slavery as much as any abolitionist."
"My preference is to see the good and the bad in Lincoln. He was, after all, a man first and foremost, flawed, inconsistent, self-serving, given to bouts of cowardice as well as courage, incompetence as well as brilliance."
"Lincoln read the letter as the two sat on the deck of the President's boat. Then in what must have been the most pregnant of pauses, Lincoln said nothing more other than to coolly thank his general for providing it to him."
"Lincoln's cabinet very astutely pointed out, 'Listen, if you put this out there now, it's gonna seem like a desperate attempt to change things.'"
"Lincoln was just about to hop on a train and become the president of the United States of America."
"Lincoln was an incredibly tough and skilled wrestler."
"Lincoln wanted the country to heal, forgive, and rebuild."
"Lincoln on the Gettysburg Address creates an entire universe of meaning for the Battle of Gettysburg."
"The thing which puts the halo around Gettysburg is Lincoln, Lincoln on the Gettysburg Address."
"Lincoln belongs to this nation in a way unlike any other American president."
"Lincoln was considered the liberator."
"Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation utilized the Union Army in protecting escaped slaves."
"Lincoln's famous Gettysburg Address stressed the importance of unification of all men as equals."
"Lincoln has absolutely outdone themselves with the way that they designed this interior."
"Lincoln has done a better job over the years of refreshing the Nautilus, keeping it relevant, adding extra features, extra functions, and improving the interior quality."
"Black Label is more than simply a trim level; it's also Lincoln trying to make the experience a little bit different for Lincoln owners."
"I really love the attention to detail that we see in those cabins; it really seems to set apart Lincoln from what we've seen from Cadillac, for instance."
"Lincoln won an extraordinary seventy-eight percent of the soldier vote."
"The desire to avenge Lincoln was strong."
"A shocked nation mourned as a 12-day funeral procession carried Lincoln back to his home."
"Abraham Lincoln pledged to stop the growth of slavery by prohibiting its expansion into the new western territories."
"Lincoln's time as president, there were a number of people that were enslaved at the start of his election, and then at the time that he was killed, that number was greatly reduced."
"Lincoln gave his last speech, and he hinted at his plans for the post-war South."
"Lincoln himself said of the Emancipation Proclamation, 'It was the central act of my administration and the great event of the nineteenth century'."
"Lincoln never believed in equality of result, but Lincoln believed in equality under the law."
"We're gonna be talking about the Lincoln assassination conspirators."
"One of the things that really upset him was right before he shot Lincoln, President Lincoln indicated that he was in favor of granting African Americans voting rights."
"Let's remember our great President Abraham Lincoln."
"Here it is February 12, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, and there was truly a great man."
"...Lincoln is consistently rated by historians as our nation's best president."
"Lincoln is the perfect example of a man whose achievements are so bound up with his words that what he did is actually there on the page."
"Abraham Lincoln becomes the 16th president of the United States."
"The pyrrhic victory at Antietam influenced Lincoln to announce the Emancipation Proclamation."
"Lincoln offers a four-year, 50,000 mile basic warranty."
"One of my favorite movies from Steven Spielberg is the movie Lincoln."
"Lincoln had a great idea, and he said, 'Let's do the Emancipation Proclamation. Let's free all the slaves, blanket like.'"
"One of the neat things that I really like about this particular perspective is right across the street we can see one of what used to be a pair of live sycamore trees that were witness trees to Lincoln's procession down through town."
"Lincoln reaches his high point and many of his most eloquent and detailed statements against slavery are delivered in these debates."
"Lincoln's election was the precipitating factor for secession and the Civil War."
"Lincoln, as president, always attempted to operate within the Constitution."
"Lincoln believed that the Constitution was the golden frame of the Declaration of Independence."
"Abraham Lincoln literally freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, so it just makes sense he is responsible for their emancipation, for their freedom."
"We're walking in Lincoln's footsteps."
"Lincoln hated and loathed and despised slavery from the time he was young."
"It's classic Lincoln because of the fact that the car rides so incredibly well."
"It's beautiful, I wish there was something other than a trash can to represent Abe Lincoln's likeness."
"Lincoln was the first American President to become officially involved in questions of Jewish equality."
"...Jews and Christians have fallen in Gettysburg so Lincoln invents this term 'this nation under God'."
"I remember all the moments that Lincoln had meant something to me growing up in school."
"It was there in Bryantown that he learned for the first time that Lincoln had been assassinated."
"It is in Lincoln’s humanity that we find the core of his greatness."
"It shows that Lincoln cares about his family more than anything else."
"It's adorable seeing Lincoln helping his little sister."
"The Emancipation Proclamation... that was Lincoln when he freed the slaves."
"Lincoln has distanced itself further than ever before to give the Navigator its own unique identity."
"The great thing about him, said Lincoln, is cool persistence."
"A real game changer I think in the Lincoln lineup."
"A totally different experience inside the Lincoln."
"I love this big picture of Lincoln too; it's one of my favorite monuments."
"The photograph is an oversized format, an albumen salt print showing Lincoln without his signature beard."
"I hope we may never have a worse man," was Lincoln's quiet answer.