
Situation Quotes

There are 1105 quotes

"I am completely perplexed by the situation that I am in right now."
"This situation went from zero to a hundred really quick."
"It doesn't look like it's going anywhere soon, no."
"Balance can be restored, equilibrium can be restored to this situation."
"I'm trapped in a minivan in these seven hills parking lot someone needs to get me out."
"Rest in peace to Inquisitor I mean this situation is just completely baffling all together."
"The next big thing... this is a whole mad situation."
"Expressing how hopeless their situation feels."
"It's an extraordinary situation to find yourself in."
"So now they have the boxing falls off a truck."
"The whole situation is just monumentally scummy."
"Aaron Jones is in a very good situation here."
"Miles Sanders is in a very good situation here."
"Unexpected home situation: 'All the doors and windows opened.'"
"I'm literally just trying to figure out what's going on here."
"The lower levels are worse," Bryce repeats, his voice steady.
"Things aren't necessarily very clear here yet."
"No, the worst possible situation, absolutely."
"The mayonnaise is still in his hair, it's not coming out."
"There's gonna be a breakthrough in this situation."
"Ma'am, can we please come inside and use your phone?"
"I started shouting for help as loud as I could—oh god, I'm thinking, uh, see, I was wondering who's making such an infernal racket."
"This situation definitely spiraled out of control."
"It's just that I just have a bad taste in my mouth now about that, that, that whole situation."
"He left the house in the middle of the night in socks and shorts. He couldn't have gone far."
"You certainly know how to make a terrifying situation that much more terrifying."
"Finally something has happened which is good in this situation."
"They're losing it... and that's just what it is."
"I'm literally recording this right after the fact, there was a situation that was going on."
"Luck might you offer me an egg in these trying times."
"It choreographs how dire people see this situation."
"Last 15 seconds, involuntary fart over here."
"Over the last few hours, it's become increasingly clear that the situation in Kazakhstan is starting to stabilize."
"All the measures that we would normally apply for a situation like this are being applied for this one."
"I think comedy can totally transform a situation, can't it?"
"Regardless of your situation, they're going to usher in a miracle."
"It's a good news bad news situation."
"What happens when a strawberry gets stuck? It gets jammed."
"I know this will be over soon; what's happening right now is only temporary."
"There's something about a situation that you're winning."
"Perfectly aligning with the demands of the situation at hand."
"Having hope in that situation is a huge thing."
"There's a lot of potential to come out of this seemingly hopeless situation."
"The commander explains that the previous guard had to be evacuated because of medical reasons."
"Here's the situation. I just dropped my girlfriend off across town in downtown Orlando. It's about a 45-minute drive."
"He's got a Canadian tuck situation going on."
"That wasn't the case as of now, as there were worse situations."
"We're on an express elevator to hell."
"I'm a little flummoxed because I was out eating my lunch from the back porch at 1:30."
"Assess the situation then adjust the situation."
"Kohaku pondered if they were in a situation where he needed to be protected."
"I felt lucky to have nearly escaped that situation."
"You put the lights on, roaches running, you got to move."
"I'm currently going through a situation, and I'm like living super secret search super secret situation."
"Your hygiene should be immaculate; you should definitely dress professional at all times, but in certain situations where a suit's not required, show up as you."
"There is no need to be caught off guard to go through some situation in which you are betrayed."
"The bloated super dead possum on top of Griffin's car... that possum did what an old bloated possum is gonna do, which is explode."
"It's covered in dust and puke, and that's not a joke."
"I was like bro this is bad, dude we just fall asleep now."
"The stadium situation right now is the most confusing thing around. Who would have thought the stadium would be more confusing than the team?"
"this judgment is for your connection or for your situation"
"He was completely in control of the situation."
"This whole Hulk situation's really set him on edge."
"I do hope she's okay, genuinely. I can't imagine growing up in that situation."
"We're just choosing to not be in the situation."
"Big respect on how he handled the situation."
"The room smells awful, my butt is stinging, I'm humiliated."
"This exact situation is why I had money saved."
"The situation in Thailand was unprecedented."
"I tried to look at least somewhat imposing as I watched them make their retreat but I was still shivering and dripping from head to toe so I don't think it worked very well, plus I slipped on the wet floor on my way back inside."
"It's like, the epitome of like a nightmare hookup, just like being in that situation and like, they're like, 'There's some truth to them, but like, it's not, you know? I mean, like, it's just like, yeah, they're funny, yeah.'"
"It was extremely embarrassing for Karen to just be called out in front of everybody."
"The situation makes them grow a lot, forces them to grow a lot."
"If this could help some other person feel okay about the situation they're in."
"The tension up there at that time, man it was just unbelievable."
"You yelled shark! We've got to panic on our hands on the fourth of July!"
"Fives and his knowledge would be erased, luckily before he went he did manage to talk to Captain Rex and Anakin about the situation."
"I've never been so glad for a technicality in my life."
"Despite the notion of the missing contestants, the bodies outside, and the unfortunate remains of False Widow, who still lay on the floor of her bedroom and two distinct pieces, the survivors were able to discuss their situation rationally."
"Sometimes you get caught in situations that don't seem to have a good possible outcome."
"Emotions aren't good or bad, but depending on the situation, they could either be useful or not useful."
"The Rebels couldn’t have asked for a better situation."
"She thought it was appropriate to fetch the morning mail while wearing nothing but an open robe."
"I wish I had a debonair ladies man to seduce her. Too bad Boomhower finds motherhood disgusting."
"It's getting squirrely, it's getting dicey."
"It's not the situation that defines you rather it's all about what you do with your situation that defines who you are."
"It was like being in the prison yard and like, you know what I mean, in like yeah, even if I really wanted to like go for it and fight somebody, like am I gonna fight them all, right?"
"This is like real-world crisis right here."
"This is what kills you, you get him in the situation you want."
"I love it, they probably feel [__] stupid."
"I trust you've been monitoring the situation at the Academy?"
"Your situation isn't complicated, it's grotesque on one hand and pitiful on the other."
"It's just spitting, but we're still getting lucky in the muck."
"I have no words for this situation."
"Oh, we're managed. Yeah, I mean, it's not the drone, but it's a fairway."
"And then screamed at, a scream that might be the greatest, most situationally inappropriate scream in history."
"You're very critical. I'm here to set things right, but I don't understand how blase you are to the situation."
"How do you adapt the situation to match what you're interested in?"
"We need to get the hell out of here right now."
"Why are you throwing stuff at me?"
"She literally just gave me a whole thing of what to do when I sneeze."
"I felt a cold dread settle over me as I realized that we were trapped."
"They tried to kill him. I don't think they did. They came to tickle him."
"This is the kind of situation that we're dealing with."
"No, no, that's not the win, that's just a very uncomfortable situation."
"She just took everything from you and your children can't wait to go take a shower because we're in the middle of nowhere anyway."
"You're not gonna be able to charm your way out of this [ __ ] agreed."
"That's what you call an inopportune time for both you and me."
"So we're in the freezer right now, Cassie's stuck outside, there was somebody in the building. This building isn't his, it's historic."
"This is what we're dealing with right here today."
"Noah's handling of the situation."
"It's melting it's melting you have to go fast."
"The elevator, who asked you to twerk?"
"My father noticed that Giselle had been clinging to his arm very tightly ever since they entered the front gate and had been glancing around with clear unease."
"Stupid question: why did he jack a minivan? Is he taking his children to soccer practice?"
"You see that? That chair is me, and Tiffany is still Tiffany, but she's sitting on me."
"If he learns to control himself, he controls the situation."
"Intriguing situation here, especially with Jerry Lynn as the referee."
"That's like jail, evading arrest, you know? And I just looked at him and I, I was, I just go, 'Uh, you know, I'm gonna be honest, sir, yeah, I was evading capture by you."
"We're both up in bed with our phones, suddenly we hear the card key lock on our door beep."
"This is absolute bedlam in Hong Kong."
"Prayer adds the fire of God to your situation."
"When we made it back to the convenience store, our attitudes about the situation became a bit more excited."
"I'm trying to find this [__] Davis because I'm supposed to sleep in his room, but he's nowhere to be found. I'm really hoping he's not asleep because he was telling me he's going to lock the door."
"It wasn't long before neither Lauren nor her friends could move."
"I was just trying to figure out what was happening."
"Sometimes you have to look for the joke in the whole situation."
"Well, having me kidnapped wasn't very sweet."
"here comes the flatbed to take the car back"
"Oh, thank God, we have to sleep here tonight."
"This is in no way a good thing, but at the same time, this is one of the better case scenarios."
"it was really weird I'm not someone who thinks everything is dangerous but there was definitely something disturbing about the whole situation."
"I realized we had unwittingly set up camp on top of someone's abandoned attempt at a marijuana farm."
"He's like, 'Here,' I'm like, 'No, Ranger, we don't fit.'"
"I know I already ended this video but I just want to hop on here for a quick minute and tell you guys about a certain situation that we were informed before coming to Oregon to fish with Captain Charles."
"... this was not the time and this was absolutely not the place."
"I'll do anything to get out of the situation. I need to get away."
"I didn't say a word though I didn't say a word we get to the park everybody's there first thing her grandma says is your butt's hanging out these shorts."
"Yeah, we're at the bottom bad bad water."
"It's very exciting for those of you in some sort of no contact situation."
"Our people are not in a very good position right now on either front."
"TJ threw me a Chad TJ threw me a Chad I had to all right"
"Get the biggest boat you can for your situation."
"Probably the most powerful incident situation in the entire trial."
"Whatever would bring you the most closure and happiness is what ends up happening in the situation."
"There's nothing average or normal about the [ __ ] that's going on right now."
"It's a situation that demands no bullshit."
"It's not necessarily which one beats the other one, it's more about do you need both, and if you do need both, why, and in what situation should you use one over the other?"
"He's aware this is not just a normal nanny situation anymore."
"The Dodgers are currently not in that situation and that helps a lot."
"I'm about to jump, I'm about to jump! Don't tase me!"
"It's crazy, um, so obviously, uh, it's pretty intense down there. So five people went down there, a billionaire and two of his guests."
"In a stressful situation, and a lot of times you need both hands."
"I think your mom is a control freak and is very ludicrous in this situation."
"Uh oh, the pipe picked up a passenger."
"The lack of music to me speaks to how desensitized these people must be in this situation."
"Yo, I'm about to go to jail... I'm in the back of a car, yo."
"You're not the a-hole in this situation."
"When I finished, he took me over with this look of panic from the IT teacher spread to the principal's face."
"Friend, come on now. I just need you to put the key in the lock and let me out."
"You're gonna dip that in marinara? Oh, I know we're here, but I do not feel like family right now."
"...considered normal in this car especially early on..."
"We're trapped here together, just you and me."
"One of the amazing things in this situation is the way that people behave."
"You might want to go listen to that song after this too, after you're done listening to the reading, go listen to 'Stuck on You' by Lionel Richie. I would play it for you but YouTube won't let me, they have that copyright thing, okay?"
"What is even happening right now?"
"...a nice escape from the world, you know, so we could feel a little bit of happiness despite the situation."
"When it's bad, it can be very bad."
"You're able to get out of a situation now that you have learned the lesson."
"Each discovery was an attempt to understand what had led to this situation, and the fate of the city hung over their heads like a Damocles sword."
"I'm stuck in the puddle. Oh, help me! Help me! I'm stuck in the puddle!"
"They were also aware that my family didn't take kindly to this."
"Looks like there's no coming back from this."
"When they leave Kevin alone in the original movie, it feels perfectly natural."
"Wow well we almost didn't make it back that was a good real convenient place to have it die though."
"Sometimes God is making you wait because he's waiting on the situation to be ready. Sometimes he's making you wait because he's waiting on you."
"Sounds ominous," Steve said, reflecting on the situation.
"He is trapped in a land with no magic and no daughter."
"So I did have a bit of a panic there. A light blue car went off twice and I was panicking."
"It's being stuck with bad students after you're done teaching him."
"Put less pressure on yourself to make the right choice in the wrong situation."
"I'd say yeah that could have gone a lot worse thankfully Max's mom didn't go super crazy over the situation"
"It's amazing, they just don't know what to do about it."
"I was on an island for 10 years, I'm in Florida, what a dumb crap."
"It's a very tangled web right now."
"They're over here about to have sex and Adam is literally dying somewhere."
"It's not peace, bro, but it's understanding the situation, like, we're part of a community."
"You're a wanted criminal, also not to get no entry easy man it's cool I got my ticket right here."
"Worse than we've already seen at this point."
"You can't blame nobody in this situation because we all seen it, like we all, everybody witnessed it, you know."
"...certain things that are recommended, but we are just doing the best we can here."
"Ricky was a smart guy. He understood the kid was in a precarious position."
"And then he just gets broken down. By the end of it, he's like laughing with a chainsaw."
"She looks very cute, creating a somewhat uncomfortable yet beautiful situation for both of them."
"Things were going well except for the fact that they start bothering him with their feet, which makes Kaosi quite uncomfortable."
"It's a sad, sad situation and it's getting more and more absurd."
"What do I do when they ask why have you got a dog with you?"
"That's exactly what's happening right now with the Hurricanes."
"If the table is flat, then it's like a poker game. But this is more like I'm going to my probation officer."
"It's gonna get worse, that's not gonna get better, that's going to get worse."