
Project Enthusiasm Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"This video is going to be awesome. If I can communicate half the excitement that I myself have about this project, I'll have done my job today."
"It makes everyone excited to be working on that kind of project." - Cast member
"It was inspiring to the team, really seeing how excited folks were for that."
"This will be the best thing we've ever done by a long way."
"This has just been such a cool pack to work on, I feel like we're gonna meet the high expectations."
"Now we get to work. Okay, this is one of my favorite parts."
"You guys are crushing it, and I'm so excited for our ongoing coverage of SN 8 and 9."
"We're so excited to share with you guys some of what we've been working on."
"I've never felt more excited about a project in my whole entire life."
"I guess the dream scenario would be that I get excited about a different project so much that I need to dive into it."
"This project has is... I don't think I've been this excited about a project in a long time because it just honestly feels like an original new concept."
"Hope you like it because we're having as much fun making it."
"It just looks really, really cool. I'm going to be going through all the steps."
"This is an awesome project with so much going for them. I think this can definitely blow up."
"What a ripper when I dreamed up this concept of using an XJ to build a Trackhawk knockoff I never dreamed it would turn out to be such a cool and impressive truck."
"Our entire team... has something they really love... so sometimes we'll choose what we're doing based on... oh my god, did you hear about this?"
"Really cool looking project. How cool is this?"
"I really believe that we're creating something truly special here."
"I love working on this project with my team; it was the best thing I ever did in my career."
"Next week when we modify this thing, oh my God I'm so bloody happy with this."
"You know, something that I'm really excited about that I haven't actually talked about yet is we're getting a little bit of a, almost a bump in power with this swap."
"I'm just so happy and giddy about this whole entire build."
"I like doing fun quality projects, if there's a fun quality project that gets sent my way I will listen to it."
"You've got to discover that it's been holding you back and it's time to transform that energy."
"I feel like that's what Filoni is basically saying: 'Guys, I owe so much to you guys. I've been so excited to do this and I finally got the green light.'"
"It's such a blast to be working on such a fun project like this that is making so many people laugh."
"Because the owner of asatech and those involved in this project are diehard simmers as well."
"We want this to be big, not just for me and Devon and all the people who've been at this forever."
"Every single person seems to be excited to be working on this project and this is the kind of love and care you can't buy with just money."
"It's all happening people, it's happening! The car is going back together, it's been a long time in the making."
"This is a project we're invested in, we've been invested in infinity for quite a while for full transparency but this is one we were super excited to get invested in because we believe big things are coming."
"I really want to build stuff that either everyone can build or everyone wants to build or dream builds you know. I want to hit the whole spectrum of what we're going to do on the show."
"Honestly, like, looking at these builds is like the perfect inspiration."
"It goes without saying that this is one of my favorite builds ever."
"I love this thing. I am looking forward to building it."
"This project's actually really exciting. I love this."
"What a fun project Omega Seamaster 120 brought back to life."
"This looks sick! This is the coolest project I've done in this game so far."
"This is it. This is the start. This is our base. This is our location. This is our crew. It's going to be a fantastic season."
"A brand new week, a brand new build and I'm excited."
"Nice Dave, I like that he's like, stop the gun flapping and start the build flapping."
"It's such a big project, but I'm really excited."
"This should end up being a really fun project."
"Come see what I'm trying to do, you'll see why it's a really good idea."
"Now good news though we are going to be doing some more work on the OBS today."
"This is coming together baby this is the beast yeah this is really good man really really."
"...the nice thing about this entire project I think for me it brings back a lot of the playfulness in time series modeling."
"I have to tell you I'm a little bit addicted to this project I've made so many of them already."
"I don't know if you can tell I'm really entertained by this project. It's really good."
"We're not doing a lot of fabricating engineering, uh, we're just doing a lot of making this thing badass, that's what we're doing by golly."
"Enough talking already, let's get busy making this huge and I mean huge Scrappy American flag quilt."
"I love to take on projects. I love to see something coming from a mess and eventually being the beauty of it."
"Let's jump in, see what it took to get this bike together, and take it to the trails."
"Thanks to y'all for watching our videos, so let's build a cool Corvette."
"We're really really excited about the project and super excited that you will get to be a part of it from the very beginning."
"You're doing a super cool project, and it's great to sort of share a little bit of knowledge."
"I'm very excited about this project because it's a perfect fit for the United States."
"I can't wait to work on another video on this project, as well as all of our other projects, to share with all of you."
"It's a really cool project so I hope that you'll enjoy it."
"I've got a bit of a fun project to do today, so I'm excited."
"There's a lot to do on this project, but I cannot wait to get started."
"I just love this project. What do you guys think?"
"I have a really awesome project for us."
"We officially own the McLaren. We can work on it knowing that we can actually get it on the road."
"I'm absolutely loving this area, this project."
"This is going to be such an epic project."
"I absolutely love the quote on this next project, and it's so easy to do."
"I am just loving this project so much, I'm struggling to put it down."
"Thanks again for taking the time to chat; this project sounds really amazing."
"I'm loving it, I'm having a good time, I'm happy to be here with you guys, I'm just making a couple of adjustments so that I can be more productive and feel better about the projects I'm working on."
"I'm so excited to make this thing, oh my God."
"I find it kind of reinvigorates a project for me and gets me excited about it."
"It's such an exciting time, isn't it, following all these projects."
"I'm learning React.js and I thought this was a really fun project to work on and create."
"I want your enthusiasm. I want to make sure that the project I'm getting done by you is something that you're stoked about."
"I really like the direction it's headed in and I can definitely see myself using this for a lot of projects in the future."
"Now why I really, really like this project, because displaying items using JavaScript... is going to be your bread and butter."
"I'm really excited about it, she's a beater right now, but I promise you, it's gonna be a huge year."
"This project has been so much fun, I'm so excited to share with you guys."
"Let's have some fun and let's get this project started."