
Newcomers Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"It's great seeing so many fresh accounts come out of Vault 76 in the servers for the first time."
"This is paradise and, of course, there are always new entrants to shake things up."
"New people on the scene are a good thing and should be embraced."
"Thank you to all the new members, by the way."
"People that weren't really political people they're coming in and you know the deal."
"There are lots of new players joining WoW every single day."
"Good game, who else is a new subscriber guys?"
"Just because you're new doesn't mean you can't be genuine."
"We're new here man, we've been at this for a couple of years."
"Expect some beginner guides on the channel soon... to help newer players get started."
"A lot of people are new to the channel and they don't have all of the information in place."
"Be cautious of people who just come out of nowhere and just want to run for the highest possible office."
"Thrilled to be here with you guys, super excited for Crew 6, especially the three first-timers on board."
"The state of mountain biking seems greater than ever, especially if we're looking at it through the lens of somebody just getting into it."
"If you're a newcomer, welcome to the channel, I hope you find some value in the content."
"Debian 12 is going to be a fantastic jumping-on point for newcomers."
"Every year more snowboarding products were sold to people who had never stepped foot on a snowboard before."
"...Canadian employers are hesitant about hiring newcomers without Canadian work experience."
"Some newcomers to the area find the roads a little bit confusing."
"Untold numbers of newcomers, so they made sure that they were allies with this new force because maybe they saw the writing on the teepee."
"When new people come in they're going to evaluate everything."
"The couple were new to the community having moved in just five weeks before the incident."
"The fact that this hugely successful thriller was made by a group of 20-something newcomers to the business further underlines how much of a once in a lifetime sensation it was."
"There's a lot of first-timers there."
"I made a list of my top things and if you're coming for the first time this is what you should get."
"We're seeing today the legend and the up-and-comers."
"New people coming to the series even as adults have appreciated it and fallen in love with it."
"Testing not only ensures functionality but also aids in understanding code, especially for newcomers."
"We haven't had a group of rookies in a long time."
"If you're a newcomer to Canada or simply filing your income tax for the first time, the process is intimidating."
"You got all these new officers who just getting jobs, this their first time even being working in the Department of Corrections."
"I'm excited that it's all newbies."
"...it did see the two newcomers get into a feud with the at the time tag team champions paul london and brian kendrick."
"...we have nine rookies in the field with their chance to shine."
"Welcome back or welcome for the first time."
"How you doing Sally? How you doing Trinity? You're new. Thank you for joining the channel. I appreciate it. God bless you, God bless you."
"Hello newbies, ready for some fun?"
"It's always fun seeing new people win."
"Welcome anybody who's a newcomer... welcome bags, filled with information about upcoming speakers and conferences."
"It wouldn't take these strangers long before they too became attached to the Limestone area and its people."
"If you guys are new to the channel and you enjoyed this video, make sure that you subscribe below."
"It's really fun when somebody that we don't really know about comes storming in."
"It's cool to see these new guys coming through as well."
"I got mad love for the newcomers, the up and comers."
"Thank you to all of the newbies here, I'm very thankful that you're here, that you're listening, that you're watching."
"Blue Tees... they're going to cause a storm, they are New Kids on the Block."
"Thank you so much for coming today; it's great to see so many new faces."
"If you're new here and you enjoyed this video, please consider subscribing."
"What a great competition to see some newcomers get into the finals."
"It's been a year of first-time winners."
"If you're new, please let us know you're new because we have a whole familia all around the world."
"Guys that were new need to be given an opportunity."
"That session was amazing; we had a bunch of newcomers that are going to be probably the future here."
"If you're new to my channel, hi, thank you for being new to my channel."
"If this is your first time on our channel, go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below."
"I have great expectations that those new guys are going to play really well."
"One of the great joys has been the fact that we have over the last four years nearly seen a lot of new shooters coming into the sport."
"It's good to see new faces out there, super nice guy, one of the nicest guys you've met."
"Welcome back to everybody new, hello and welcome."
"Consider subscribing to my channel if you're new here."
"It's really wonderful to see some new faces and fresh talent leveling up in Hollywood."
"If you're new to our stream, please like the video and subscribe to the channel."
"Being able to use my platform to get these other up and coming guys seen is most important to me."
"This is awesome, a lot of first-time folks here."
"If you're new here, hi welcome, and if you're back, welcome back."
"If it's your first time here, welcome welcome."
"Good scores, some new faces there as well."
"If you're a newbie and you need a place to ask all the weird questions that you think are stupid because we all have been there, go join our Facebook group."
"If you're new here, a very special welcome to you."
"Hi to all my new subscribers, I just want to say hello and welcome to my channel."
"We just need to be deeply empathetic to everybody that's showing up for the first time."
"New faces, new names will make their debut."
"Should be happy to see people catching fish, especially people new to the sport."
"I want to thank all my new subscribers as well, welcome."
"We're always learning, but a vast majority of people that are coming in here are new to the hobby."
"It's really exciting when you get new people coming in with potential."
"Welcome back, for those of you who are joining us for the first time, you are going to be super blessed tonight."
"I'm very excited to see where this goes. I did feel like, based on some of the questions I read through, that I understand that some of you may be brand new to the Traders."
"However, I'm happy we've got some new friends."
"The Bambino... perfect for newcomers, the ultimate place to start beginning your collection."
"Welcome back or welcome to our channel if you are new here."
"First of all, if you're new here, then welcome."
"Welcome back to our YouTube channel, or welcome if this is the first time you are here."
"It's amazing to see new people come into the sport."
"We always like to see new faces; we also like to see returning faces."
"A lot of people are new to collecting, which is perfectly fine. That's great!"
"Welcome anyone who is finding themselves here for the very first time."
"It's great to see not only some players returning to the tour after an absence but some new players as well."
"I'm really loving these characters. I'm liking some of the new characters that are coming in."
"My favorite thing is that it's going to be the most attractive option to new people."
"Be sure to subscribe if you are brand new and joining for the first time."
"We want people coming into the sport, newbies and all that kind of stuff."
"If it's your first time here, we welcome you."
"If you're just joining us for the first time, you're highly welcome."
"Welcome if you're here for the first time."
"We're very excited about the new people that are getting licensed."
"Since 2010 we have had a rookie on the podium every single year."
"If you're new here, that makes me excited for you."
"Good to see a bunch of familiar faces in the chat, and I see a few new faces as well. That is always wonderful."
"Welcome to the newcomers, I know you're coming, I see every day."
"Welcome back, we have a lot of new people here."
"Welcome today, there are some new viewers, so hello to you."
"It upsets lurk and surprises await for any of the old guard who sleep on this new crop of talented and hungry pro players who have arrived to earn respect."
"We can agree that whenever somebody new comes to Beacon Hills, they're obviously a suspect, right?"
"It's great to see so many new faces at the World Championships."
"A dynasty of robot talent going up against relative newcomers."
"We're happy to have some new folks with us today as well."
"Welcome back to the vlog, or welcome back if you're new."
"Have patience with new folks, with new stakeholders or new team members."
"For all of our new heads around here, we greatly appreciate you guys."
"Welcome back and welcome to all the newcomers."
"If you're new to this channel, welcome."
"I like her more than most of these new girls that they brought in the past."
"Home sweet home, and there's a lot of new people around here actually, so welcome to my house."
"I appreciate having all the new faces around."
"Welcome back, and again, welcome to all of you who are new."
"If there's anybody here that's new, I'm real glad you're here."
"To all my new subscribers, just wanted to say a big warm welcome to all of you."
"Welcome to the stream if you are tuning in for the first time today."
"If it's your first time, tell me so. I always like to know who the new people are."
"If you're not subscribed, it means two reasons: one, you're new, or you're returning."
"You guys are new faces here, aren't you?"
"Thank you so much for those who are just joining, you are absolutely welcome."
"Welcome back, welcome newcomers to the channel."
"If you're new here, then a very warm welcome to you."
"Special welcome to those of you that are new or newer to my channel."
"We have all the people that have been coming for many years, the regulars, and all the new people. Yay!"
"Welcome to any new people joining me today."
"Thank you to everybody who has newly subscribed to me."