
Native American Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"I am a Native American, meaning I was born here. This is the land of my father, grandfather, and his father before him."
"Telling people you're Native American when you're not Native is a lot like telling a bear you're a bear when you're not actually a bear."
"The name 'Manhattan' comes from the language of the Lenape Native Americans and derives from the word 'Manahata'."
"In the rich tapestry of Native American mythology, the Thunderbird occupies a special place, a creature of immense power revered for its significance across many indigenous cultures."
"Red Bone was inducted into the Native American Music Association Hall of Fame."
"As long as there will be Native American or there will be blacks alive, they will continue to tell that story." - Raul Peck
"We're proving the lives of the Native American families and tribes more than any Administration has ever done by far."
"Native Americans have been hit hard by the terrible pandemic."
"We should have a really good, strong sense of Native American food."
"Skinwalkers: Shapeshifters of Native American folklore."
"Native american societies were thriving and had set up in North America for centuries."
"Native American occupation of Alcatraz Island."
"Every Native American tribal First Nations tribe lived with these things."
"Cherokee is definitely one of the most fun and powerful native nations."
"Native American legends about Bigfoot span the continent."
"The Coast Salish and their neighbors had a term called 'sasquette' or 'sasquets.'"
"The Native American suicide rate is double the national average."
"Native people in the United States of America are the only people who do not have the constitutionally protected right to worship in our holy places."
"Being a human being, you want to find patterns."
"Pocahontas was a young girl of courage and vision, an extraordinary Native American leader who, despite her youth, would become one of her father's most trusted advisors."
"The Cherokee would eventually call this journey the Trail Where We Cried, or the Trail of Tears."
"Another haunting tale is that of the Native American Spirits believed to inhabit Mammoth Cave."
"In the rocks and in nature, you will find things that Native Americans placed to commemorate and visualize what they were seeing in nature and in certain places, in the sky."
"Our verdict? Well, Mark Holley definitely discovered something manmade--we think by early Native American tribes, not early European immigrants."
"One of the misconceptions that the Euro-American tradition has about Indian leadership is that there was this military organization where one person had authority over all the rest of the members of the tribe or the band."
"America, you know it actually looks like the Native American have done all right for themselves."
"Thanksgiving weekend right and um I didn't even look it up like an [ __ ] like I just saw it my wife showing me pictures like oh it looks beautiful I didn't realize it's on a [ __ ] Native American reservation everybody there is Native American."
"For many Native Americans, everything used by humans is alive and deserves respect."
"Crazy Horse, not a national park but a privately funded thing, four times the size of Mount Rushmore."
"It's a relentless pursuit of the truth. We want the truth, we want to know why do we do it? Because it proves the veracity of the biblical prophetic narrative. It also proves the veracity of a Native American oral tradition."
"hopefully this film's critical and box office success will open the door for Native American filmmakers to be able to get the funding to tell their own stories and carve their truth into history in a way that many like Molly and her family were never allowed to."
"If I were a Native American, I would feel deeply insulted and offended by a holiday called Columbus Day."
"Taking your own life in battle rather than being caught or captured by the Native American tribes appears to be a likely scenario."
"Causes like the Native American burial grounds get me fired up."
"The Big Horn medicine wheel in Wyoming, USA, is one of the most important Native American sites in the entire country."
"It was the summer of 2010 and I was still in high school. My friend's dad invited me with his family to go camping near a lake that was a Native American reservation at one point."
"The Book of Mormon is a record of our Western tribes of Indians."
"As we celebrate Native American heritage month let us recognize and thank our native communities for all they have done to keep the Traditions alive and visible."
"The Native American tribes were of several nations, diverse cultures, and their impact on modern life remains immeasurable."
"As a Native American, Warren knows all too well the dangers of one group taking over another to form a monopoly. Mhm, it's vicious."
"So culturally, I mentioned before, patrilineal and matrilineal ways of understanding, well Native Americans have both patrilineal and matrilineal cultures."
"The legend of the Thunderbird originates from Native American folklore, often associated with thunderstorms and immense power."
"Before you were born, you were chased, beaten, broken, trapped on a reservation in Oklahoma. Before you were born, you were an idea."
"I wasn't writing it for non-native people. I was trying to write it in an interesting way for Native people to really assess what this has been, in an interesting way."
"So Jackson will propose, basically, this Indian removal act."
"Essentially, this would be the end of Indians east of the Mississippi."
"They're gnarly, man. I mean, you know the Indian word, Native American word in the Pacific Northwest for orcas is, uh, wolves of the sea."
"Antietam is a Native American word that translates as 'swift current.'"
"Red Cloud is one of the few Native American Chieftains to actually win a war against the United States Army."
"The Navajo: the most American of the Native Americans."
"A lot of these names derive from various Native American tribes."
"Native Americans live by the slogan 'I don't take more than what I need,' and that way I can still have an abundance."
"The town's name Ten Sleep allegedly came from the Native Americans and it took 10 nights or 10 sleeps to make it through this valley to Montana."
"I feel as though we were being watched over by those Native Americans that lost their lives there, a strong but calm and protective presence."
"The burial Native American ground emerged before us, ancient weathered gravestones and markers, some toppled by time, adorned the desolation."
"I'm working on a movie called Shadow Train, it's about the human condition through the lens of the Native American experience."
"Native American cultures deserve to be part of our study of history."
"Native American cultures before the Europeans came were every bit as complex, advanced, cosmopolitan, creative, and technologically savvy as any ones that were in the old world."
"There's still millions of Native Americans... who are their descendants and who still form part of our societies."
"I will serve Native American people with the education that I have received."
"The American Indian is the prick in the American conscience."
"This jaggedy outcropping of lava is where a very tenacious band of Modoc Native Americans fought off the U.S. Army."
"I was raised on the Umatilla Indian Reservation in Eastern Oregon."
"Native American tribes are adapting significantly to the geography around them."
"I was face to face with a Native American man."
"The Native American population may have declined by as much as 90 percent in the hundred years before King Philip's War."
"Wolfen takes the werewolf mythos and reinvents the genre from its European influences, transforming it into a Native American folklore setting."
"Native Americans lived side by side in acceptance of Sasquatch, which is actually made of American lien."
"Killers of the Flower Moon is spotlighting a lot of Native American talent."
"Ishi is not only an important Native American figure but also a very symbolic Native American figure."
"I think that Navajos recognized that he was a man of courage, an honorable man, a man who kept his word."
"The great Sioux war began in 1876 and would end with the battle of the Little Bighorn in 1877."
"Many of Ohio's major roadways lie on Native American Trails that were later used by white settlers."
"He embodies the spirit of a contemporary frontiersman, preserving his heritage while advocating for the rights and well-being of Native Americans."
"Native Americans for many tribes... passed through this gap following a path trod by the herds of buffalo, elk, and deer."
"The Mississippi River holds a rich history of Native American civilizations."
"The legends and folklore of the Native American tribes had always intrigued me, and now more than ever."
"We wish to convey an understanding and appreciation of the diversity and incredible artistic ability of the Native American peoples of North America."
"He's the first Native American general authority, which is impressive."
"When your people reach the valleys of the Wind River, when they are home, they will continue to live in peace."
"It's the only living Native American community ever to be given World Heritage Site status by UNESCO."
"There's this thing called an atlatl... it was like a spear that the Native Americans in this part of the country used to throw to hunt."
"Strong Native American women are the backbone of their families."
"The buffalo were not simply their physical salvation; the buffalo were relatives."
"Poverty Point is one of three world heritage sites built by Native Americans here in the US."
"The ride took me through the Cattaraugus Indian Territory where gas was cheaper by about 80 cents, so I filled up my tank there and then set off east."
"Pocahontas is an Indian word that means 'a bright stream between two hills'."
"In Native American culture, women were the agriculturalists and men supplemented the diet of the tribe by hunting and they protected the community."
"Many Native American tribes were matrilineal, that is, they traced families through the mother."
"To me, the Native American is the symbol of the West, and it's the romance side, it's the beautiful side, it's everything that I believe the West is."
"I'm a Native American descendant, full-blooded, one-fourth Pawnee and also a quarter Seneca."
"Oklahoma is where I'm from, you know, it's land of the Red Man."
"Your DNA suggests that 50.8 percent of your ancestry is Native American."
"A very interesting creation story from Native Americans about Dogman."
"Three-fifths of all value of agriculture produced comes from plants that were original agriculture of the Native Americans."
"All life is essentially sacred to Native Americans."
"This victory over Custer is paramount in Native American history."
"I get my inspiration from Native American pottery and the baskets from the southwestern area of the United States."
"Freedmen of the Five Tribes are not niche, we are not a small group; there were 20,000 plus of us in 1906."
"Three sisters gardening is a Native American gardening practice."
"American Indians in full war paint dropping silently from the skies to strike with the deadly stealth of their ancestors were among the first paratroop units to go into action."
"To the Native Americans, this right here was a very important place; this was sacred ground."
"This video is dedicated to all Native Americans, nothing but respect."
"Alcatraz has been called the catalyst that has united American Indians after 400 years."
"The occupation of Alcatraz helped change public opinion about Native Americans."
"This necklace here is from the early 1900s and is a typical necklace that would have been worn by a Native American person; it was not made for the tourist trade."
"Native American tribal members are citizens of their Nations; this is a political and cultural identification rather than a genetic identification."
"Blood Quantum was created and later used by the United States government to depossess Native American people of their lands and civil liberties."
"It was not until the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 that the United States began requiring tribal Nations to use blood Quantum to determine tribal citizenship."
"Claiming to be Native American because of a distant or unverifiable Native American ancestor contradicts a tribal nation's right to sovereignty."
"The ribbon skirt shows a sense of pride and a sense of connectivity to being Native."
"The Native American Church... is the most prominent indigenous religion for Native Americans today."
"In some Native American cultures, dragonflies are seen as messengers of change and transformation."
"This past 150 years is a very short time in Native history."
"The history of the Native American indigenous people actually goes back thousands of years."
"The tomahawk originated here in the Americas by the Native Americans as a brutal not only weapon of war but also a very valuable tool."
"Native American ancestry is something that captures our imagination."
"Native American pragmatism is a way of thinking about the world that demands that the thinker look at the outcomes."
"You could generally get ten metal arrowheads pre-manufactured by the whites for one buffalo robe."
"Ledger books... were drawn in these books the exact same design that they'd seen that they were drawn on the TP covers before."
"My Native American grandmother told me stories about them when I was little."
"If you can take a note from the Native Americans and try to avoid those areas, try to put your camp out in the open, away from the brush, away from tall grass, you're going to be miles ahead."
"The full moon this month falls on the 22nd and it was known by Native American tribes as the Sturgeon Moon."
"As a Native American, I find it impossible to be patriotic."
"As railroads expanded in the 1880s and 1890s, Indian life was drastically altered."
"He made a difference for his people and future generations of Native American talent."
"I'm really personally excited to talk about this and break the narrative, being that I'm Native American documented."
"Now he and the 600 men of the Seventh Cavalry strike force rode down the Rosebud River in search of the Native American village."
"To the Native Americans, this place was considered sacred."
"Most of all, I am grateful to the Native Americans for teaching us a new way how to survive a harsh environment, how to reach out to each other when we're in need, how to be gentle, how to be kind."
"Echoed the Thunder of Indian Pony hoof Beats."
"She's the first Native American canonized Saint."
"We're just trying to get Native Americans healthy. With doing that, we're trying to keep them involved in the circle at the same time."
"Native Americans issued the Declaration of Indian purpose which calls for self-determination for Native Americans."
"Native American religion was outlawed in the United States until an act of Congress created the Native American Religious Freedom Act of 1977."
"Traditionally, you know, beads have always been a part of the Native American culture."
"Native Americans have always had someone else tell them the story about us, but we wanted to tell our story."