
Political Endorsement Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"We must elect Joe Biden. He was there for me. He will be there for you, too."
"We urge you to vote for Joe Biden, who is offering fact-based plans to protect our health, our economy, and our environment."
"We must come together, defeat Donald Trump, and elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next president and vice president."
"I'm so glad that I get to have fun endorsing a candidate I genuinely like and I genuinely think is doing a good job."
"We made the decision that we have to do more than just fight individual tickets and fines."
"I want them to vote for Peter Obi because he is competent to start pulling Nigeria out of the mess it is today."
"A vote for my father Donald J. Trump is a vote to uphold our American ideals."
"President Trump is correct on securing the border."
"Trump's been right on about this from the very beginning."
"Trump was pro-energy production, pro-America."
"I am here to tell you wholeheartedly that I believe that choice should be Senator Bernie Sanders."
"It has never been more clear that we need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House."
"Kevin McCarthy is a champion for the American dream."
"President Trump and I support your two senators because of who they are, but we also are here just like you are because of all that we did together serving together in Washington, D.C."
"He should endorse me, you know why? Because I had a great successful presidency."
"There is no greater ally of the Cuban community than President Trump."
"Come 2022, people vote for the America First Republicans."
"There is not a better choice left in this race than this man right here."
"And then he goes and endorses Hillary and he just takes his weapon and this lays down like a sad dog."
"This is huge. I want to give credit to Donald Trump."
"Hillary Clinton is the best candidate they have."
"Politicians embracing Bitcoin signal market acceptance."
"The future is bright and it will be because of your leadership." - Senator Harris
"I'm proud to endorse Joe Biden for president."
"It's a really easy choice for me if I were Georgian to vote for the two Democratic senators."
"We need leaders who bring us together to get this done and that's why I approve this message."
"I support Joe Biden because those values still define him, and we need to restore those values to the White House."
"Thank you again President Trump for bringing lower-cost priced insulin our seniors are going to be saving an average of 66 percent in their insulin cost and this is nothing short of a godsend."
"Kayla's is the fighter Rhode Island needs right now." - Ashley Kalis for governor
"I think Joe Biden and Muriel Bowser are absolutely right."
"I'm voting for Bernie because he makes the most sense."
"We are the Lincoln Project, and we have endorsed Joe Biden."
"Every American that loves work, loves freedom, and loves the ability of the American dream should do nothing else but vote for President Trump."
"If you don't vote for Biden in 2024, you're going to have a lot of explaining to do."
"The only thing that got them cheering was when they were assured that President Trump personally loves each and every one of them."
"Power to the people the Maga Community loves him."
"What General Obasanjo has said is completely correct."
"The way to continue our fight now... is to take our energy... and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama the next president."
"President Trump has been a massive space advocate."
"Almost every candidate the president has endorsed has won their primary."
"Joe Biden is a good, decent man." - Hakeem Jeffries
"In that moment, in February of 2020, the person who was best suited in my opinion was Bernie Sanders."
"He has my endorsement because we can't go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear."
"You could say yes, I think Kamala Harris is the best vice president and the best running mate for President Biden."
"Very important race, and you want a progressive in there, she is a great one."
"Backing him is backing democracy. Backing America is backing the principle of individual freedom and democracy."
"When he speaks, he speaks with a sense of clarity, and I think by far he is the most aspirational candidate."
"Anybody Trump endorses using these rallies has a really good shot at winning."
"We are blessed to have a president like you."
"He's kept every promise he can make to the American people, and he's got my full support."
"Main street is full of closed signs and the evictions and bankruptcies are just beginning. Vote Joe Biden, save America."
"Vote Trump if you want to restore Law and Order in this country."
"Bernie Sanders has supported us for decades. He's the only presidential candidate that consistently puts people before money."
"A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for putting the American people first."
"God bless you, Secretary Carson, you are spot on."
"We all like My Pillow's politics, but even if it was a communist country, I would still support My Pillow." - Michael Knowles
"The choice should be absolutely clear: Gavin Newsom."
"President Trump is the best president of my lifetime. If you're watching, he's the best president of your lifetime very likely."
"Donald J. Trump is good for the United States of America."
"Senator Sanders is exactly what this country needs today."
"Some really good conversations took place last night, and now it's time for all of our great Republican house members to vote for Kevin, close the deal, take the Victory and watch crazy Nancy Pelosi fly back home to a very broken California."
"Defeat Donald Trump and we believe strongly on this campaign that Bernie Sanders is the best position candidate to defeat Donald Trump."
"Bernie Sanders would be an incredible president."
"Miami governor is a big proponent of blockchain and bitcoin."
"Trump is a pro-business, pro-worker president." - Stephen Moore
"Let's elect Joe Biden, let's defeat Donald Trump, and then let's begin the process of transforming this country."
"A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for job opportunities and safety."
"One of the reasons why I support Andrew Yang is because of who he is as an individual."
"We need a leader who really does care about the people and who can therefore unify the people, and I believe Joe can do that." - Kamala Harris
"Vote for Joe Biden like your lives depend on it."
"The best candidate to defeat Donald Trump and best qualified to walk in on day one and serve as president and commander in chief."
"The fact he decided to endorse it... will reflect poorly... increasingly be seen as a disastrous decision."
"Only if we vote for Joe Biden with power and with passion will our voices even have a chance at being heard."
"When Trump comes out and makes an endorsement, Republicans win."
"There's no way that Taylor Swift could endorse crooked Joe Biden. Besides that, I like her boyfriend Travis, even though he may be liberal." - "Too good, really great. Is Joe Biden so doomed that even a Taylor Swift endorsement can't help him?"
"The choice is clear. If you cherish faith, freedom, law, and order, and life, in 24 days we've got to re-elect President Donald Trump for four more years."
"Senator Bernie Sanders, if you care about justice, be it environmental, economic, political, racial, social, then Senator Bernie Sanders is your champion."
"I am proud to stand tall behind Andrew Yang because I believe he is the best."
"If you want a country of shared opportunities and shared responsibility, you should vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden."
"If that is what you want, if that is what you believe, you must vote and you must reelect President Barack Obama."
"President Biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms."
"A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for our democracy and our decency."
"God bless America, God bless Donald Trump, God bless all you watching this and thank God Jesus Christ is still the only way."
"We will not have a moment again in my lifetime to vote for a Bernie Sanders." - Michael Moore
"His speech was absolutely strong and amazing."
"I think everyone should get behind Bernie on the Democratic side reason is I mean you look at his record he's probably the only one of the candidates who went against many corporate CEOs in the Senate."
"Stand up for freedom, stand for our flag, stand strong and stand for Donald J. Trump."
"Vote for Joe. After all, nobody lives forever."
"The PMP has a much better plan." - Opposition Leader Mark Golding
"He's the best candidate out there, he's the best in my lifetime."
"President Trump is the most pro-life president that this nation has ever had."
"President Trump has earned the support of America's pro-life community."
"We need to support, vote, and fight for President Trump for the sake of the world."
"President Trump is the best president of my lifetime."
"I knew that he would be the best man for the country."
"I intend to vote in support of Judge Katanji Brown Jackson's confirmation."
"Donald Trump is our savior in this country, there's no one else who can make us whole and great again."
"So, there's a lot of people that have been saying, you know what, I'm voting for Kim Klasik, they get it, they understand."
"I'm proudly take the endorsement and support of any republican independent or democrat who wants to get rid of Gavin Newsom." - Mayor Faulconer
"Bernie Sanders hands down is what black people need to be looking toward in terms of a campaign that can make a material impact on our lives and the lives of our people."
"Bernie is the only candidate who doesn't leave anyone behind."
"I honestly do think that she would be an amazing addition to the Biden campaign."
"The solution is to overwhelmingly elect Joe Biden."
"Donald Trump was my second choice for president in 2016... but when I didn't make it, I endorsed, supported, and campaigned for Donald Trump."
"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the ticket that can truly help turn the corner, build our country back better, and get this virus under control."
"The idea that only police will have guns means criminals will have guns."
"I'm here campaigning with Don Bolduc because I know he's committed to putting country and the American people first."
"President Trump is not only the best we've got he's the only guy we've got."
"Senator Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that has build a movement and continues to build a movement that transcends gender ethnicity religion." - Ilhan Omar
"Trump is defending the vaccines as one of the greatest achievements."
"President Biden is a good man, he's a good and decent and hardworking man."
"Keep the really good news in mind: Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez has officially endorsed Bernie Sanders, which is awesome."
"Mr. 45, President Trump, greatest living American and greatest president in history, man. The things he did for this country... We need him back in 2024. Trump 2024."
"Vote for Kathy Barnett in that seat if you're voting in the primary there for the Republicans. Vote for Kathy Barnett."
"Real conservatives vote for Trump. Trump is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party by far."
"It should come as no surprise that I will not be endorsing Donald Trump this year during my presidential campaign. I made it clear that there were profound differences between me and President Trump on a range of issues."
"Joe Biden can help us rebuild that more perfect union. Joe Biden is the person that can help us bend the arc of that moral universe back towards justice and compassion and empathy for our fellow Americans."
"Jim Jordan is a winner on behalf of the American people."
"God bless Louisiana, God bless our president, and God bless the United States of America."
"Why not come forward right now and just say yes I will support Cornell West."
"He's endorsing Joe Biden, but you know who's endorsing me? The Teamsters like me and everybody, all of the workers like that."
"Americans are beginning to see the light, seeing clearly that President Donald Trump is the only one who can lead this nation in these perilous times."
"Voting for someone is not an endorsement of all their views."
"He is hugely popular with many tens of millions of American people."
"Taylor Swift endorsed Biden, urging millions of her followers to vote."
"Women fought so hard for Title IX and I know that thousands of athletes around the country agree with me. Governor Noem, we have your back."
"Thank god for Bitcoin and other non-fiat currencies." - Senator Cynthia Loomis
"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are your best chance of beating Donald Trump. They probably always have been and they certainly are now."
"You're going to have to be able to credibly stand and say Donald Trump did a fantastic job as president."
"You vote for Trump, I guess I endorse him and oh no thank you, that's great."
"Donald Trump is still the best thing we got going by far."
"The best thing we've got is Doug Jones." - Joe Trippy
"It's absolutely amazing credit to Texas governor Greg Abbott for not only doing this but not backing down."
"Vote for Joe in November and vote for what you really want."
"Vote out Kathy Holkel, vote for the legend of Zelden."
"We need somebody willing to fight like Donald Trump did."
"Donald Trump's endorsement is deemed the most powerful asset in politics."
"What President Biden is doing is a smart strategy."
"Trump's Golan recognition is being praised by Israeli leaders as a new team miracle."
"In a time when millions of people in the United States are looking for deep systemic solutions to our crises, I hereby second the nomination of Senator Bernard Sanders for President of the United States of America."
"I don't worship politicians, but if Nina Turner gets in there, that's a good thing for the progressive movement."
"Nikki Haley is a superstar... brilliant, bold, fearless yet gracious and compassionate." - John Hagee
"God bless Q. God bless you Patriots. God bless President Trump. God bless the United States of America."
"James Roosevelt justified his endorsement by claiming that Reagan was the best choice to continue Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal Legacy."
"You need to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrats up and down the ticket."
"Please vote for Joe Bud, you just have to do it if you are of age."
"Proud, yes, proud," the Hatman says. "I can think of no better candidate than you, my BL candidate."
"I commend this bill to the house."
"I am asking all Americans, I'm asking every Democrat, I'm asking every independent, I'm asking a lot of Republicans to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy which I endorse."
"Jim Jordan is an effective legislator."
"This woman needs to be prime minister, that's all I can really say."