
Data Ownership Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"I think people should own their data and make money off of it."
"If your car is going to collect data on you, you should get to choose who has access to that data, whether it's you, your uncle, your cousin Bob, the mechanic down the street, or the dealer."
"Why shouldn't our children own all their education data and receive compensation for it?"
"The person who owns the computer is not necessarily the same person who owns the data."
"Crypto is the promise of every individual owning and being compensated for their data."
"I think we do want a social network that's inverted...all the data is free and you own your own business on top of it."
"You become the sole owner of your ID. You're in charge of your data."
"Your data should belong to you and to no one else, and put this in law."
"The Europeans say it's a right you own your information."
"It's our data, it's our property. If there's value being generated, we should have it."
"How exactly will the future masters of the planet look like? This will be decided by the people who own the data."
"Rust highly encourages clear ownership of data throughout the program."
"Stores the information, it can take it away from you. Once you buy it, it is yours. And that information is stored only to you."
"Centralized login providers are the worst of both worlds—they collect all your data, own it, and really don't help you if you reach a problem with your identity."
"Web 3 sees online privacy and owning your information as key."
"We believe that people should own their data."
"If we can consider data to be property... then I think that would solve a lot of the problems."
"If you exist in the modern world your data is owned and over."
"We want to empower the individual to partake in these opportunities, to own their data, to own their assets, so that we live this decentralized future."
"Decentralized Facebook, where the user owns and controls their data."
"In this new model, you own your data and you get paid instead of large corporations."
"I believe that our data should be ours and if anyone's gonna make money off it, it should be us."
"In Web 2.0, it's your data but someone else profits from it; in Web 3.0, it's your data, you choose what to do with it, and you profit from it."
"We don't sell our data, the data belongs to our customers."
"We believe patients own their data and we have to therefore respect that."
"Why we have four of these first principles and not two or three? And this is my rationale. I think the main principle is this distribution of data ownership."
"Having data in BigQuery allows you to basically own your data."
"...infinitely better privacy and data ownership..."
"70% of people believe that the data should be theirs, that they own it, but that only about 30% of people actually feel like they do, so there's definitely a gap there."
"The bank should own the data and should be able to monetize that data."
"...the times has launched its Health commission...patients should own their own data...it really matters."
"The reason I'm buying it now is not only for True data ownership and control but also for performance."
"...what we mean by that is we own the customer data."
"This gives you the ability to control your own data and monetize it in whatever way you see fit."
"There's definitely some reform that we could use on all kinds of privacy issues on owning your own personal data."
"If you believe your internet data belongs to you and not to greedy corporations, then ExpressVPN is the answer."
"As data analysts, we are storytellers, but we also have to keep in mind that it is not our story to tell; that story belongs to the data."
"Everyone should own all their data. It's your data; you paid for it."
"Let the app own its own data and have the app's backing data model be the source of truth instead."
"We want every household to have this device so that they can access Web3 and open up the worlds of the internet and have ownership of all their data, all their time, all of their attention."
"Every human being owns their data, and that data is your property."
"It puts the user back in the middle of the picture instead of having data that you own being manipulated without knowing where."
"If you own the data and you can move around, you're going to be the king of the castle."
"This is your computer, it's your data, how can you keep this in your space, how can you have full control over your data?"
"Brave is building their browser to put you back in control of your own data and your privacy."
"The data should be owned by the users; that's what web3 is about."
"Don't let others track what you do; your data belongs to you."
"It's applications that are built in a way that moves ownership of data out of centrally controlled websites and puts control of users' information more into the users' own hands."
"Google serves as a data processor for your organization and makes it explicitly clear that any data saved on their servers is owned by the organization using the service."
"The government could create legislation that makes us the owner of our data."
"We view data as belonging to users."
"...your data belongs to you, not to us..."
"Individuals are the rightful owners of their data."
"Data should be owned by its owner, and AI that's ethical, explainable, free of bias."
"It's about getting that data and having that ownership."
"You own your data, not Amazon, not Google."
"You're actually not stuck, and it actually comes down to you owning your data."
"We believe that people own their data and should have ultimate control over it."
"Web 3.0 is where you own your data and where you own your revenue."
"The freedom and portability of plain text files... having it in files, having it on my system, my local machine, my data is mine."
"For the user, it offers the benefit of essentially giving back the rights to own their data."