
Positive Interactions Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"Tom turns around and he sees me and he goes, 'My boy, give me a hug,' and he gives me the biggest bear hug."
"God bless, man. God bless you, bro. Really appreciate it."
"Thank people for what they do, show appreciation for all the small efforts."
"Reddit and Twitter did prove that there were some decent people out there."
"Make sure you're leaving the person that you see a little bit more positive, never leave something more negative or worse."
"Let's be civil, let's be cool with each other, we're all here just to have a good time."
"I'm never here to kill someone's spirit." - Andre Ward
"Social media connects and leads to positive anything. Like, met a guy, bought a Pokémon card from him, brought two people together who would have never met."
"Every interaction that he has with somebody, everybody is smiling."
"It's time for you to receive the goodness of someone giving to you, someone who wants to give to you."
"Our assignment this coming week and into the future is, 'Lord, let me find the goodness in everyone I come in contact with.'"
"There's nothing that makes me happier than making someone laugh or making someone smile."
"Gratitude to you, thank you so much, man, I really appreciate that."
"It's very nice, right? That's the type of thought I like to betray - with respect."
"You guys are awesome and I just really, really appreciate that."
"They feel like you bring them so much joy and just the way that they're looking at your energy is very beautiful."
"It's all good, you know, as like a person, as like a person. It's all good, you know what I mean? Thank you, do appreciate that."
"I try to conduct myself in a way that people have a positive uh interaction."
"We are kind, generous people, and we want to make people feel good about themselves."
"I think it's having other people just genuinely enjoy your company and in a way that it's made their lives other lives just a little bit better."
"Have fun, trade well, my friends. It was fun, that was fun, good stuff, man, that's good seeing you again, bro."
"He's very supportive of everything I do and I see him a lot in the best way."
"Do not let your heart's desire become a heart's disease."
"He found something nice to say about everybody he met, he gave everybody he met a boost, and then he met, gonna remember him."
"It makes me feel good to make you feel good."
"They see you as someone just really amazing, someone who makes them feel pretty good to be around."
"If you approach it right, giving a dog a bath can be a fantastic way to build trust with them."
"Your goal should never be to hurt your partner, your goal should be to build up."
"Despite all of the terrible things, people taking care of each other, supporting each other, that makes me happy."
"You made my day, you made my day, you made my day."
"Trying to have every interaction with all the people in my life be positive interactions and treating my relationships with respect."
"If the relationship interactions fall below five positive to one negative, then the relationship deteriorates and is generally doomed."
"The thing that encourages me the most [...] is that even with it and all of this crap I have met and worked with and found Community with some of the most amazing people out there."
"Two people who build each other up not tear each other down."
"Don't worry about like stop looking at those people over there doing stuff, meet people you like and vibe with and do cool stuff with them."
"I love giving people compliments to make their day, you know?"
"I mean, I'm someone who, as much as possible, practices kindness. And we don't really see that much in the world today. So hearing those things, positive affirmations from people you just met, that's already something to me."
"It's always best to build on success so that your dog doesn't get worried or stressed during this and they actually find it a pretty nice, relaxing, calm time with you."
"Keep playing, keep high-fiving each other, be nice to each other."
"I know challenge the sad now I like you your sweetheart."
"If you're having fun, I'm happy that you're enjoying yourself."
"This person is gonna put a giant smile on your face."
"I hope that you are having a fantastic week."
"Final Fantasy XIV's community is absurdly nice... Every question I've asked in dungeons, every random person I've asked for help, has been so welcoming and helpful."
"But usually when we open up to people, the response is very positive."
"The love is felt and we reciprocate the love. Thank you."
"Whenever I hop on a call like this, it just feels great."
"We meet people, haven't you met a kinder spirit before?"
"The United States would prosper in a way that is hardly imaginable today."
"I think most people are good if you approach them in a kind way."
"A small amount of faith in treating people well results in a community emerging that is high quality."
"Already know... than I did... in a positive manner."
"Don't burst someone's bubble, and don't let them burst yours."
"Don't give up because there are wonderful humans out there that you will enjoy spending your time with."
"You need to learn to spread kindness and not hate."
"I just smiled the biggest smile of my entire life and replied, 'Okay, see you later, man.'"
"Just going up to somebody and saying thank you, I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart."
"Hey, that was nice of him. That was super nice of him, actually."
"Find someone who praises with you, not against you."
"I'm very intrigued by it because he seems really cool and like I like his vibes, I like his energy and he was very sweet. He had like really sweetness but like looks like sweet."
"I've seen it happen many times. Mostly beautiful people, beautiful energies."
"Hopefully I made you smile here today. That's all I want to do every single day."
"People still manage to smile and be friendly and be loving against all odds."
"Just be generous with people and I think we will discover that our conversations are a lot more fruitful."
"The best thing to do is kind of just make the other person feel good and make yourself feel good at the same time."
"I believe a lot of good things happen in the huddle. So you got the flower table is round and people are sitting around that flower table and just like this."
"The world needs more people giving more helpful advice, more love, and more nurturing to other people."
"I really love complimenting other people's style because it's a good exercise for me in growth."
"Absolute nutcases, thank you for the two. Arthur saying gg, hey sportsmanship, we respect it man, we stand sportsmanship."
"Speak with love and you'll see it really works out better for you."
"You make each other feel amazing, you build each other up the way it should be."
"Everybody that I've talked to who encountered him in any way described him as being very friendly and very nice and very helpful."
"By the time the game is over, we're all laughing, hugging each other, it's all love."
"It's about having fun, making people smile, and taking care of each other."
"Supportive comments for everyone, uplifting each other."
"If you have a lot of interactions and a fair amount of conflicts but you have a lot of positive interactions as well then things tend to go well."
"They want to impress you, make you feel good, make you feel happy."
"Americans are great people, I've met loads of them now and they've all been absolutely lovely to me."
"Dude, I just got hit with the overwhelming remembrance. These streams are so much better because people are so kind."
"Go through the world making everybody you interact with feel tremendously good."
"Spending time together, it's always good vibes."
"A kind word doesn't cost you anything and it can truly make someone's day."
"If you go out and you are positive with the people you deal with it will always be reflected back."
"I wish there would be more of this wholesome 'I don't work here lady' stories."
"Remember, if you haven't gone to Frontier Preppers' channel, go over there and say happy birthday to Billy. Having said that, remember to be good to each other. When you give people the good things, good things happen."
"I just like to make people smile or make them feel good."
"All of the interactions were either engaging, hilarious, charming."
"This time everywhere around the world, it's just always the most positive, kind, and open-minded people."
"You don't have to throw hate bombs over those fences, you can throw love bombs."
"We promote giving flowers while you're still here."
"The beautiful thing about having charisma is not only are you lifted up, but you get to lift other people up."
"Things are really great... I appreciate the people that have reached out to me and said I helped them."
"Oklahoma City... the people have been wonderful."
"They enjoy having fun and laughing with you."
"I don't really have drama with anyone. Everyone talks about like who are like the mean YouTubers you've met in LA and I'm like I don't know even one honestly. I met so many cool creative people."
"It's about finding a way of lighting up with other people and getting them to light up as well."
"There's so many like really kind people out there that really just want to see us doing good."
"I am about building strong relationships and a great rapport with people."
"People are actually going to be great to us because we're great to ourselves."
"Friends are supposed to lift each other up, it's supposed to be a good time."
"I want every interaction I have I want people like it want it to be a good interaction."
"Every interaction I've had has been love straight up."
"For every one negative interaction during conflict, you need at least five positive interactions to balance it out."
"One of the large reasons why I chose to come to Colombia was because those interactions were so positive. It really gave me a sense that the department was a collegial, friendly environment but one that strove to be the best it could be."
"It is a reminder that for a child, even a brief time with caring adults can outweigh a home filled with violence and despair."
"They'll always remember how you made them feel, bingo. You know, bingo."
"Everyone that we encountered was very, very nice, very helpful."
"You want positive encounters, not the negative. The negatives can go bad so quick and if you have a negative encounter, it just ruins any chance that you're going to have for anything positive to come out of it."
"I gained a few subscribers from the two different police departments, had some good conversation with a couple of really good people."
"I've only really ever had positive interactions, so thank you so much, guys."
"People down here have been absolutely fantastic."
"Man, there's some nice people out there, that's for sure."
"I meet nobody but incredibly supportive and loving people who just like love bomb me all day."
"He was such a likable fella, always a pat on the back, always a really cool way about him."
"I'm just dealing with people, you know, like nice people now, with good energy."
"Conferences went really well, and every interaction was super positive."
"I've always been nice to people, and they've been nice to me back."
"I clicked with every single person that I met today."
"Your actions and your interactions are blessed this month."