
Culinary Balance Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Adding the crunch and a good amount of crunch in there is really nice because it balances it out."
"It's really well balanced, you know, as a dish it's got all the components you're looking for."
"Maybe it's time to step into some real gaming."
"It just goes together so well sometimes, when it's the right amount and that is the big challenge today." - Bobby Chiu
"The whole balance of the dish was beautiful and the flavors were very complementary to each other."
"Because we're adding mayonnaise, we want to make sure that we balance the flavor."
"This pizza crust was beautifully light and airy, with a wonderful ratio between the sauce, cheese, and pepperoni."
"You want sweetness, you want sourness, and you want the salt to be perfect."
"It's all about getting that balance right between the sweet, bitter, hot, sour, salty flavors."
"It's all about that balance of flavor."
"The coffee is adding bitterness to offset some of that sugar, so it's just putting everything in better balance and enhancing the chocolate flavor."
"It's a soft spice, a good balance of spices."
"This drink really relies on the little bits of sugar from the ginger beer and the pineapple juice to get its balance."
"...make sure you got some sweet in there with some sour if you got sour you got to balance it out..."
"The ingredients pair so well together, perfect balance of acidity, creaminess, nuttiness."
"Everything about this sandwich is just well balanced, like everything about it, the texture, the flavor."
"Love the balance on the spicy sweet, sauced up. I just love the massive amounts of scallions in this."
"Good food always has the element of two: spicy and sweet, hot and cold."
"The ratio of the spices is perfect. Everything is balanced. There's no extra chilies nor it is that the salt is less or kids cannot eat."
"That flavor is so strong and spicy, yet it's so well balanced and so herbaceous."
"Master the balance between salty and sweet."
"The banana makes a difference, the banana makes it that sweetness, so you got the rice, the peas, the sweet corn, the camel meat, then once you add the banana, it just creates a balance."
"The ratio of spice to steak is so nice, absolutely perfection."
"Sweet and sour, you need to have a little bit of sour note in the back of your throat."
"All food is a balance of five flavors: hot, sour, salty, sweet, and savory."
"Butternut squash is very sweet, and I like to counterbalance sweetness with a little bit of spice."
"It's just balance: cumin, coriander seeds, chili, everything is just working all together."
"I love the balance of the chimichurri on there, and I like the simplicity of that also. Thank you."
"For every ingredient you add, you need to adjust everything else to make sure the finished product still achieves a perfect balance of flavor, texture, and color."
"The sauce is brilliant; it's not too much, it doesn't overwhelm the chicken, but it's not flat or bland."
"The prawns are so fresh, the bit of saltiness from the caviar is just right."
"The soft and fluffy whipped yam in The Firm Abalone are harmonized by the sophisticated use of the cured plum."
"You really got it all, got your salt, fat, acid, heat, that wonderful mix of gourmet and trashy."
"What the sugar does is kind of balance the acid out, so to me, it was an important ingredient."
"This is a really well balanced red wine sauce."
"Spaghetti and hot dogs is delightful, even better since Mom perfected the chunk ratio."
"Mushroom is like a nice addition in the background, but the cheesy sauce with the egg, delicious."
"You've got the sweet heat with the balance of the vinegar, and oh my gosh, absolutely wonderful."
"They managed to balance all the flavors of each meal really well."
"It's buttery, crunchy, very smooth, the perfect perfect balance of everything."
"I'm always trying to think of balancing flavor: sweet, acidic, spicy, sour."
"This is a perfect balance of flavors and the bechamel, or I guess it's mornay sauce, adds such a creaminess and another layer of flavor."
"It's all about taste, it's about getting that beautiful balance, harmonious."
"It's so good, this is like just the right balance of savory and sweet."
"The balance on the chef's knife is perfect, right there, right on the edge of the bolster."
"That combination of sweet and spicy works really well, if you didn't have the sweetness with the spicy, the spice takes over and just becomes harsh."
"Now the Barbeque Cheeseburger finds that backyard balance of sweet and heat with a touch of smoke."
"It's always been about balance, and you know when you have something that's really hot or really fatty, you need to cut it with some acid."
"It's all about balance and flavors."
"It's the perfect balance of heat and flavor where pretty much everyone would be able to eat it and enjoy it."
"The soup is not too thick, it's well-balanced. Easy to eat."
"I love that you can taste everything, nothing is masking each other."
"Just enough to tickle the back of the throat, not enough to burn anybody's socks off."