
Poise Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"Despite his young age, Jack handles the situation with impressive poise. His clear understanding of his rights shines through."
"Kate deserves enormous credit for delivering that statement with such poise, grace, and composure, and yes, courage."
"Peace brings poise, and the union of these two gives birth to power."
"It's all about poise, confidence, and experience."
"Composed and confident, she's still the accessible face of royalty."
"No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality."
"Presence of mind, confidence, and composure."
"Anne was seen as somewhat of a fashion icon, as well as being possessed of considerable poise, grace and charm, even her detractors at the time, wrote of the magnetism of her demeanor."
"Carroll's Beauty was often described as Regal and sophisticated with her graceful Poise luminous complexion and captivating presence commanding attention."
"It's important that the girl carries herself in that same way... Louisa did this beautifully." - Commentator
"She handles herself with so much grace, so much elegance... that is definitely a gift." - Miss Grand Russia
"To almost everybody's surprise, dude handled it with a level of class and grace that was really unheard of."
"Kyle Klein, for 19 years old, he's been showing a lot of maturity lately, takes so much poise to put together hot rounds."
"He's so calm and measured and carries himself with poise. You do need that, especially in chaotic situations."
"It was very graceful, very sure of its actions."
"Navigate through life with a sense of Grace and Poise."
"Absolutely no visible look of nerves whatsoever."
"As long as you move with grace like the empress, you're going to be alright."
"Act like you've been there before."
"They're playing with so much poise."
"Elegance and class are being comfortable in your skin, no matter the situation."
"Every single week she maintained such poise and respect for everyone else."
"...when the moment becomes the biggest he seems to shine the brightest, he rises right into those moments, he doesn't shy away from them, he stays poised, he stays in his rhythm, he stays in his zone."
"It's the poise with which he's playing that is so impressive."
"They like that you're elegant and poised, carrying yourself as a high-value woman."
"Keep your class, keep your dignity."
"Marion does an extremely good job of eloquently showing how terrifying it can be to be stopped by the police while maintaining a calm and respectful tone with the officer the whole time."
"It's not just about playmaking. It's not just about your scheme and your execution. It really comes down to having the considerable poise required to be able to manage the things that you feel."
"I hope and pray that I'm lucky enough to sit with this type of poise and this happiness."
"...remain poised in this situation right now, go out, live your life."
"Like you said, Val, consistency, poise, confidence."
"Beyonce's poise has earned her a place among the industry's elite."
"This car has an assurance and a poise that never makes you question what it is built to do."
"He carries himself with such grace."
"I think poise is just being yourself, you're not acting, you're not pretending, you're not trying to be something you're not."
"There's something very graceful about you."
"You hold yourself with such poise."
"Your walk is graceful, slow, and methodical."
"Balance is our ability to stand up without falling over."
"Hill impressed fans and peers with his poise and maturity on the court."
"I just try to maintain to be a lady at all times."
"They play with such poise and such outward and obvious confidence."
"After four hours of incredible poise."
"I want to thank you for delivering God's message with poise"
"He's got such an aesthetically pleasing way about him at the table."
"He stood up there tall, confident, cool, calm, collected."
"I mean you can different Avenues in life depending on what's been thrown at you he chose the right one and I think he's uh he carries himself with such toys that it just inspires everybody around him."
"Move gracefully and just move with grace."
"These things are not in conflict with each other; they're perfectly poised and harmonious."
"Joe Montana doesn't like to run... but that time he executed well, he used the set well, displayed a lot of poise."
"Calm, cool, collected, and mature beyond his years."
"Demonstrate grace, beauty requires composure and grace."
"We have to learn to understand and deal with that hardship with grace and with poise."
"Love the casual walk in, brilliant when you see a goal attack on the move but just walking, they're calm, they're cool, they're collected."
"That's the one, beautiful, she had to step."
"She's just so graceful around the table."
"Hold the pose, feel graceful, feel strong, lift it up, hold."
"Being a brand ambassador for Subaru always keep in mind your model poise and be ready for whatever is to be thrown at you."
"She looks regal the way she carries herself in the dress."
"She's definitely got the best walk."
"The Queen managed to keep that heavy state crown on her head by being poised."
"Your mind is not distracted by anything in this world; it is in perfect poise all the time."
"Very poised freshman is Tracy Jackson, he's really doing a good job."
"She looks so relaxed and confident."
"She is also a beautiful dancer, you can tell just by the way she holds her body and her hands."
"She's just so comfortable, very poised."
"You exude confidence, you exude grace."
"He looks pretty composed, doesn't he? Looks comfortable."
"Poise and good character is deeply ingrained in all human beings; it comes from our animal heritage."
"She looks like she is completely unfazed."
"Maintain your calm perspective or control yourself; this makes you look more confident in your view."
"Dignity clothes with a majestic garment the steadfast mind."
"She was the epitome of class and unflappability."
"He looks so confident, like everything he does, he looks like he's been there and he's done that."
"You live with a lot of grace; you're a graceful person when you walk, you speak with grace."
"He showed a lot of great composure."
"You handle all this energy that you carry very well."
"Beautiful stance, look at that, chin right on the cue stick."
"You behave in a very regal manner, very dignified."
"That's an excellent play by Jay Bo Shaw, the patience, the composure to move himself outside the pocket."
"She always had grace in a certain class about her."
"All that composure, all that experience, and that quality."
"They've got style, they've got grace."
"Always keep your composure, no matter what."
"Full of grace with a dose of truth."
"Sometimes you accidentally dig your way into a hole, but with dignity, decorum, and a dash of panache, you can dig your way out."
"You exude a certain amount of elegance."
"You are an elegant lady that hasn't really tried too hard but are still completely put together."
"You have a gracefulness about you... your body language is very graceful."
"Being in a non-reactive poised state can help you in any endeavor."
"She walked with dignity and grace."
"The outward poise is really important because the way that you behave outwardly really affects your internal state."
"That's some composure right there."
"Having a sort of quiet confidence is really special."
"This car now flows from corner to corner with real poise, making cross-country journeys far more enjoyable."
"It's her efficiency, it's her poise that she plays with."
"Handle the publicity with grace and with class."
"She never looks uncomfortable, even when she is, she looks like she's floating."
"He's above all the clamor and noise as he gazes at us with his noble poise."
"She is beauty, she is grace, she is absolutely serving face."
"You live life on an everyday basis with poise."
"She maintains this level of confidence and grace."
"If you want to be respected, you truly have to carry yourself like a queen every which way you go."
"Celestia often seemed the more poised of the two, but once you got to know her, she had a somewhat silly and studious side."
"He was a man obviously of great grace."
"A wonderful composure, always stays calm."
"A lot of composure for this young rookie quarterback."
"Looking solid, poised, confident."
"The student's goal is poise; poise is power, for it gives God-power a chance to rush through man to will and to do its good pleasure."
"There is nothing as beautiful as a woman who maintains composure in public."
"He stayed poised, he stayed in control."
"At every step of this trial, I have been in awe of Gwyneth's elegance, grace, composure, and style."
"Holding yourself with such class and grace."
"She conducted herself throughout the trial with composure."
"To be graceful is to be full of grace."
"Her movements weren't frantic; they were a bit closer to the way a ballerina moves."
"That's a man who has confidence right there."
"Imagine you're placing the little teacup on the back of the neck. So there's a straight line from the throat to the crown."
"Poise is going to be a key factor here down the stretch."
"Your true strength is not measured by how loudly you can roar back at those who would provoke you, but by the poise you maintain in the face of such confrontations."
"Balancing strength and a sense of grace or lightness."
"The dance was beautiful, she's got great poise when she's doing her jumps and her leaps."
"Really finding balance and control."
"A lady is going to put her best foot forward and that means your confidence."
"She holds herself very well, she looks very strong and confident."
"She handled herself and represented herself very, very well."
"She carries herself with such composure and grace."
"The character should look well balanced with graceful S-curves from any viewpoint."
"Poise is being true to oneself, not getting rattled, thrown off, or unbalanced despite circumstances."
"Live gracefully with uncertainty."
"Wow, that was fantastic. Alabama, what poise."
"She held herself in a certain way, in a certain light."
"The girls filed in with an unexpected dignity."
"She carries herself with confidence."
"Make your body into a nice long surfboard, take a deep breath all the way from the fingertips to the chest to the belly to the toes and back up again."
"I'm educated, I carry myself well."
"She has the poise of a veteran, she doesn't seem like she's 19 years old."
"It's giving very much classy, she's got it together."
"She's just the walking embodiment of grace and class."
"They acted with such class, they really held themselves which is amazing."
"They should carry themselves with regal dignity."
"Find the poise and the focus that lives within you."
"My definition of a dancing doll is just a woman that just carries herself with just class and grace."
"She brings a level of confidence to this event that you definitely need in order to compete."
"I'd rather just hold my head up high with the crown on and walk and just have a good day."
"I am Regal, I am just Gliding Over this water."
"I think she's a really good speaker, she handles herself really well."
"Composure is an underrated skill."
"Flex your right foot, lift up with your torso, keeping the twist in the lower back."
"Your Emperor is calm, mature, level-headed."
"Chin up, Valentine, or the crown slips."
"It's really nice to just see somebody be very elegant and graceful."
"There's a certain power and poise that you have when you have that level of self-control and self-awareness."
"To look that relaxed but also held together, to achieve that balance between a great frame and also looking relaxed whilst doing it, it's years of freaking practice."
"It's the way that you carry yourself through the dark."
"It's almost like he didn't trip because he's very confident in what he can do."
"That's how you handle a hater with class."
"You carry yourself very poisely or elegantly."
"He's poised, the tail is in concentration mode."
"You're poised and confident within yourself."
"Great change is coming for you. Maintain your sense of poise and respect."
"She carried herself while modeling this gown well."
"Always a calm breath ballerinas have, such a beautiful strength to them."
"I carry myself with confidence, class, and grace."
"Maintained your poise and elegance and the same pace of walking throughout those stairs which is great."
"He gets some very nice stoic looking poses here, standing and looking very regal."
"You have this grace to you, the way you carry yourself."
"She seems to be confident in her body; you can tell by the body language, the pose that she's adopting."
"Be like the emperor; the emperor doesn't rush."
"His every movement was dapper and suave, exuding an aura of refined elegance."
"You're very balanced in many situations here."
"You're maintaining your crown and just sitting on the throne."
"The Queen of Cups is known to be very emotional, emotionally balanced when she's at a high vibration."
"She has a very specific demeanor in situations like this, very confident."
"You're not moved, you're very poised, you're in control."
"You're someone that's very sophisticated and poised."
"She's running with real poise, she looks comfortable, she looks well-balanced."
"The Empress doesn't fight, she knows her value."
"Reclaim your personal power, know who you are, and handle yourself with grace."
"You're handling something with grace."
"Act like you've been here before, even though you haven't."
"What I like about her is her poise."
"I just love the pocket movement, the poise, just the calmness of him."
"They see you as somebody who's very, very put together."
"You handle things with grace and beauty."
"You hold yourself in high regards, you carry yourself well."
"If you allow yourself to receive and to stay poised, you will be victorious."
"He looks really comfortable, looks very poised."
"You'll be able to carry your body with grace and honor."