
Time Capsule Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"It's a full-on chamber... a 2,000 cubic foot room filled with documents and artifacts... it even contains a special language integrator to help teach English to whoever finds the vault."
"Unlike most time capsules, it's not just filled with gadgets and trinkets... it's most well known for a booklet that's said to be inside, containing predictions of how they expect space exploration to have advanced over time."
"Buried in 1940, it was modeled after a cell that one might find in an Egyptian pyramid... inside the gigantic vault lies items that have been deemed crucial to our civilization."
"George [Lucas] was once asked when would this time capsule be opened and he said, 'Never, literally never.'"
"Keo is a proposed space time capsule which was intended to launch back in 2003."
"The crypt of civilization will not be opened until the year 8113."
"The Disneyland time capsule is dedicated to the children of the 21st century, who may unlock its contents on the 80th anniversary of Disneyland, July 17, 2035."
"The prize was a 1957 Plymouth Belvedere, which basically looks like every car in the movie Grease."
"This place is absolutely amazing, one of my favorite locations... It's a complete time capsule, frozen in time for what feels like hundreds of years."
"It's basically a time capsule from 15,000 years ago."
"The guys intended for the capsule to be uncovered in the year 2000."
"Check up with me in like 10 years, wherever I am by then, whatever anything. Just hit me up, say like yo, set alarm right now April 3rd, 2032."
"Maybe the best we can hope for in terms of communication is to leave a time capsule for them."
"This really is a lovely piece of archaeology, it's like a time capsule."
"Imagine you're writing a book, and every year you add a page to that book."
"Nowadays it's an otherworldly Ghost Town left to Decay and Frozen in time as the rest of the world Carries On."
"Experts tell us it is essentially a time capsule of the ancient solar system."
"This is literally like a time capsule."
"Everything's left inside as you can see behind me, the whole place is frozen in time, all the stuff, the family's gear and efforts are still here, looks absolutely spot on."
"I got a song that I like locked in a vault and I'm gonna let y'all hear it in a hundred years."
"Literally okay this this is the most Time Capsule thing in this backpack holy guacamole you guys."
"It's crazy when you do that like literally it's so cool how scent in itself can just be a time capsule."
"The boot's void may one day be seen as the ultimate Time Capsule."
"Think about it, okay? Everybody, that's what that's what I mean we're gonna take the Time Capsule right now."
"This thing is such a time capsule. It is so, so, so cool."
"This is the definition of a time capsule."
"The best albums capture a moment in time."
"It's a weak job but a really interesting time capsule too."
"This is a time capsule of the solar system."
"This is a true time capsule, as true as they come and as honest as they come."
"Caloundra for me is like a coastal time capsule of some sort."
"There's a time capsule buried at Dodger Stadium."
"This place has been absolutely amazing, right, nice little time capsule."
"It's like a time capsule of the era."
"It felt like it was a time capsule of the 90s in that one movie."
"I've always said that when you leave out the hyper stylized products of certain decades, movies like this in Windy City are the real time capsules of the time."
"This is amazing, it's a time capsule."
"What an amazing time capsule you can devote your love for something that you love all your life you spend it's probably spent his whole life in that building."
"It's like a proper true Time Capsule."
"We've done the little time capsule and what an amazing... I thought it was an amazing little house."
"This is again a bit of a time capsule, you know? It is really, really cool."
"They really had this time capsule and at first I thought it was a time capsule of Paris at the turn of the century but in fact it was the future that they were protecting."
"These some of these cars are period pieces and you really just have to, like, it's a time capsule you just have to fly back to that era."
"Finally, I made this time capsule."
"It felt like a reflection of the time that we were living in."
"Preserving plants helps preserve a moment in time."
"It's really important that we have that snapshot in time of where these plants were, what they were found with, how they grew, when they flowered, when they leafed out."
"It's kind of a time capsule of the end of the '90s."
"I just got finished digging a hole for my latest adventure, a time capsule."
"Good luck, Time Capsule. I'll see you again, hopefully way in the future."
"This is probably the most incredible time capsule I've ever filmed."
"This is unbelievable, probably the most incredible time capsule I've ever stepped foot in."
"This car really is a time capsule; it's a 13-year-old time capsule."
"That was so long ago, see that's where the Time Capsule is so great, so we can look back on all our memories."
"That is history right there, frozen in time."
"All artists are documentary because it's a document of the time."
"This time capsule... will remain untouched until April 30th, 2042."
"It was now revered by fans for precisely what it is: a time capsule of the era in which it was made."
"Traditional builds are cool because basically like driving a time capsule."
"It's a time capsule, we're going right back to 1963."
"This is the time capsule, some serious history in here."
"These random compilations of notes are catchy, and it's going to be like a soundtrack to this time."
"This place is a huge time capsule."
"Being in a band is like being trapped in a time capsule."
"I don't want to make the 'what was the best of my year' list; I want to make a time capsule of what the year was like."
"That's the time capsule that you and I put together many years ago. It holds all of our precious memories."
"It's as if we've stepped into a time capsule where the past comes alive before our very eyes."
"The city feels like it's been encased in a capsule here and we're definitely stuck in time in this medieval time period which makes it so amazing to come and check out."
"This area hasn't been touched in nearly 20 years, and the items are still here."
"We're going to seal this up; one day someone's going to open this, and I think it's kind of a fun idea."
"I am rri from the year 1862 where I have just buried what I am calling a time capsule somewhere in T-Rex Ranch."
"The golden record is a time capsule of humanity's essence, containing a mesmerizing compilation of sounds and images that encapsulate the breadth of human civilization and our place in the cosmos."
"Okay dude, I know what this is. This is, I think, a time capsule."
"I always put at the very bottom a current issue of a newspaper and then bury it, knowing that in about 80 to 100 years, that newspaper will be found by someone whose father hasn't even been born yet."
"It feels like a time capsule, so pretty cool."
"It's just like a coming-of-age, perfect capture of the time it's shot in. It's great."
"It's like a time capsule, every single one of these things will bring you back to a moment in time."
"Journaling helps you document your life... It's like you're making a time capsule for your future self."
"I feel like your Bullet Journal is like a time capsule, a way to capture memories."