
Dueling Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"No matter what universe we come from, duelists with hearts always triumph."
"Gentleman's dress and it was a sign and a symbol of the fact that you were prepared to duel to protect your honor."
"He transitions completely into politics... He's credited with winning the most duels in North American history."
"He was an important feature in just about every one of Yugi's duels as his Ace monster."
"I think there was only one way to settle this case: By combat. We shall have a Duel of the Fates."
"On no other roller coaster in the world was dueling executed so perfectly and uniquely."
"Some folks claim not to believe in luck, but when they lose in a duel, you'll hear them say, 'That lucky son of a gun.'"
"Goredrinker is designed for dueling and grants more AD the lower your health."
"Thank you guys for watching, it has been Milano, the true duelist, peace."
"In a world where dueling defines destiny, friendships are put to the ultimate test."
"This is old-school dueling. This is what we expect."
"I'm not the kind of duelist that gives up and turns away."
"Dueling is the white bread of the fighting styles."
"There's a romanticized feel about rapiers as ultimate dueling weapons, and there's a bit of a reason for it."
"Anakin Skywalker is probably the second-best duelist in the Galaxy at this time, right behind Yoda."
"Let the kids play. Toughen these kids up by letting one of them die." - Commentary on the dueling scene
"He took up dueling and he became this crack shot, and then he got real sick and made a vow to Our Lady he'd become a priest if she cured him, which she did."
"I think Snape is probably one of the best duelists in the series."
"She dueled Voldemort himself to a stalemate."
"Definitively, Zayn was the better duelist."
"So, who actually is the best main character in yu-gi-oh in terms of their dueling ability?"
"For this means that forever ukyo duel monster series Yugi and Yami had an 84.44% win ratio which is pretty good, it's not too bad."
"Out of those 100 duels, he won 80 times... that gives him a 91.95% win ratio which is higher than that of Yugi's."
"He also had an L against aster Phoenix which was fair and square... and I'm pretty sure he never lost after this he just kept on winning so good for you man."
"Dueling was still quite...popular...in a certain social class."
"...dueling was illegal, but people did it anyway."
"Rules are for wimps. In dueling, you either smash your opponent or get smashed yourself."
"Ah, that feels good. Ah, that does feel good. I gotta tell ya, like it's just not easy being the ultimate duelist."
"Long ago there was a prophecy about the human race giving birth to the ultimate duelist, and that's me. I fulfill that prophecy."
"The best way to practice is by dueling."
"I shall hazard much and can possibly gain nothing by the issue of the duel."
"Maul would be trained in the ways of the light side of the force; he was an accomplished duelist like his brother."
"Tallying up the wins, losses, the draws... definitely a dimension of a duelist's strength."
"It's cool to see Yuma grow into one of the world's best duelists over the course of the series."
"You're the only one who's ever bested me in a duel."
"There's something very cold and clinical and calculating about having an argument and then challenging someone to a duel."
"Dueling is legal in Uruguay as long as both contestants are registered blood donors."
"Duelers may reinforce spiritual identity, facilitate religious transformation, and promote a sense of connectedness to the universe."
"I've killed more men in duels than you've lived days in your life."
"There is nothing sadder than a flabby, out-of-shape brain, especially in a duelist."
"I'm gonna do whatever it takes to remind you that dueling is all about having fun."
"This remarkable technology has revolutionized action, placing duelists directly in the thick of battle."
"The Rapier is seen by many as the ultimate duelist sword of the Renaissance."
"The Duelists is very good at showing the nature of duels, specifically with swords in that period."
"They're very light, very stiff, relatively short, usually only about a 30-inch blade, but they're very, very light, very, very quick."
"Just to give a poke enough to make a nasty hole in someone such that they're either incapacitated or the duel is won and first blood is caused."
"Voldemort's dueling skills are even so great, he's able to challenge Albus Dumbledore with the Elder Wand."
"Makashi is the dance of the duelist, and that is exactly what Dooku was."
"They still had dueling until really quite into the 20th century."
"The card game gag and the dueling gag were both standout moments."
"Dueling is an act that is intertwined with the concept of honor."
"Losing a duel means showing vulnerability and showing a more human side."
"I have been playing Hogwarts Legacy and I tell you what, dueling in that game is so much fun."
"You made me remember how much fun dueling can be."
"Every duel is just another challenge."
"A duel is one on one; no one else is to get involved."