
Psychological Growth Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Limerence can actually serve as a lesson; it can be pointing us towards the disowned parts of ourselves that we want to integrate."
"We can only grow into the size of the physical or emotional and psychological environment that we put ourselves in."
"95% of dysphoric people grow out of it in puberty."
"The healthier you become emotionally, mentally, and psychologically what ends up happening is you move into a state of acceptance of this idea that you're not perfect."
"Learning to love himself, accepting its many flaws."
"People can heal, people can rewire themselves, people can find equilibrium."
"The character development is actually insane."
"Psychological rebirth, clearing karmic energy, and a release from subconscious burdens."
"I saw a trauma pattern in my brain he said but in my case I developed something called post-traumatic growth."
"There's something called post-traumatic growth."
"Facing yourself is part of the process. It's like an initiation, literally going through hell and the underworld."
"Resolve yourself to die, do not aspire to exalt your psychological 'I,' resolve to psychologically die completely every day."
"The ego has the ability to hold back the feelings and deny, but once we get to 20, the ego has to feel the feelings all the time."
"Accepting all parts of yourself, even the 'badness,' is crucial for growth."
"Fearlessness is built slowly, rebuilding you into a state where mind and body become so strong you can take anything."
"Post-traumatic growth, this phenomenon where you would wish what you went through on anybody but you also wouldn't change what happened to you or for you because you found strength."
"The practical approach for developing your shadow fundamentally is radical honesty."
"It's a time early adolescence where kids are developing their identity their sense of self."
"People do mess up, especially a child forced into an adult situation who's an orphan who never had really anyone raise her."
"Recovery means moving beyond that. It's breaking out of the cycle of life as a revenge fantasy or a proving fantasy."
"It's called exposure therapy. In order to become stronger, you have to expose yourself."
"Inner game is more important than outer game."
"When we acknowledge our shadow aspects, when we acknowledge these lower aspects of ourselves, then they feel seen and truly that is what they want."
"You're going to have this enhanced sense also of self-worth."
"Man's task is the exact opposite: to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious."
"The process of individuation leads to a whole, integrated, calm, fertile, and happy life."
"What could life be like if you were to heal from childhood stress responses?"
"A lot of what your person is going through is ego death."
"Embrace your shadow side so you can devour it."
"It's all about facing your fears, overcoming them, and letting the brain work things out on its own."
"Sometimes when something is in your head it becomes bigger and bigger and bigger and because you're the only one thinking about it the only one who knows about it you start to feel like oh my god like it gets worse and worse."
"The process of individuation moves us towards wholeness by making the unconscious conscious."
"Mob eventually reconnected with his repressed self, fully accepting his past and his powers."
"Shadow work helps you become aware of what you are currently unconscious of."
"When we go through and face the unconscious mind in a direct way it's intense but I'll tell you you come out on the other side of it all."
"Shadow work is essential for self-awareness."
"Healing from trauma depends on our ability to face truth and to face reality."
"Trauma is a vehicle for our souls. Evolution throughout our life."
"The growth that takes place, we grow through difficult times."
"Corrective experiences... actually change your attachment style."
"There is a way in which unconscious material is working its way into a conscious understanding."
"Within 10 days I've already felt it creating the building blocks of a happier mind."
"Ultimate mastery comes not of the body but of the mind."
"Being a wounded healer: understanding deep wounds and seeking to help others."
"Change is good for you because this can be a time of strong reinvention of self, transforming self, letting go of old fears and worries, and psychological connections that have perhaps dragged you down a little bit."
"The purpose of marriage is long-term facilitation of psychological and Spiritual Development."
"Learning to work with our dreams can help us hear the perspective of this other, leading to an abiding sense of aliveness, renewed creativity, and greater psychological wholeness."
"This psychological development through one's subjective ego consciousness is truly the great work."
"Each of us has the innate psychological ability to achieve dramatic changes in our lives."
"We have to reprogram these core wounds; you're not born with them, they're conditioned into you."
"Mentalizing gets more sophisticated as we get older."
"You are conquering a lot of fears, moving through a lot of psychological and mental blockages."
"...it's not a kind of one and done, oh very much so lifelong, I call it cultivating shadow awareness."
"The goal of therapy is a continuous reconstruction of the client's psychological systems during and after therapy."
"Shadow integration is a psychological process crucial for achieving personal wholeness."
"This is the house of psychological transformation, like going through traumas in your life and you having the ability to evolve from them."