
Algae Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Algae is phenomenal... it can make you look hydrated, it can make you look bright."
"Is this hidden growth of algae the explanation?"
"Algae fuel is an alternative to liquid fossil fuels that use algae as its source of energy-rich oils."
"They live primarily off of algae-based organisms and plant organisms."
"Algae is a name used to describe a wide range of different unrelated organisms that have the ability to generate energy through photosynthesis."
"The oldest fossil evidence of algae and possibly all life on Earth are found in 3.8 billion-year-old structures called stromatolites."
"The yellow algae had come to life and wrapped itself around the fish. It was like the algae had a consciousness."
"Algae will not be able to grow nearly as quickly."
"Plecostomus catfish may help keep your tank's glass and other surfaces clean and are excellent algae eaters for large aquariums."
"So, did you find any? So obviously you found you so what did you do then? See the algae was clearing but um and did you say did you find fish or did you?"
"Well, if we believe that graphite layers are in the 3.8 billion-yard Issuer Greenstone Belt and if we believe they were produced by photosynthesizing algae, then we must assume the first cells appeared sometime around 3.8 billion years ago."
"The only downside is because it's a clear vessel algae tends to build up so every now and then I empty the water and I clean out the inside of this base so that the algae doesn't build up too much but it kind of is building up regardless."
"Pink algae: nature's resilience for glowing, youthful skin."
"Here's a story about a giant virus that infects green algae."
"Algae grows on reefs, and where you have reefs, you have corals."
"Algae has been around 3.4 billion years."
"These cabbage-shaped fossils were built by cyanobacteria, which is a blue-green algae."
"Fact is algae is a very natural occurrence in every ocean reef in the world, desirable when in balance with other elements of the reef and without it all kinds of herbivorous fish likely wouldn't exist as we know them today."
"Algae biofuels unfortunately have a very long way to go, but there's a lot of clever people out there that are chipping away at this."
"Algae grows really fast, they lock away a lot of carbon, can be grown in places that don't compete with existing food crops, and are easily processed into fuel."
"It's a collection of millions of microscopic algae and is a natural phenomenon."
"Algae produce about half of the world's oxygen."
"My shrimps absolutely love to hang around and graze on this algae."
"These humble algae colonies are responsible for giving the earth its breathable oxygen."
"When the sunlight hits the algae, it creates oxygen."
"It's good to have some algae in that pond just so that the fish aren't totally in the sunlight all the time."
"Corals do have dinoflagellates or Dino part of their algae cells to an extent, correct?"
"The algae are the world's most important plants."
"Half or more of the oxygen we're breathing comes from the algae."
"Algae is a potentially more sustainable option for producing biofuels or biodiesel."
"With every aquarium, with every pond, you're gonna have algae; there's no way around it."
"Algae is kind of Nature's Miracle."
"Algae will literally get us through this."
"Algae is your best friend, you just don't know it."
"These algae are feeding off of the nutrients that are coming from the volcano."
"True or false: despite its plant-like appearance, kelp is a type of algae. True."
"Without algae, which many of us think of as fairly slimy and disgusting, we wouldn't be able to breathe."
"Algae are divided into large groups by color because their color is associated with their lifestyle."
"From the primordial seas will algae-like plants rise, coating the surface of the water."
"Algae are characterized by the type of pigment they possess."
"The hair algae miraculously shrinks back and thins out into a wispy version of last week."
"The big question is what caused the hair algae to die off like that and basically disappear from the tank."
"Special algae grow and secrete a red pigment in combination with sunlight, high temperatures, and a small amount of precipitation; it turns the lake pink."
"One gram of algae has the same nutrition as a thousand grams of fruits and vegetables."
"Chlorella and Spirulina look very similar, they're both green in color and they have antioxidants which give them the green color."
"So this is the Pink Lake, the pink color is caused by the algae."
"Algae is wellness, wellness is algae."
"Algae are living organisms, so they are a sign that the water is not too badly polluted."