
National Effort Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"This unparalleled national effort has decisively shifted the odds in our favor."
"This is a national effort, and every single person in this country can play their part in this plan."
"This is the moment that we've been working toward for such a very long time as we launch this unprecedented national campaign to honor and support our incredible military families."
"This is a united national effort and the spirit of selflessness shown by so many is truly inspiring."
"Above all, we're going to defeat this disease with a huge national effort to slow the spread by reducing unnecessary social contact."
"My administration is marshaling the full power of the American government, and we will do that, and that's what we've done, and we will continue to do it until our war is won."
"To fight the medical war, we've mobilized the unbeatable strength of American determination, ingenuity, and compassion."
"Across the country, we're attacking the enemy on all fronts, including medical, scientific, social, logistical, and economic."
"The one that really deserves the credit are the American people because they are doing things that nobody thought they would do what they're doing is incredible and we're making a lot of progress."
"We've done a great job... we're doing something that's never been done in this country."
"Businesses across America are stepping up and maybe as never before in our history."
"We can contain this virus. We can vaccinate America. We can begin to return to our normal lives." - President's tweet
"Thank you to the American people for all your efforts."
"But the one that really deserves the credit are the American people because they are doing things that nobody thought they would do."
"We will vanquish the virus and unleash the full might of the United States of America."
"Artemis is a massive program involving 3,200 suppliers and contractors from every state in the country."
"Everybody involved had the opportunity to help, the opportunity to support the NHS and the healthcare sector, and be part of this great national effort at a time like this."
"This has to be the biggest national effort since the Second World War."
"We need an all-out effort to defeat violent crime in America."
"It's truly a national effort, just like we saw during World War II."
"Canadians should be proud of the effort that we're making and we will not waver until we are successful in resettling all 40,000 Afghan refugees who will call Canada home."
"The coronavirus has united people, it seems like it's gonna have to be like a national effort, like the war."
"I think you're gonna have a recovery. Look, I built the greatest economy... with the help of 325 million people."
"The real miracle, however, should be credited to the people of Germany."
"I'm actually confident that if we put our minds to it and get the American people involved in this effort, that we can pull this off."
"The job that this whole country has done is amazing."
"EVs represent a national effort to address climate change that creates jobs at the same time as it helps us prepare for the future."
"It's a tribute to this country and the people of our country what they've been able to do and the amount of lives that have been saved because we flattened the curve."
"We're not going to get our economy back in shape and the millions of people back to work until we beat this virus."
"A massive effort to get Americans vaccinated."
"Our progress on vaccination is a stunning example that there's nothing, nothing this country cannot do if we put our minds to it, and we do it together."
"Every worker in America will be the beneficiary of this effort."
"We owe a debt of gratitude to all the Americans in every corner of this country rising to the occasion."
"We're doing everything we can to strengthen the foundations of the American economy."
"Together, we will end the scourge of drug addiction in America once and for all. We will win."
"Our goal by July 4th is to have 70 percent of adult Americans with at least one shot."
"Nobody's seen anything like what we're doing now within our country since the Second World War."
"We will achieve a victory over the virus by unleashing America's scientific genius."
"A supreme national effort will be needed in the years ahead to move this country safely through the 1960s."
"We need to treat this problem like the pioneers of space did decades ago, again a national ambitious effort."
"The effort to make sure as many people in America were vaccinated."
"The country had made a huge effort, we got the R down below one."
"We're on track because of the people of Israel."
"We are here today because we focused on developing, manufacturing, and distributing a safe and effective vaccine and therapeutics to the American people."
"The NCO C is serving as a nucleus for one window operation to synergize and articulate national effort against COVID-19."
"Every country needs to put effort in training those staff to be friendly to people."
"We're trying to make sure that all you guys grow up healthy, eating your vegetables, exercising, and that the entire nation is working to help you do that."
"We have worked so hard as a country to fight the pandemic."
"The immediate thing that comes to my mind is of course there must be a very strong national effort to educate people."
"We always save in this country, now it's time for this country to join us and save itself."
"This great national moment needs a great national effort, an effort to shape a stronger future for Britain."
"We will be there for Canadians across the country in this fight against COVID."
"Saving energy is everyone's business, so keep it up America."
"Let's pump some stuff into this, let's put some effort in as a nation, this great nation we're always hearing about."
"The country's best scientific minds should all work together, exactly."
"This check represents the efforts of many Americans to save a great enterprise, and the whole country should take heart from this accomplishment."
"This really is a national effort, everybody can play their part."
"...the largest ground search in the history of Norway..."