
Cash Management Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Cash is a liability in an inflationary environment because your cash sits there flat while the price of everything else keeps going up."
"Remember, cash is king. It doesn't really matter exactly where the bottom is as long as you're patient."
"Cash should be king between now and early next year."
"It's not smart to hold onto cash medium-term."
"Cash is a free option of zero interest and acts as an interest rate floor." - IMF
"Cash at 5.25% gets you a rate of return which is pretty hard to beat."
"For most people, it's better to sit in cash and wait for lower prices."
"Ensure each month that you have good cash flow positive going through the account."
"Don't keep too much cash on the sidelines without investing it."
"Cash is king right now, and even if you lose money on a real basis, cash will lose you nothing on a nominal basis."
"Cash is king. Going to cash will allow you to accumulate more coins at a lower price."
"Cash is King. We're in a very strong position to get through a recession."
"We're up to about half a million in terms of actual cash lying around."
"Sitting on cash is a wonderful place to be right now."
"What percentage did you get in Stables after November? I've been trying to keep between 20 to 30 percent in cash."
"If you have cash on hand for when valuations get cheap then you can take advantage of some truly great deals in the market."
"Cash is little king here, use this opportunity wisely."
"A reminder you should keep some cash on hand in case your bank goes down."
"I'm gonna do a little bit of cash parking in Google."
"Cash is king, if you can avoid financing, I think personally I think that's the way to go."
"Always keep cash on hand. Cash is the position."
"Always have a cash reserve for buying. Cash drag is very important."
"Everywhere as the yellow blinking light takes over, they are, as she promised, able to imagine and live any kind of scenario that they can think of."
"Don't hold more cash or bonds than you really need to hold for your spending over the next few months or years depending on what you see as your financial your whether you have a job or not."
"It's got to give us high yield cash management and that means that even the cash that we have that's uninvested that's not put in the stock market to do anything in particular still gives us a good return which maximizes our profits."
"Working capital changes reflect cash inflows and outflows."
"You want to think about and you want to wrack your brain for ways in which you can make your business cash forward."
"Another quick tip you want to avoid getting cash out of ATMs and busy touristy areas like train stations airports or just other touristy hubs."
"Cash management is more strategic. It's more of a forecast and more of an art than it is a science."
"A cash flow statement simply tells you about the movement of cash in and out of a company over a period of time."
"The statement of cash flows provides a summary of operating, investment, and financial cash flows."
"Cash by itself has never hurt an investor."
"Cash is a position; holding cash is a position."
"The cash budget is a statement of firm's planning inflow and outflow of money."
"The purpose of managing the firm's daily cash position is to make sure there is sufficient cash, that sufficient amount of cash is called the target balance."
"It's a modern alternative to banking that gives you more value and protection in one cash management account."
"One of the biggest reasons that businesses fail is poor cash management."
"Even more importantly, we can identify months when we're likely to be short of cash."
"Effective cash management is a key component of a company's financial stability."
"It's really hard to know what to pull into cash."
"Cash budget shows the forecast cash inflows and cash outflows of an organization over the budgeted period."
"Precautionary motive results in holding cash for unforeseen fluctuations in cash inflow and outflow."
"The cash flow statement is all about money in and money out."
"For budgeting purposes, on controlling how much you spend, cash is good."