
Financial Burden Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"Seven out of ten people will require long-term care in their lifetime... it's a huge financial strain."
"I'm for Medicare for All because we can't have healthcare just breaking the backs of families and businesses."
"Instead of planning the next big thing in their lives, like a wedding or some big event, they're trying to figure out how to pay funeral expenses."
"You can see the weight of that debt crushing them...it seems like they're not even making a dent, and like there is no light at the end of the tunnel."
"Millennials were raised and told to do things. They did it, they took out loans, they went to school, the loans buried them in debt."
"Credit cards are charging the highest average APRs than they ever have, driving the American saving rate down to lows that we haven't really seen in the past 20 years."
"I can respect the left's position because I think these loans are predatory, targeting 18-year-olds who are now struggling to have families because they're laden with debt."
"My parents spent their life savings on a stalled real estate project...I'm scared of being blamed. This is something I could feel guilty about for the rest of my life."
"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau reports that medical debt is the most common reason people are contacted by debt collectors."
"There are three things that are breaking Americans' backs right now: housing, healthcare, education."
"You're basically paying 30 40 50 60 percent interest rate to borrow GameStop shares."
"ITT Tech's abysmal retention rates: students couldn't afford education."
"The trouble with ITT Tech is not only is it cost prohibitive, leaving students with mountains of debt, but you don't even get the education you're promised."
"If you want to live in the 'freest country on earth,' people need to be free to make the innocent decision to learn, without going bankrupt or being in debt their entire adult lives."
"No one should go broke because they chose to go to college."
"You've got to worry about because defamation is expensive."
"Because of the loans that education had ended up doing me far more harm than good."
"Where are we today? People over 50 now outnumber people under 25 with student loans, and they owe three times more."
"There ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees. I've got bills to pay, I've got mouths to feed, it ain't nothin in this barrel for free."
"Trump is going to have to spend all his money fighting indictments."
"For the vast majority of people... the single biggest expense in their life is government."
"In America, you should not have to face financial ruin because you want an education."
"It feels like the lowest rung on the ladder that health care should be for - No one should go bankrupt when they get cancer."
"People should not be saddled with debt the rest of their lives based on trying to better themselves."
"It is just disgraceful that people are having to pay for legal fees in this most unfortunate situation."
"Debt sucks... somehow debt just creeps up on you and then you're only paying off the interest never really the principal."
"I don't think someone should be bankrupt because they got cancer."
"Banks are charging Americans 34 billion dollars a year on overdraft payments. Unacceptable."
"I knocked out $90,000 in 2019, okay? So that is a big feat for me and not only is that a big feat for me, but now all I owe is $80,000. Like I am completely debt free except for my house and the $80,000 of student loans."
"The federal government created a bubble in education cost, and that bubble in education cost has now overburdened 15% of American adults with student loans."
"College debt is real it's hurting young people and there's really no good reason for it."
"Your house is worth less than the loan you have."
"Average person is doomed. They have bought a house and borrowed all the money to buy the house."
"It costs too much damn money to go to school."
"The costs of an assisted living facility are quite large."
"Think about being 40 years old and owing 30 thousand dollars."
"More people pulling money from these garbage universities that are overcharging their students for a degree in nonsense."
"It's costing them millions and millions of dollars... the Pentagon should pay for this."
"If someone is like hey, education, education, education, the fact is, like, you get a degree now, you might just have this giant debt load and no job at the end of it."
"China's property crisis burns as the middle class is stuck with huge loans."
"They are still paying the debt that they borrowed from a bank on a house they're never going to get."
"Owning a house or an apartment... affects your life a lot and the cost of it is not the cost of it."
"She embarrassed the hell out of every chance she did but other than that, her mama lived with them, her mama living up in there, he got to pay for Jada, their kids, her mama, ain't no telling how many other family members."
"Colleges and government are officially in bed together."
"Cars are not cheap... some are so pricey that they'll literally drain your bank account of all of its funds."
"It wound up at almost 19 million by the time all the taxes were paid."
"Studies show that student debt weighs heavier on graduates of color."
"It's time to address the burden of student debt."
"The inflation impact on everyone's pocketbook. Everything is going up."
"The truth is when you combine the low to non-existent wages that prisoners get paid with these surprisingly high costs that they and their families can incur while they're inside, the current system can wind up costing all of us."
"One in three families of inmates reported going into debt to pay for phone calls or visitation, which is terrible."
"The American dream is to succeed but how can we fulfill that dream when debt is many people's only option for a degree?"
"I think the cost of college is so high it's so ridiculous it doesn't make sense that needs to be addressed."
"I've essentially become his caregiver, which I'm happy to do, but somebody still has to pay the bills, right?"
"It is criminal in this country that we have young people graduate with 30, 40, 50,000 of debt just to get an education."
"College is not cheap... a lot of kids are ending up in student loan debt."
"The credit cards are really pretty and they're really fun but they're hurting me."
"Those who are paying interest, those who are paying mortgages, those who are borrowing money are always going to be the slave."
"Value of a college degree dropping, cost rising," leading to regrets and debt.
"Wow, yeah. Chiro school is really expensive."
"The average cost of recovery from ransomware attacks ballooned to 1.85 million in 2021."
"Sickness should not be a cause of financial ruin."
"The monthly mortgage payment that it takes to buy a typical home in the United States is now up by 55 percent compared from the start of last year."
"The reality is that all this, what is going on in the courts, will have the effect of putting the chain of debt around the neck of millions of Americans affecting how these young people can start their life."
"Three four times what something is worth, she spent everything she had."
"Customers told Jane that they weren't actually losing any weight, and Jane had to spend $200 each month on boxes just to stay active since she could no longer sell any herself."
"We know that high inflation exacts a toll, particularly for those less able to meet the higher costs of Essentials."
"This isn't right, this isn't fair, we are still young and we are not going to spend our lives and our money into this place."
"These things add up... more than 400 for a lot of families."
"Just a reminder: these are college professors. It'll cost you potentially six figures to get your kid indoctrinated by these buffoons."
"I wish I could just get out of the house but literally everything I had went into buying it so for now my wife and I are stuck here."
"The average American pays half a million dollars in lifetime taxes."
"The burdens of high inflation fall heaviest on those who are least able to bear them."
"You gotta be a king to afford these bridges. 220? That's an entire like house loan, get out of here Nook!"
"How much could security 24/7 every day of your life cost? Probably a lot."
"It's hard for just one man to fund the entire family."
"If your bridesmaids are spending thousands of dollars for you to get married, that's a problem."
"You may be enjoying your stimulus checks right now, but on the back end and every single day after that, you're going to pay for it."
"Healthcare is a human right, and nobody should go into medical debt."
"You don't realize how much we get taxed. If I could kill the tax man..."
"They have been running up a massive metaphorical bill."
"It's more expensive to be poor than the other way around."
"That amount, approximately $550 million and increasing every single day, is fueling this speculation that Trump may be forced to unload some of his prized properties to cover the tab."
"This incredible increase in the size of government is gonna cost somebody, somebody has to pay the bills for all the bailouts and all the stimulus."
"I think that college should have never been as expensive as it was."
"Let all the kids just go to college for free."
"The debt for the individuals is still at nosebleed levels."
"Education is one of the most important things in the world, but the debt for education is the biggest scam of the world."
"We should pay for it and we should make people well aware: this is the cost of war."
"A moratorium policy merely delays the threat of eviction as renters continue to accumulate debt."
"I will do anything and I will pay any amount of money to not feel the way I'm feeling right now."
"Just kicking folks out the door and expecting them to have the ten thousand dollars in their pockets? They signed the contract knowing that there was going to be an international pandemic."
"They deserve some compassion about it. They shouldn't be saddled with a lifetime full of unpayable debt."
"I think this is what the end of this looks like: she loses, she owes a bunch of money. That's it."
"I would rather just pay for this person who keeps freeloading. Like, I would say nothing. I don't want confrontation."
"It's the middle income, it's the middle class, it's the lower income Americans that are going to be hit by this massive change."
"I did not go to law school and rack up six figures in student loans to become a vigilante. That is for billionaires and narcissists and adult orphans."
"Yes, depreciation therefore truly is the sandpaper dildo of car ownership costs."
"Progressives don't want to go bankrupt because of medical bills."
"When they go up these rungs and they start to see... tax increase in Washington of 40 up to 40 and they start to do the math... I'm paying 53 percent of my salary."
"Debt is crippling. Once you're in it, it is gonna come down hard on you."
"There are people that literally have their lives ruined in the United States because they can't afford health insurance payments."
"It's frustrating. I do intend to pay my student loans. It's just the amount was so high, I can't afford that."
"Bill Cosby has had to pay millions in legal bills and to settle lawsuits but he's still one of the richest actors in Hollywood."
"Education should not cost our kids a half a million when they're making $60,000-$70,000."
"It's a priceless item, you can't buy it because the meaning wasn't going to him, it was going to the legal fees."
"Manchester United have paid £838 million solely on financing costs over the last decade, more than the overall annual revenue of any football club on earth ever."
"Your daughters will never ever forgive you if you sabotage their chance to graduate without debt."
"Either way, you go pay. You're gonna pay the lawyers or you're gonna pay them, but you're gonna pay somebody."
"Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard-pressed but that there might be some equality."
"The financial burden that college puts on students and on the families, it's crazy."
"It would be very nice to stop spending the best part of a grand a month on rent. I've been renting for more years than I'd have liked."
"College was the worst investment of our lives."
"Rich got richer and the poor now have to invest more money in order to take part in it because the price is going to go up."
"Emily is paying $4,000 a month for an apartment that is so small she says she smells her neighbors."
"I hate it, I hate to say it this way and it's morbid, but I'll probably pass still owing student loans."
"He who has the biggest debt becomes he who has the biggest anchor."
"Let them come out of the gate, become engineers, become lawyers, become nurses, become social workers, and not be saddled with seventy-five thousand dollars in student loan debt."
"I used to be in over a hundred and twenty thousand dollars of student loan debt."
"Higher interest rates mean they are going to have to spend more in paying down their debt."
"Debt is rising every single day and it is something that I can say is debilitating for me even with a master's degree and having experience out in the field for over 10 years."
"You are imposing financial hardship and resentment by forcing people into destination weddings."
"The interest on the debt will be three times what they spend on defense spending and 15% of what they spend on Social Security."
"Most people buy a new house every few years, each time incurring a new 30-year loan to pay off the previous one."
"People are just being bled dry for the vanity projects of the elite."
"In the US they charge you money to hold your own baby at the hospital, so you know, oh god, why can't we all be like Finland or I Dutch."
"It's so unfair, if you don't have money for your cancer treatment, you're going to die."
"That's the United States for you. That's what it costs. I wish it didn't cost money to find out you don't have cancer."
"The same people who probably just want to jump on and enjoy Call of Duty or play the next chapter of Red Dead 2 after work but won't be able to because they'll be so out of pocket."
"This is the first generation of people who can't go to college without loading up on debt they can never repay."
"Financially it can be difficult if you're the only one that's responsible for everything."
"Every person who ends up in the hospital for corona with coronavirus places a huge financial cost on the system."
"Taxes are the devil, dude. That's trouble, yeah it is trouble man."
"You've got thousands of people across the country who have mortgages in places very similar to grenfell who are paying a service charge."
"I don't like the thought of the teacher having to go out and in their own money on them."
"You'll never get your head above water if you have debt always pulling you down."
"We're a young family and this will take out student loans, this will take out my car payment, this is huge."
"Credit card debt has broken a record high."
"We're not taking loans out because you could have done that, doing it yourself. So, and a lot of people do, right? They got to take out the loans to make it work."
"My dad ends up having to put a little over $30,000 into the house to make it livable."
"What are you kidding me? So do you have any idea what the mortgage is? It's two thousand five hundred dollars a month!"
"That student loan that you're about to leave with, life in the 20s and 30s, aren't going to be as fun as you think."
"I got so sick one time at school but already had more medical bills than my $7 an hour could pay for, and just told my friends and roommate to let me die."
"Stella's three and a half year storage bill has already cost her over three thousand pounds."
"The constant I hear about is how student debt kicks the [expletive] out of people."
"There's a million horror stories like that and finding out that you've come down with some kind of ailment or situation where your insurance doesn't cover it and you end up owing an outrageous life ruining amount of money."
"But hey, that's why GoFundMe is such a critical component of American healthcare. One in three GoFundMe campaigns is now for medical bills."
"We're definitely bearing more of the financial burden out-of-pocket for our healthcare needs."
"This right here is the $115,000 bail."
"I gave her a place to stay, I'm paying all the bills for both of us by myself."
"A white elephant is something which is a kind of burden, something very expensive, usually a big grand undertaking by the government."
"He said his daughter's college education is estimated to cost $300,000. God."
"Imagine going out to work for a day and then the tax man is sending you a tax bill for more money than you earned that day."
"In the end, Thomas ended up with a debt of 722 thousand dollars in alimony payments."
"It has become a massive social liability on the system, which goes now into the billions of dollars in the United States."
"40K in student loans? Come on, do you realize how long it takes the average person to save forty thousand dollars after taxes to pay off loans of something you've already spent?"
"America's record of credit card debt has gone up to $1 trillion monthly."
"...else speaking of weddings they can really cost an arm and a leg..."
"Their debt servicing cost is at that level, also means it crowds out health and education. In fact, a number of them are spending more on repaying debt than they would be able to spend on healthcare and education."
"If you're in debt, you totally understand the weight."
"There's an entire generation of people that are just drowning in student loans, you know?"
"Are you serious? You want me to sell my property to pay for your daughter's college tuition?"
"I definitely would get a big tattoo across my whole back, that said 'taxes,' if it meant I didn't have to pay another dime."
"So by the time he graduates from college he's already 180 grand in debt and he hasn't made a penny yet."
"...the prices of home insurance, especially in Palm Beach County here in Boca Raton, and the special assessments, both of those together, completely knocking people out of Boca Raton..."
"It really smacked me in the face that as Americans we are conditioned to not worry about someone's health first but to worry about whether or not they can financially afford to see a doctor and get help"
"One in five of all renters report paying at least 50% of their income on housing costs."
"The only thing that I don't like about it is I gotta pay all these bills."
"...your student loans are officially unforgivable, and it's the final countdown before the COVID-driven payment pause is up..."
"Debt is robbing you from your future by demanding that you pay for the past."
"I started to look into it... immigration for example... who's launching the legal appeals because they're expensive."
"So my roommate and i moved in together a little over three years ago now things were okay at first but she needed a surgery and couldn't afford it and i don't know how to say no so i paid like four hundred dollars for this surgery."
"Debt that is driving us into the ground and causing so much problems."
"I just had to buy a new car warranty do yall know much of that car warranty cost thousands of dollars I said oh no add it to the other list of bills because what there's."
"I'm tired of paying for other people's mistakes."
"Illinois has the highest tax burden in the nation, where 15% of people's incomes are being eaten away by state taxes alone."
"Weddings as a guest are very expensive."
"I pray that young people will not be yoked with student loan debt for the next 20 years of your life."
"The cost of the large administration of the empire weighed heavily on the treasury and maintenance of lavish palaces further burdened the dynasty's coffers."
"I'm not only dealing with all this emotionally but also financially."
"It isn't right that grieving parents have to worry about how to meet the funeral costs for a child."
"The track that we're on is simply unsustainable; the costs alone of managing wild and free-roaming horses off the range is staggering."
"It's been hard finding a place because of the deposits."
"The costs are sometimes crippling."
"Life is expensive, you have your bills, your groceries, your rent, your kids, your car, your everything."
"It's expensive, you know. Tuition is insanely expensive now."
"One out of three household pets will experience an emergency within their lifetime, and 47% of pet owners have some sort of emergency-related debt regarding their vet bills."
"University tuition in the U.S is very expensive, and millions of students rely on loans and grants to pay for their education."
"It's never been more expensive to raise a middle-class child than it is right now."
"Christmas is one of those times when at least half the country is going into some type of debt."
"You shouldn't have to go into massive amounts of debt to try to improve your life."
"Debt can become a complete and total millstone around your neck."
"Children make people happy, period. The issue is that having children makes people happy, paying for children does not."
"I'm in a lot of debt right now, and it's a big weight on my shoulders."
"This absolute crushing level of debt that's something Congress should be able to deal with."
"Rent and utilities take up more than half their household income."
"I have medical bills to pay, you know, with my cancer situation right now."
"I'm paying a fortune in rent, I'm sick of paying rent, you know I could be paying something that I own."
"Student loan debt is crushing young men and women, it's crushing adults who went back to school, and it is really devastating people's mental and emotional health."
"The increase in rent is out of proportion to the increase in pay."