
Changes Quotes

There are 357 quotes

"All of these extraordinary changes came about thanks to tiny differences in our genes."
"Being grounded... back then, in the '90s, was 'Oh, you can't go outside.' Now it's like, 'I'm going to take your Xbox.'"
"Snow White's Enchanted Wish is a ride that is currently at Disneyland; however, novice fans of Disney may not know that this ride is actually a rework of two previous versions of the ride."
"Politicians suddenly see the light once they leave office."
"Prime Subs are a thing of the past pretty soon."
"For the first time ever in Halo, sprint is no longer a necessity."
"Listen, gentlemen, every time we send the same child or a different child to the same past event, it changes. Maybe a little bit, but it changes."
"Tyranitar doesn't have pursuit anymore, which is kind of sad."
"It's clear that third-person cutscenes were going to play a big role in this game but were just cut."
"A new beginning in the house of others... a new significant relationship may emerge..."
"The border system will go away with Overwatch too."
"I find that a lot of times just changing the meta up changes the dungeons in a way that provides that new feeling for me."
"Expect turnaround events in the world, sudden changes, but there is good news."
"Twitter used to be an open field of free thought... Now the blue checkmarks police that thought."
"Franchise mode this year, it's much different than in the years past."
"Leveling became more minor over time, but back then, it was the road itself."
"December 13th, 2021 will go down in infamy as the day that YouTube removed the dislike."
"Gotta love when the meta changes mid-season, baby."
"They need to realize that there's a ripple effect when you change one detail when adapting already existing source material."
"Now, this is actually huge. This is a significant change."
"Tuning can change absolutely everything on a dime within the first few weeks."
"Crafting all the parts required to make an ore miner was a long tedious process. In 1.16, they changed it a lot from the previous versions."
"So the big change is right here: once during each of your turns."
"Y'all want to see me go a little bit crazy? Ban heavy-duty boots."
"Hail Gary! Sorry I'm late, but have you heard about the latest edits for the re-release of Mass Effect? More lens flares and no more butt shots of women. It's time to hit them in their wallets."
"Destiny is a better game after losing things like the whisper mission."
"As states begin to relax quarantine guidelines, some think the rules for dating during a pandemic will stick."
"A lot has changed from how the previous entries handled lore."
"That's what killed the Sony Spider-Man. That's what changed the whole landscape of things."
"Biology... chemistry... biology will not change... chemistry will not change... men that operate like women... becoming less and less attractive."
"So many matchups that were in Wario's favor or even are just gonna like not be like that anymore."
"September can bring a shocking change to your love life."
"The Fit has actually shrunk slightly in this generation."
"It's more games as well, like it's a good change."
"I know it's huge information and a huge big change for everybody in the storyline."
"If you agree on the basic principles of 1776 Free Speech self-governance Merit then you know what we're on the same team."
"This is so stupid, but back then people hated dark auditoriums."
"This game has changed so much from the pre-alpha."
"When I said that there was only going to be one waifu per element, I take that back."
"Part of the reason the Oracle system died out was because the temple Chasm stopped emitting so many trans-inducing Vapors."
"This year's list of the richest Americans has been shaken up by divorce, crypto, and a presidency."
"Suddenly, things that we were all doing became ethical bonuses."
"Now it will only spawn a hatchling once every five seconds instead of every single egg."
"This is more of a quality-of-life feels good change rather than a balanced change."
"World of Warcraft Classic and the World of Warcraft which exists today are nothing alike at all."
"Alcohol in Magic Kingdom was a long time coming."
"A lot of reliable damage is reduced now that there's only one tank instead of two."
"It's nice to not see one here anymore because it means one's gone."
"All sorts of material was coded into the game, then dropped during development."
"The end of Tilted Towers could be very, very close."
"Passover would eventually slip into winter, then fall, then back to the spring."
"All right my number 91 was seven last year whoa whoa."
"There's a dismissiveness that I even have now towards little iterative changes in technology."
"Less ult gain from tanks largely accomplished this by itself."
"It's HBO, damn it, and that's why HBO Max is now just called Max because apparently branding means absolutely nothing."
"Dumbo became much less creepy in 1959 when the giant head was removed."
"Corporate culture is changing, skipping Pride events."
"This change has a massive effect on the game at large."
"Perhaps the most memorable moment of the season was when Eli got benched in week 13."
"The mass market has options it didn't used to have."
"McCarthy's harsh words about Trump would soon be a distant memory."
"New changes coming this reset to horrific visions."
"Sweet Business perk refilling the magazine when picking up primaries no longer works in a world without primary ammo."
"There are a lot of positives to come out of COVID-19."
"All-you-can-eat buffets are seriously going to suffer."
"Fantastic Fizz and Yumi gone, what more could we really ask for?"
"Big changes for fard, it's actually just escalating right."
"What's happening in college football right now has not always been done."
"Restart would now skip your first draw when used, making your opening far less powerful."
"You literally cannot trust anything you see on YouTube anymore especially since they've removed the dislike button."
"Instead I was given two extraordinary marvelous and unique sons who would teach me that dreams however outrageous and possible a far-fetched can and do come true."
"Some of these changes are going to be good for gameplay."
"Would you be mad if they change the quote 'No, I am your father' to 'No, Luke, I am your father'?"
"I like these changes by Wargaming, get a thumbs up from me."
"It's quite interesting to look back and see how it's changing society."
"Higher numbers of provisional ballots were cast this year due to new laws and procedures created to two bipartisan election reform measures."
"Huge breakthroughs, shocking surprises, big changes."
"I remember when it was called gods and monsters. I didn't know that gods and monsters turned into phoenix rising."
"I don't know why y'all change my hair every time."
"There was a time on YouTube where you could just make a living doing it, and you wouldn't have any problems if you said one little no-no word in the video."
"Youtubers never used to have to worry about these things, and YouTube used to just be a much better place to be around because these things didn't happen."
"Just the nightmare dungeon change by itself should be a huge improvement to the way this game is being played."
"The Final Fantasy 7 remake demo showed me they're actually doing it. They're like changing it, making choices, making it huge."
"So there you guys have it a bunch of changes happening on the PvE at the very moment for the big mid-season update."
"The biggest change that is happening gameplay-wise that is immediately apparent is that this game has no meter."
"People coming into my life and people going, leaving my life."
"People say hi differently this week, I'll tell you that. Yeah, I bet they do. People hi differently."
"College football is dealing with the NIL boom. Massive conference realignment is taking place."
"We can say that some big changes are coming in the next few months and they are by and large very awesome."
"I think gone are the days of landlords no longer raising the rent."
"It's not enough you kill the Celestial Eternals, you also retcon the origins of humanity."
"The ending was greatly altered, originally there were chapters 9 and 10 which later fused into a singular Final Chapter."
"Surprising energy, unexpected changes, unexpected communication coming in."
"Left 4 Dead's campaigns changed a fair amount as well, and there were even some that were cut altogether."
"They just ripped a sub button off my channel so no one can sell so they put it in the smithsonian."
"Big happy changes are coming, promising a brighter future."
"It's just interesting how rapidly the gaming landscape can change from one year being all about loot boxes to the next year being complete silence on the topic." - Mike Williams
"Release Kalista was quite literally a different character."
"Experts predict we will see a dramatic shift in the numbers uh for COVID sometime in April and things will look completely different."
"Let me know what you thought about the buffs and job changes."
"That is a ton of different weapons affected and we're gonna see a massive meta shake-up because of this."
"You will not see parades, fireworks, or traditional character meet-and-greets."
"A crazy year in terms of title changes, new stars emerging. Absolutely incredible."
"Angel number 555 signals that changes are underway, so have faith in the adjustments you are making."
"It's those very changes that allow some of the best bonds, some of the best friendships to form."
"I came into this new year after my break, trying to process all the changes that have happened in my life and my family."
"With a show going since 1989, obviously stuff gets cut, things change, and episodes go unfinished or unproduced entirely."
"What's happening is that there are changes occurring in the female brain, and they're driving a lot of your symptoms."
"This relationship's going to come in when you're both in completely new phases of your lives."
"...the opponents were dressed differently than last time, and there were much fewer of them."
"Important conversations could lead to positive changes in relationships."
"We reprint the menu daily based on the changes."
"Staging changes allows you to commit changes that are logically related to each other."
"Adding files to the staging area allows you to commit changes that are logically related to each other."
"Same characters, new looks, more sales. How could it go wrong, right?"
"There were some pretty massive changes in the actual movie," teases the narrator.
"Disney has gone through a lot of weird waves"
"There might be more changes fans don’t entirely agree with. But that’s alright."
"It's almost like some people said that this is why Bob chapek got swapped out for Bob Iger."
"Changes in GUI don't take effect until committed."
"You're starting a new family, maybe making new friends, maybe getting into some sort of partnership, maybe having children, maybe moving in with somebody, whatever it could be, anything, but that's the energy that I'm getting this year."
"Big happy changes come from this. I don't know if this is you talking to a friend or a family member or your person is or something like that or an ex, but it just brings clarity."
"Your body goes through so many changes as you get older."
"Life Is Life and you've got to make mistakes, make changes or whatever it is."
"I imagine that some changes were made to this section after Harvey Keitel was removed from the cast."
"Whatever we had planned for this house has just gone out the window mate, literally."
"This person sees you as someone that they made stable changes for."
"Various changes over the past 10 years or so, well probably longer than that even, changes in pursuit of really faster lap times and also more safety have made Moto GP kind of boring at this point."
"I think the emphasis should be on extending yourself Grace because like you said we go through so many changes in our body."
"We're going through a period at the moment that seeing some of the biggest changes in SEO in well over a decade."
"Yeah, I think Laax has recently changed because the skiers are now now in Laax, so they just cut it in half."
"The cold part is, is that the source used to say Monterey Bay but now it says Las Vegas."
"Marvel is clearly not in the spot that it was say four or 5 years ago and it's reeling and it's changing their game."
"Jimmy, one day we're going to like girls, and slowly all our time will be taken up by hanging out with them. And we're going to start doing weird stuff like wear cologne and buy slim-cut jeans."
"To make changes you've got to be consistent and keep going and push through the pain."
"Overall, the 1930s really brought big changes to men's pants."
"I think at the in the next year two years we'll see whether the changes that stick in in how companies go public."
"Big changes are coming in this connection."
"Please keep me posted if anything changes or you hear something different."
"Versioning is just a fancy word that means that we're going to track changes and specifically we're going to take snapshots of these changes."
"There's a whole lot more to this facelift than just those new light fittings."
"Always confirm changes before you deploy to avoid unexpected outcomes."
"Every change they made made the movie much worse, every change they made made them look like morons."
"Your intimacy life is going to change quite soon."
"It was becoming pretty clear that Yggdrasil made extensive changes not only to the Linux kernel, but the system as a whole."
"With some easy changes you can not only make your MacBook Pro look better but you can also make it more productive and easier to use."
"I can't think of a single video where I've had such a change in emotion on camera where it's like everything was happy this thing was chill loving everybody."
"Version notes could be extremely handy in tracking what changes were made from the previous version."
"So now that Elon Musk is the father of Twitter, I want to go over what he says he wants to do with the platform because he's got some changes in mind. He's not just buying it to have it in his arsenal of... he owns."
"The Dark Horse, like it's just got so many little changes that just add up."
"The world of carp fishing has changed a lot."
"This revised car, although on the outside looking at it aesthetically and on the inside there's absolutely no changes, there have been some important changes under the skin that have really injected a lot more fun into this car."
"It's definitely a little bit different this time around and I will definitely keep you guys updated though and posted with like what we're trying to do."
"I was kind of recruited in a way he saw what was happening what was doing the changes."
"Every time I change the film or type a new film into here, all of these results are going to update."
"People say there's just more guns on the streets in Amarillo these days."
"Stamp Duty used to be straightforward when it first came out. You buy a house for half a million, that's the rate you pay. Then they go, 'Oh, on the first bit, first quarter of a million, you don't pay a rate, the second, you pay a different rate.'"
"A childless couple getting a child with just a few letter changes in the name. Your destiny is in your hands."
"You're looking sexy. Ew. You've been working out. Did you change your hair? What have y'all been doing because you're looking, you know what's so crazy."
"...so if let's say a boss has been planning I don't know like a big department reshuffle uh behind the scenes there could be news that reaches you around the 27th of January maybe also the day before and the day after..."
"They made a dozen smaller changes but in critical areas."
"The weight gain that you have you know the things that your body is doing the changes that you're experiencing you know even the melasma these are all things that are happening for a reason."
"It's a functional product looting his own company for Quick Cash, pissing off the best living filmmakers, changing HBO Go to HBO Max to just Max, the app that gives equal billing to The Sopranos and Mill Manor, and going on a killing spree of finished films and series."
"Preparation for major changes benefits your future relationships."
"...I think all of these changes are pretty minor in terms of what you're getting out of it and I think most people aren't going to complain too much if they're coming from an older generation like this one."
"I sense major changes are coming your way as there seems to be good health and good relationship blessings surrounding you."
"Disney are not gonna stop until they've ruined the few things that people actually like about Disney."
"These little tiny changes that you make in your lives make such a huge difference."
"He started acting different, didn't want to be around her, and when she brought up them getting married he started saying [ __ ] like this."
"It goes from red, white, and blue to blue, white, red. And this is, by the way, he just switched it to weekly."
"If you do change it then be sure to let me know in the comments down below what changes you've made and you never know you might even inspire my configuration."
"Implementing changes will lead to energetic upgrades and a new way of being."
"The Magic Kingdom's version of Pirates underwent various changes over the years, including character additions and scene alterations."
"The synthesis becomes way more fun because you make tiny changes and it makes giant differences."
"So how many splits happened? One split could happen. Two splits could happen and three splits could happen."
"They've improved everything by making a few small changes."
"And I think finally with all of the revolutionary changes that David has discovered in the next 10 years, we're going to see remarkable opportunities presented to each of us for fundamentally changing our lives."
"You aren't happy with the design and you want changes. It's going to happen."
"Your body goes through so many changes. There's so many things that people don't tell you."
"Expect changes, you may be starting to adjust to changes now."
"I used to actually like season 3."
"What she's looking for are permanent changes within you and until she sees that she's not moving back in."
"...one of the major findings from this study was that in just 24 hours there were already changes to the gut microbiome."
"Sexual changes... your erogenous zones on your body can change."
"Given how much was chopped and changed during the filming process, it's perhaps unsurprising to learn that the original ending to Returns wasn't the one we actually got."
"sometimes these unintentional changes in the shape of a board can turn out to actually be better than you anticipated"
"When it comes to a band like the lineup matters and lineup changes like at a certain point you know when you're down to just the one original Dude or even just the two original Dude or whatever it's weird it's kind of it's weird it's like a different band at that point."
"Shrek was a very fraught production that had weather changes in script production design and the death of original star chris farley."
"Big changes in your love life. This is definitely a big connection coming in here for you."
"There are changes that will come to you. Changes that will take place. I saw you standing in finances were being loaded to you."
"Every time you make a change to your website and you click update, that's basically like saving your work and it's updating the live version of your website with any changes you might have made."
"It's amazing how life can just flip on its head in ways that you can never sort of predict."
"It's looking lovely. What have you guys done to it?"
"Changes to how we'll be Crossing Borders, and it's not being talked about."
"Set alerts that will notify you when changes have taken place."
"Obama actually spent a significant chunk of his presidency undoing some of the things that had been done before him."
"Instead of just mileage and 1 day per diem, it's now milage, 3 days per diem and 2 hotel nights."
"The extent of the changes was evident even in the empty stretch of road they were riding down."
"Just seeing the changes and how big this category has grown."