
Scene Setting Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"You have to put together something that's a scene. If it's a winter scene, make it feel cold. If it's a beautiful sunny day, make it clear as day."
"Quentin's use of music is pretty darn remarkable. He really articulates scenes with music."
"Boring basic scene setups lead to a ton of filler, dragging your pacing down."
"Julius was listening to Gas by the corridor's edge."
"Suddenly the whole scene started to come together out of these random elements."
"It's hard to see much in it, but the one aspect that kind of gives it away for me is like they're approaching that Farmstead at the one part."
"Comic creators begin a scene with several silent location panels, giving readers a sense of what it's like to be there."
"Jeff the killer, Lane whispered, still holding up the scissors."
"Looks surprisingly good uh yeah especially when they go into the little tent area."
"Either way, it's like those bleak as fuck... yeah, this is the scene where my kill count."
"Feel free to tweak your scene, any little touches, anything you want to make, anything you want to tweak."
"Ah, it starts off with Eminem in this dirty ass public bathroom practicing his rhymes."
"There was a muted air of menace about the whole scene."
"The more skills you have that you bring to the table, the more likely it is that you're going to be able to create a scene that is mutually enjoyable and unique."
"And there's our second awkward instance of a young child taking a bath."
"Christine quickly unlocked the door to her apartment, and Kevin found himself in a small hallway."
"We love dinner scenes because we sit around the table and we feel like a real family."
"The drawing tells you what's in the scene, the lighting tells you how to feel about it."
"Establishing shots give readers a sense of location."
"The least unbelievable thing in Kong: Skull Island is the ratio of cast motorbikes in the streets in Saigon."
"The choice to open this beat with just one instrument brings a certain quietude to the scene."
"Another great touch in 1052 was the scene at the dock."
"So yeah, the trick is just populate your scene a bit more, but not too much."
"Brushing an accumulation of snowflakes from his shoulders, the P. I. entered the house, and followed mother and son into the living room."
"We open on an oil tanker under attack by Decepticons."
"Later that night she tried to get a bed at Cooley's lodging house in Thrall Street."
"The jacket didn't move until the man was inside sitting at the counter smoking a cigarette and looking at the menu."
"They stopped when we pulled up at the house, and there were, of course, several hound dogs laying around."
"The crew of The Wrath stood at loose attention in the main hold."
"This beginning scene sets the tone for the movie: a combination of Espionage Thriller and the nail-biting races of cars."
"Even in contemporary settings, every scene is a world that the reader is entering."
"Everything about this scene perfectly sets the stage for the rest of the movie and establishes a strong tone right off the bat."
"When Cassian comes into the prison we're introduced to the floor the left you know level five floor."
"The car was idling in gear at the end of the driveway as we were taking in the scene."
"I actually do quite like it. I especially love the new soundtrack in this scene. I think it's so good at setting that scene."
"You should arrive at your location and the facilitator will set the scene."
"If you are a front of house engineer, you can dial in a mix for each band and simply recall that scene."
"The scene is always about the event."
"Ensure that moments of character exploration fit the tone and intent of the scene."
"I loved how they make the lighting dark for each scene, it's fantastic, I love it."
"...so the last step just to kind of finish out this scene is to place our camera."
"I'm excited, loving the animation. Especially loved when they got up into the post. It seemed like a great place to have a really cool musical cue."
"The scene descriptions are used to jog your memory about what each scene is about, and will be transferred to each Call Sheet later on."
"This is scene setting, this is allowing us to understand the story that we are going to have in the Second Age."
"You need to get those scenes in that establish the page and gives people a sense of believability."
"You want to start with a scene that illustrates character, conflict, world, and ideally also stakes."
"Now we've kind of created this scene."
"The sum of the first shapes I like to design in my scenes are these shapes of light and shadow."
"The pacing of the entire following scene is tied to the rhythm of this soundtrack."
"The focus here is not on the Lady Liberty Head itself, the focus is on the entire environment, the entire scene as a whole."
"We can continue this entire process for the furniture, for the characters, the people, we can add some life, some actual vibrance to this scene."
"Once I instilled that into my brain, I started looking at scenes in terms of how can we make this feel better and more intentional."
"There's a lot going on here, and I love how we're able to create a different scene."
"A color key is meant to be a quick yet informative capture of a scene."
"I always start with music, and I start by building a playlist of music that has the same feeling that I feel when I'm going through that scene in my head."
"I love the scene where the traditional music starts playing with the drum."
"I'm gonna do this little lantern scene for you."
"We've worked on the lighting for the scene overall... but we're still missing something pretty important, and that's the engine lighting."
"Oda really took his time to set the scene."
"Just by changing the background, you can completely change the feeling of your entire scene."
"Creating the scene is fairly simple."
"This is going to give us all that nice window light coming into our scene."
"The level of the harbour looks to be about right for the scene, the placement of the main trawler, the big boat to the middle."
"I love everything about it; I love the banking building, it was just such a perfect scene for this."
"The atmosphere of every scene was handled beautifully."
"It does a great job of setting the scene."
"I always talk to you guys about telling myself a story when building a scene."
"So let's start, we have a brand new scene here."
"Let's also add a camera to this scene."
"There we go, so it all lights up and you've got this wonderful scene."
"Once you get more confident on how to set up a scene, for example, it's a really great tool to have."
"It's very important to throw enough ambient light into the scene."
"The overall mood of the scene is exactly what I had in mind."
"Just to finish off that particular area of the scene, I'm just going to introduce a little bit of light in that area, just a touch, not a huge amount by any means."
"This guy is one of my favorite Mega Construx figures just because of how easy it is to stick him in a rainy scene."
"Now I know I told you I was going to show you how to put yourself in Neo's apartment from The Matrix, but to start out with, I'm going to use a lot less cluttered and more simple scene."
"I love it when designers take the time to write beautiful copy to set the scene."