
Kidney Function Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"A healthy renal diet is the best way to lower your creatinine levels, no doubt about it."
"Monitoring labs like GFR, creatinine, and protein levels helps track kidney health and guides treatment decisions."
"Just adding more fiber to your diet through the foods you eat, and any supplements, can positively improve your kidney function."
"Insufficient hydration can lead to a cascade of adverse effects on kidney function."
"Proper hydration is essential for facilitating the kidneys' waste removal process."
"Excessive alcohol consumption poses significant risks to Kidney Health."
"Skipping regular exercise can harm your Kidney Health."
"Our kidneys maintain salt balance, so we'll start to excrete more salt in our urine if we eat a lot of salted foods."
"...his kidney function was back to normal... after a week of taking kefir daily."
"Net filtration pressure drives glomerular filtration rate."
"Imagine finding a solution in your daily diet that could not only protect your kidneys but also potentially reverse damage that's already been done."
"When the kidneys shut down, the body continues to produce urine, but it slows down and then stops."
"Turnip greens are exceptionally rich in a vitamin that has been proven to slow down kidney function decline by an impressive 44%."
"Drinking plenty of water can lower AP levels, potentially easing The Strain on your kidneys and helping to keep them working well."
"Not getting enough sleep has been linked with more rapid declines in kidney function and faster progression of CKD."
"Most people are not trying to bring that GFR number down, they're trying to bring it up."
"When kidneys start failing, these waste products start accumulating in the blood."
"CRT really is how the kidney works... That's exactly what we're trying to set up and mimic when we put people on CRT."
"If you don't have good kidney function, you'll find that a lot of patients, they end up having higher higher blood pressure. So, the kidneys secrete different hormones that affect our body's ability to control that blood pressure."
"Kidneys clean the blood and remove fluid, and balance the amount of potassium, phosphorus, and calcium in the blood."
"When kidneys don't work normally, phosphorus levels can build up in the blood."
"Aldosterone causes the kidneys to retain sodium and secrete potassium."
"The GFR is the glomerular filtration rate, a measurement that a doctor could take to find out how much filtrate you're producing in the kidneys each minute."
"If we're filtering a lot, that's a good indication that the kidneys are working very diligently to keep your blood clean."
"There's about a one million nephrons in each kidney."
"The glomerulus is where the process of filtration starts."
"The loop of Henle establishes the salty medulla that helps us to conserve water in the human body."
"The counter current multiplier is essential for kidneys to concentrate urine and retain water."
"Our kidneys play a vital role in maintaining our overall well-being, and it's crucial that we take care of them."
"This is suggesting that the kidney is functioning well, irrespective of how concerning that renal pelvis looks."
"Your body will adapt to a higher sodium intake by making the kidneys excrete more sodium from the body."
"The kidney is going to remove waste via the urine, regulate water flow, maintain normal electrolytes, metabolize medications, regulate blood pressure, and also help maintain bone health along with help producing of the red blood cells, the hemoglobin."
"You're no longer a type 2 diabetic; you don't even have pre-diabetes anymore."
"Remember, every small change in diet can contribute significantly to your overall health and the functionality of your kidneys."
"The nephrons, the urine-producing functional structures of the kidneys, span both the cortex and the medulla."
"Acute kidney injury is defined by the presence of any of the following: a creatinine increase by 0.3 milligrams per deciliter or more within a span of 48 hours."
"The kidney is one of the most important excretors of extra acid."
"The inferior poles of the two kidneys are shaking hands."
"The higher that albumin level in the urine, the more likely you're going to lose kidney function more quickly."
"She really just helps get our kidneys functioning really well."
"The kidneys control the lower orifices and open into the ear for better hearing."
"The gate of vitality resides in between the two kidneys."
"The reason why you have kidneys is you have to get rid of these waste products produced by the cells of our body."
"It accomplishes it through a marvelously elegant machine called the nephron, and the nephron is the functional unit of the kidney."
"You can be in control, you can have hope and optimism that you can preserve kidney function and stay healthy."
"The kidney secretes the H+ ion into the lumen, whereas HCO3- is filtered and partially reabsorbed."
"The main lab test that everyone should know the name of the lab test is what determines your renal function, it is your GFR, your glomerular filtration rate."
"Nutrition plays a role in our kidney health because our kidneys are filtering what we put into our body."
"If you're over 70 and your eGFR is over 45 and you don't have significant protein in the urine, you don't have kidney disease, you have your age-related decline."
"If the GFR is less than 60, you definitely need to see a kidney doctor."
"I've been having clients use the kidney stuff for years... it does make a big difference."
"Creatinine clearance is a very common test that is used to really look at kidney function."
"The kidneys excrete toxins and nitrogenous wastes from your blood, regulate the levels of many chemicals in your blood, and help to maintain the water balance."
"Nature has produced a capillary bed that has a very very high hydraulic conductivity by at least two orders of magnitude in the kidney."
"The collecting system starts with the nephron in the microanatomy of the kidney."
"The kidneys receive blood directly from the aorta via the renal artery."
"The kidneys are responsible for filtering our blood, which creates the urine."
"The kidneys help control blood pressure and the creation of new blood cells in response to certain hormones."
"Creatinine itself is not dangerous to the kidney."
"Once your kidneys lose glomeruli, you never get new glomerular back."
"The kidneys are the filtering organs of the urinary system."
"The kidneys are the functional aspects of the system."
"The kidneys are excretory organs."
"It's essential that we have a liver that's functioning correctly and also kidneys that are functioning correctly."
"The loop of Henle sets the stage for the concentration of urine that occurs in the collecting duct."