
Current Issues Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"We're fighting for our lives. And right now, that fight is real."
"Engaging in the world is fantastically important, especially now when there are so many problems."
"Social media is rooted in the belief that open debate and the free flow of ideas are important values, especially at a time when they are under threat in many places around the world."
"There's no point where someone grabs you and screams 'Nukes have been launched.' It's happening now."
"This in my opinion is the most important issue right now."
"The only issue today should be to stop the war."
"Safeguarding freedom of speech is critical right now."
"Inflation is the word on everyone’s mind right now."
"Innovation solves problems. We have so many problems right now."
"This is a distinction that must be marked and celebrated especially now as our country finds itself in the grip of racial tensions that many of us thought had long ago dissipated."
"We need to recognize that this time, something is different."
"We must comprehensively tackle the complex challenges of this moment."
"The economy is in shambles... gas prices are skyrocketing, world war three is looming."
"There is something wrong going on with this current system; it simply encourages way too many bad habits."
"President Zielinski is absolutely right to continue to draw attention to the crimes of the past and very much of the present."
"Controlled by parents over the schooling of their children is today the exception not the rule."
"The real end of the world...all the problems we have right now."
"The way things are happening at the moment are not helping us move towards truth."
"We're motivated like never before by our desire to tell the world that Jesus is the only answer for these troubling times."
"People are well within their rights to complain right now."
"Teaching people that they should be offended is what's going on now."
"Throughout human history, infectious diseases were the problem and suddenly today it is again."
"What I'm worried about is what is currently breaking."
"X-Men could and should be really current and really relevant."
"We're not taking the time to appreciate why this is happening."
"Soylent Green resonates with current world issues."
"That's some good ass coordinated hacking and by the way aren't we actually kind of seeing this like the ransomware?"
"We are incredibly self-absorbed at this moment in our history."
"Why so much more concern for dead people who are now beyond our help than for living human beings suffering the burdens and humiliations of slavery today?"
"It's probably pretty close because I also think a lot of people just don't like Kanye right now."
"You have to stand up and say, 'Hey, this is what we feel right now.'"
"Okay, time out, we have right now, we have to do something about this."
"Make no mistake, climate change is an existential threat to our own survival, it's not a future generation consideration, but a current reality."
"Persecution of Christianity is no longer a future threat, it is alive and well."
"Our very survival depends on what we do today."
"Whatever people might wish for, it is not on the table now."
"Some of the dirtiest, underhanded, sneaky stuff going on right now, man."
"We need real solutions to what is happening here."
"What's going to make a difference in the lives of people right now?"
"United them a little bit though a strange situation at the moment we're doing it myself team will not let you see all these old."
"It's bad now, but it's nothing compared to what's going to happen."
"They're obviously gonna have to try harder, but it's happening right now."
"All lives matter and we know that all lives matter but for right now black lives matter [ __ ]."
"People are really going through something serious right now, and y'all just care about how many views does my video have?"
"I mention all this just to point out how really idiotic almost everything we're dealing with right now is."
"Family day is back, subject to change with the current situation."
"Everyone wants to work, everyone is wanting to get by at the moment."
"If you are black, you're better off right now."
"Sometimes I think we're a little too hard on ourselves. Yes, the world is garbage right now, fascism is on the rise, we can't agree on anything."
"In today's world of fake news misinformation, what we all need are credible sources."
"The victim mentality is something that is really prominent right now."
"Freedom First. We have medical tyranny and lack of First Amendment rights in this country at the moment."
"There is no good reason why any school in the United States is not open for in-person learning at this point."
"This is the world we're facing, and I still can't believe."
"Persecution is not merely a relic of the past but a present and escalating reality."
"Welcome to the real world... welcome to a world that lots of us are experiencing at the moment."
"I think the capitalist system is very fragile right now."
"Love when things are green and not red especially right now when times are a little questionable."
"If anyone is to be blamed for what's going on today, it's Imran Khan."
"Happiness is at a premium right now, we should enjoy the moments."
"The road to socialism is not built without an engagement with the present."
"If there is one fight that people have recently began talking about, it's the fight for information privacy."
"If race issues are the key of the moment right now let it be known my politics are anti-fascism first."
"Nobody wants to hear the answers to these questions right now."
"These are crucially important times, crucially important issues that we're all dealing with."
"Freedom of speech and the right to have opinions and say what you believe without offending is so on the agenda right now."
"I'm stressed out because between the war in Ukraine, gas prices, inflation, COVID, the chicken wing shortage, and the rental increase..."
"We are at a moment of racial and economic justice."
"My husband and I are literally having this conversation at the moment."
"There has never been a time on our southern border like what is happening now, but more importantly, what is about to happen."
"Food shortages are not coming, they are already here."
"I think it's more important than ever to enjoy what we have now and to try to come up with ways to at least mediate some of these things in terms of our health."
"I agree with Ben Shapiro... There's a lot going on in this country right now that's causing pain and suffering among our fellow Americans that has nothing to do with the culture wars."
"An indictment... of this entire moment in American politics."
"I'm glad that the public is starting to wake up."
"People need to be educated about what's going on here."
"People seem to be pushing it now more than ever."
"It's not that common, this is a phenomenon that is happening now. It's not because we're not talking about it that we'll find a solution."
"I think it's basically impossible to bridge the gap with certain people at least in this moment."
"Living in the now and fighting back against the oligarchy is crucial."
"There's so much darkness going on in the world right now, and it's a really, really hard time obviously for a lot of people."
"What are those who call evil good and good evil, and it feels like that's exactly where we are in our world right now."
"It started conversations that need to be had... people need to realize that we're here now."
"I really feel for them honestly because especially in this climate everything is so stigmatized."
"This is my way right now of advocating for agriculture."
"Wouldn't you like to be part of the solution to the mess we see ourselves particularly this time in?" - Anthony Buzzard
"Put your voice out there, it needs to be heard right now."
"The most important conversation we should have now."
"We've come to a time where we've got some big environmental problems which are happening, and we need people out there to be advocates for the environment."
"It's a shame it's 2024 and obviously homelessness is still a problem."
"What I call the American dream is really in crisis at this moment in time."
"I'm excited to talk to you about this topic because I feel like it's something that is really needed right now in this season."
"Climate change has a huge impact on how the Tarahumara eat and how they survive and it's not something that's in the future, it's happening right now."
"There's never been a more important time to have the discussions that are being had in this room tonight."
"We're dealing with many of the aspects of the post-pandemic environment."
"The current state of affairs is obviously unsustainable."
"I really appreciate you tackling all these hot button issues the major networks are afraid to touch."
"Every child deserves a good education, right now that's not happening."
"Environmental issues have really come to the fore."
"We need desperately to try to take the situation that we're now in by the horns and make it into a radically different configuration."
"Slavery is happening right now in this world."
"We're living in this world already, we're already seeing glimpses of it."
"It's crazy how expensive the flights are right now."
"We have to address the situation as it really is today."
"Your highest purpose will come from helping people who are currently facing that right now."