
Peer Review Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Everybody makes mistakes, and we shouldn't just assume that science is right all the time. There needs to be peer review and rigorous testing."
"The closer thing we have to the back of the book... is you show it to a colleague and then does this look right to you."
"The whole idea of other scientists reviewing manuscripts is kind of like the gold standard for academic publishing."
"The reason we have peer-reviewed scientific publishing is to ensure that conclusions are supported by evidence."
"We need to be very critical of each other in a compassionate way."
"In science, this is the only field where we have the process of peer review and this is a layer of sort of security that can filter really bad and you know propagandizing research from you know the correct and exact research."
"The system called peer review is supposed to lure you into the false sense of security that it's actually about review by peers when in fact it's really peer preview."
"You got exactly what I was going after and it is appreciated by my peers."
"Science requires that we challenge each other."
"It's really good to have a fresh perspective kind of read it and tell you their thoughts on it."
"Even if I fundamentally disagree with every single thing that you said, it's perfectly legitimate for your work to be published, to be peer-reviewed, to be criticized by your peers who are qualified to talk about history."
"They say right over here a reminder they have not been formally peer reviewed and should not guide health related behavior or be reported in the press as conclusive."
"Scientific evidence is accepted by virtually everyone is that which represents proper scientific experimental design and publication in the peer-reviewed literature." - Dr. Campbell
"Peer review guarantees the validity of science and keeps Dogma out."
"I wrote out a draft paper, gave it to him, he accepted it in total."
"You need to review someone else's project and someone has to review your projects. It's not just about reviewing, but it's the learning process."
"The process of science is designed to remove as much bias as possible. That's why we have peer review."
"Peer review is basically a modern invention to deal with the fact that there's a lot of people trying to do science now... it's a negative influence for many many reasons."
"Science is a slow, methodical march of experimenting, publishing, peer review, acceptance, and then expanding on that idea and starting the process all over again."
"I'm a firm believer that the way science works is people presenting evidence and it being evaluated independently."
"I want my peers to read the book and judge me."
"It's a really difficult problem. In science, we have peer review, that kind of thing. We have methods in place for not respecting Authority necessarily, but we know that an article that's written in a reputable scientific journal has been peer-reviewed."
"Science is about hypothesis and testing, reputation and debate, ongoing peer review."
"Not only was Mark Tessier Levine not called out by the standard peer review process, but he had to be called out 20 years later by an 18-year-old freshman at his local University newspaper."
"That whole peer reviewing process, that's an important thing in science, you know?"
"Writing a peer review paper, remember you're not expected to know this. It's not particularly intuitive, it's technical dense, it's not the best way science could be reported these days, I believe. So do go seek help and you will get better as you produce more and more."
"You try to take bias out as much as you can and then you submit the results to a journal and they send it out to their reviewers who try to tear you apart."
"The answer is that it has stood the test of time well and benefited from a steady accumulation of new evidence set out in the proper way in the scientific literature and subject to rigorous peer review."
"Once something gets published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, it takes on a level of credibility which is very hard to argue against."
"Blind peer review is the best solution."
"For people who don't go to art school, they miss out on peer review to a certain extent, but this can be found through having a community online or going to community college."
"When reading a paper, peer review it rather than just accepting it."
"Robust code that pleases reviewers and can stand the test of time."
"Code reviews are actually really good."
"I don't think you should be able to rate yourself. Your career's success or failure should be based on what your peers say about you. That's the only objective way to do it."
"Peer evaluations are some of the most essential things, especially from an instructor perspective."
"NIH uses a 2-level peer review process. Level 1 is that initial scientific review."
"Science is done at meetings where there's peer review."
"A lot of you man type stuff in rage and don't read it back. If you took five minutes and sent that to one of your boys or girls and asked them what they think of what I'm about to send, bro, pretend this wasn't me, read it and give me your point of view."
"Before we finish this video, I just wanted to highlight the fact that this was not a peer-reviewed study, it was just an experiment in a non-medically supervised way between two dudes on the internet."
"You test, you find the same things, share with us, we all learn something new. That's how it's supposed to go, peer-reviewed science, right? We're all peers, right?"
"Peer review is a bunch of specialists all looking at it and seeing whether it holds up."
"A Rider's toughest critic is his peers."
"We peer review each other's papers and thoughts and processes and experiments and outcomes and theories and conclusions as much as possible."
"I appeal to legit peer-reviewed scholarship."
"Peer reviewed means when journal articles have gone through evaluation by journal editors and other expert scholars who critically assess the quality of the article."
"The hardest bit is done, I would say, and at that point, it's just like editing it, giving it to teachers, giving it to people to read."
"It's better to look at the conclusions of peer-reviewed academic research rather than trying to analyze the data yourself."
"We actually have some peer review."
"Sharing your work with others and getting feedback from peers is invaluable to the writing process."
"The greatest honor that can be shown to a scholar is for his or her work to be engaged deeply and tested rigorously by colleagues."
"Peer review makes sure that other scientists can replicate the research, which is crucial to the scientific method."
"Experts in the field will review the paper anonymously and they will apply standards of research for both the content and for the research methods."
"This is peer-reviewed science, this is mainstream."
"I critique papers all the time at the request of editors."
"A scientific consensus is not about opinions, it's about results published, peer-reviewed published results of experiments."
"This is not an attack on science, it's not an attack on peer review, and it's not an attack on an individual."
"Remember to go check out this one where I talk about using Chat GPT for peer review. There's more tips and tricks in there, and I think you'll love it."
"Peer review is a way of having your research checked by other people."
"When things are published in peer-reviewed journals, we tend to think of them as being the best science at least the most accurate science of the time."
"Every model is judged by your peers and it's a scoring system."
"The independent peer review was expected to be a comprehensive, thorough independent verification of the original design work."
"Get someone else to read your essay before you turn it in."
"The tests are scientifically peer-reviewed testing measures."
"Peer review means that people will accept the results because they've been rigorously tried out."
"AI researchers have started reviewing their peers using AI assistant."
"Peer-reviewed journal articles or abstracts refer to published work."
"Nothing I have said has drawn me as much controversy as the thing we should get rid of pre-publication peer review."
"Most of the things which pre-publication peer review is meant to do for us, there's either no evidence that it does it or some evidence that it fails to do it."
"We have examples of bad papers that have gotten through peer review and good papers that have been stopped."
"There's a real reason to think that there's a kind of small 'c' conservative bias in peer review."
"Other synthetic chemists can critique what I'm saying, and I actually invite the critique."
"Results from experiments can be independently checked or validated, which you call peer review."
"Science goes through this peer review process."
"Peer reviewers are not paid to review an article."
"Peer review is the worst form of advocacy and argumentation about science, except for all the others."
"Everything should get peer-reviewed; that could potentially lead to safety issues."
"Respect your reviewers and address all their feedback to the best of your capability."
"Peer review by a co-worker is always a good thing to do."
"Scientific work only gets published if it's been vetted very, very rigorously through the peer review process."
"I will not review an article unless the code and data are provided."
"We believe robust collaboration and peer review across a broad range of partners will promote greater objectivity and transparency in the study of UAP."
"The peer review process is failing."
"Peer critique can be an incredibly effective form of feedback."
"Every piece of code that's checked in is code reviewed by at least one person."
"Robust collaboration and peer review across a broad range of partners will promote greater objectivity and transparency in the study of UAP."
"The internet needs to be peer-reviewed."
"Another way to increase validity is through peer review."
"In the real world of science, research must be validated and verified by disinterested third parties before anyone takes it seriously."
"Every single protocol in Cardano is based on some form of peer-reviewed foundation."
"Science does best when it puts things out there for other scientists to challenge."
"What's important is statistical analysis and high-level rigorous study that's been peer-reviewed by scientific journals."
"It made a lot of sense to me to embed the heart and soul of development in a peer-reviewed process."
"The real idea of a proof is sociological; a proof in a journal is as rigorous and strong as the professional mathematicians who looked at that proof and checked it."
"You should never trust your code; you should always let other people see it and try to break it."