
Radical Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"What God is about to do, is doing, and has done in your life is going to be so revolutionizing and so radical, you ought to be walking around with great expectations."
"This is radical and it's a shift from literally any previous administration in US history."
"It's not conservative, it sure isn't normal. It's radical."
"How can one person change the world? By tearing it down."
"The only way to change it is to burn everything down."
"The most radical form of rebellion may be to do nothing."
"We need radical solutions. If we don't have radical solutions, then we're not going to solve our problems."
"They see the system for what it is and they want it to change radically."
"Being just a decent human to yourself is sometimes sadly really radical."
"An effective lasting economic reform must at the same time be a radical reform of society."
"Radical change is the only thing that can save us."
"The book of Acts... Radical, revolutionary, mighty."
"We want revolutionary actuaries." - Warren Redlich
"The nature of the changes... strike me as fairly radical."
"We were a group that just wanted to get rad, be stylish, and tell the world you want some of this."
"Seek out new radical experiences, since experience is King."
"The ability to see radically different perspectives than your own is core to my work."
"In this crazy time, someone who's conventional and wise seems radical."
"All of this stuff ties together and it just shows how radical Tesla really is and the progress that they're making."
"It's radical, yeah, so cool, it is so cool."
"Embrace radical change for miraculous outcomes."
"The most radical killing can take place."
"The etymology of 'radical' is 'root.' It's about fundamental change, departing from traditions. This month is radical, it's life-changing."
"If I brought back one radical terrorist... everything would be for naught."
"Jesus was a rabble-rouser, Jesus was Radical, Jesus was a yoke breaker."
"God is getting ready to do something radical."
"I think prison reform is actually one of the most radical opinions I hold. The way we treat prisoners in this country is absolutely abhorrent."
"It's a movement of radical self-acceptance."
"I mean, old people are sneaky. That's what makes them so good at being 'radical'."
"It's time to get radical, praise God!"
"That is radically different from the illustration of Elvis, aliens, whatever spaghetti monster, whatever you'd like to call it."
"Now, I'm going to do something really radical. I'm going to let myself be happy."
"I'm so happy that I made that radical decision and I would encourage you to do what you want to do with your life as well even if other people think it's crazy."
"You are about to be radically, undeniably, irreversible, changed."
"We weren't mainstream. We were pretty radical."
"It's like going from black and white to color. It's going from Death to life. It's such a radical transformation."
"At its heart, it is a simple idea, but this is such a radical change from what most organizations do."
"Small acts of kindness are radical acts of defiance."
"Radical acts of faith begin with the revelation of who God is in my situation."
"Radical faith is birthed through the revelation of who you are."
"Radical faith requires radical obedience."
"Radical faith means radical acts of obedience."
"God's called us to radical acts of obedience."
"God's called us to radical faith and radical obedience."
"I believe that God's called us to radical obedience."
"People want radical economic transformation. Some want land back."
"The radical Center is the radicalness of Christ and what he's asking us to do."
"Bitcoin: radical, rebellious, non-compliant."
"To say that each person is your equal is a radical thing, no matter their condition, their upbringing, their race, religion, creed, whatever."
"Williams Arizona is full of radical Route 66."
"A radical does not mean a man who lives on radishes," remarked Crook with some impatience.
"This experience was radical, it was life-changing and life-saving."
"Why should you care? The implications of such radical finding rock the foundations of our belief system that space-time is fundamental."
"What a radical statement Jesus is making."
"And all you have to do to do it is fight to be yourself because that is the most radical act."
"Doing what Jesus said to do is radical."
"There's no other system of religious thought which generates the problem in quite this radical form."
"One of the aspects of Jesus that people don't fully appreciate is just how radical he was."
"Their love is a sort of radical transgression."
"Paul does something quite radical. What he does is he appropriates an old pagan motif."
"Oh, my goodness, that was radical. Absolutely speechless."
"Imagine someone describing your book like that. Holy [__] [__] radical."
"Even more deeply, I've come to see it as a radical act of love."
"We're talking about releasing forgiveness in a radical way and finding the healing that we're so desperately looking for."
"I have three nights where I have encounters with Jesus. Radical encounters."
"It's time for some radical measures."
"The more radical, the more original your idea is, the more important it is to make sure that people aren't dissuaded by the end."
"Some of us getting radical for Jesus, saying yes to becoming a deliverer."
"Ruthless criticism of all that exists."
"It's radical, it's punk, it's angry, it's loud and brash and frightening. This book is a form of protest against the factory of society."
"They're Democratic about all kinds of things... It's a kind of a radical democracy."
"The most radical thing a woman can be is relaxed."
"Jesus is really radical because... you're supposed to love your enemies and do good to them."
"The good news of the Incarnation is... more radical, more scary and terrifying, and destabilizing than we may often allow."
"Be radically open-minded, go for the adventure."
"I'm going to be radical in my pursuit of happiness and in the attainment of my own goals."
"So very cool and so very radical."
"Radical rather than rhetorical, babble like an oracle."
"It's a radical, crazy love that makes no sort of sense to the logic of this world."
"It's almost not so much what the Zohar says but how it says it, and that it's willing to be so radical in reimagining God."
"This will be a time of radical change, however it's brought about, whether it's by cataclysmic event or by just different ideological shifts."
"We need to become more radically optimistic."
"...we are all being seeded with these thought impulses but from the point of view of Saturn and our reality they can seem too radical."
"There is an extraordinary demand out there for true radical dangerous intellectual thought and expression and discussion."
"Having a positive self-image is such a radical thing right now."
"Radical forgiveness basically asks us to bring some sort of compassion to the situation."
"Seeing people be queer publicly is radical."
"The social inclusion agenda was way more radical than Hawk's."
"Actually listening has been the most radical thing that I can do."
"It's the most radical social transformation that we have ever seen in this country."
"The most radical thing Jesus Christ ever said was the privilege of calling God our Father Who Art in Heaven."
"Here a radical form of Puritanism could thrive, free from the sinful distractions of the old world."
"We need to bring back the call for radical systemic change."
"It's good to be radical. You don't have to ask permission to be radical."
"It's radical to pause in the times we most need pausing."
"Our experience as Christians should be absolutely radical."
"There's a difference between being honest and being radically honest."
"We're gonna radically love the world because God loves the entire world."
"We want the future to benefit most people, a radical notion in 2019."
"I've become more radical in old age than I've ever been."
"Ecology itself is inherently radical because it conceives reality in terms of interrelationships."
"As soon as we put eco in front of something, we're automatically making it radical because we're thinking now in terms of interrelationships."
"We are changing the world very radically and very, very fast, so not unlike an asteroid impact."
"In many ways, Jesus Christ was radical; he was a nonconformist."
"I would like to suggest an approach that you may find radical, but which may be our only chance of saving Bianca's life."
"The square root symbol is called a radical because I could have like the cube root of something."
"He's very much a radical modernizer."
"Christ was the most radical man who ever walked the Earth."
"This passage is radical in the way of elevating the dignity of women."
"Taking your seat is a radical act of sanity and love."
"Radical is that which is rare, that which is uncommon, and faithfulness, I believe, is the new radical."
"If you truly want a radical relationship with Jesus, it changes everything."
"The presidency should be one long term, like 12 years or something, and then you're executed."
"This was a completely radical new vision of what Britain could look like."
"Following Jesus often takes some pretty radical measures on our lives."
"What if we tried radically loving ourselves?"
"The proposals I make are radical but I believe realistic."
"Radical love is the key to the future."
"Radical means to me out-of-the-box, edgy, like swimming against the current."
"Jesus was a radical revolutionary with hair on his chest and dirt under his fingernails."
"If a man is concerned with very radical change, where is it to begin?"
"The overall theme was quite radical for the time, but I think it was fairly successful."
"The strength of those choices he invested in some radical things in his day that other people wouldn't have spent money on."
"Normal Christianity is radical Christianity."
"We need to press on, brethren, we need to be radical in the way we press on."
"The principles were so radical that it is hard for human beings to live up to them."
"It's trying to radically empathize with others."
"It's almost so radical, it really is irresistible, there's a magnetism."
"Love is radical in the extent to which it loves you back."
"Love yourself deeply and radically. Live compassionately and fully."
"It's time for a radical shift, a radical change."
"We're not trying to smash anything, but we are trying to be radically self-accepting."
"This month is radical in all sense of the word."
"This moment contained this kernel of radical hope."
"We're going to look to a lot of completion and a lot of things really radically changing."
"We've got to be radical for Christ."