
Emissions Reduction Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"If we really want to focus on reducing emissions, it needs to be about the results, and the results can come from innovation."
"Scotland is already leading the way; we have almost halved our emissions and now set a new legal target to reach Net Zero of all emissions by 2045."
"Recycling is almost always more beneficial, both from an energy perspective and from the perspective of emissions."
"President Joe Biden's plan is to cut the nation's greenhouse gas emissions by half by the end of the day and he wants to have a completely emissioned Street power sector by 2035."
"Clean hydrogen could help us cut down almost a quarter of the world’s emissions."
"I have seen a lot of change since this YouTube channel began. We have dropped from 7 billion tons to 5 billion tons emitted per year in the U.S."
"We have made tremendous strides in cutting carbon emissions, and that has been in large part because of government investment."
"We're losing a lot of our land, which is why we need to cut emissions."
"This bill drives down global greenhouse gas emissions in the United States by what we estimate is on the order of an additional billion tons per year in 2030."
"Researchers at the Princeton-led REPEAT Project argue that if the country can’t build new transmission at a faster pace, roughly 80 percent of the emissions reductions expected from that bill might not happen at all."
"Climate change is real and accelerating and just curbing our emissions is not going to be enough."
"Americans could live just as good a quality life as they do today and they could probably do almost all the things that they do today and significant reduce their emissions."
"Zero crashes, zero emissions, and zero congestion."
"EV life cycle emissions can be over 70% lower than gasoline and diesel vehicles."
"Bitcoin mining because of its energy consumption has the ability to reduce emissions from methane."
"Hybrids reduce overall emissions and people accept them more."
"The circular economy can help address climate change by reducing emissions."
"We cannot reach the fleet emission targets regarding CO2 by improving technique on the combustion engines. It was not sufficient, so we thought about how can we reduce the CO2 footprint."
"We can reach net zero emissions... state by state, city by city."
"Ultimately, I point out that the obvious solutions for reducing carbon emissions are just to use natural gas instead of coal and to use nuclear power."
"Our greenhouse gas emissions went down by 50 million tons from 2019 to 2021, equivalent to pulling off 11 million cars from our roads."
"A kilo of steel you don't use in a car is untold kilos of emissions that you don't make."
"This is factoring in, an offset is the reduction in emissions of dioxide greenhouse gases."
"Great River said its carbon dioxide emissions will fall by 95 percent from the Minnesota benchmark year of 2005."
"By combining efforts to curb human-made emissions and implementing strategies to manage natural methane sources, we can work towards a more balanced and environmentally conscious approach to greenhouse gas reduction."
"Reducing emissions won't be enough to confront the climate crisis."
"The DPF and the emission system have made a big difference in reducing emissions."
"You can reduce the emission of ammonia, H2S, like toxic gases, also the odorous compounds that come from these many ores."
"Just emissions reduction may well not be sufficient, certainly necessary but not sufficient, to avoid some of these [tipping points]."
"Everything we do now, whether it's reducing emissions or adaptation, is going to help."
"there is a way to radically lower our emissions in a way that creates huge numbers of unionized jobs"
"If we want to meet our two-degree temperature rise scenario, we need to significantly reduce the amount of global greenhouse gas emissions."
"Our goal is to cut total emissions in half by 2050, and we're investing in the technologies of tomorrow to get there."
"Using renewable energy, that's right, yes, and not creating any sort of gas in the air, no emissions, it is the best."
"We take the issues around emissions and climate change incredibly seriously."
"If you have a goal to reduce your organization's greenhouse gas footprint, the energy attributes or RECs are also used in greenhouse gas accounting to substantiate an emissions reduction."
"This special build process also ensures an 80% reduction in emissions."
"The first R is reduce emissions deeply and rapidly."
"We have to reduce emissions urgently and take action to tackle the carbon already in the atmosphere."
"We need to radically reduce our emissions so we need to reduce emissions."
"If we don't curb our emissions from fossil fuels, we will reach these tipping points."
"Every single one of these EVs produces less emissions over their life cycle assessment than any fossil fuel burning car."
"It's incremental changes on incremental technology that add up to a major reduction in emissions."
"The price on pollution is working to lower our emissions and it will continue to contribute to lower emissions to achieve our target in 2030."
"Emissions are down since 2015... the policies that we put in place have turned the tide."
"We're going to cut our emissions in half by the end of the decade."
"We have a goal to reduce our emissions in half by the end of the decade."
"We need an emissions policy of long-term reductions, not catastrophic emergency reductions through liberating American innovation, not punishing America."
"The diesel exhaust fluid helps reduce emissions and it also helps improve fuel economy."
"The net zero standard puts in really strong guard rails for companies to be reducing their emissions at the right speed and pace."
"We're just going to have to go back to nuclear energy to make any kind of indent in these emissions."
"We're making positive steps towards emissions reduction."
"Fuel-efficient routing in Google Maps has helped prevent more than 2.4 million metric tons of carbon equivalent emissions."
"The electricity industry has really done all of the heavy lifting on emissions reduction and reaching climate change targets."
"If we switch from burning fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy, then we can lower those emissions."
"We have to look at every possible technology that will help us reduce greenhouse gas emissions."