
Bears Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Meet the world's toughest bear, 'The Boss', which survives being hit by a train and fathered 70 percent of cubs in his region."
"Now that's a bear party! As for now, this bear is having a party for one."
"The Basso family of Rockaway, New Jersey got the fright of their lives back in the summer of 2015 when they saw six black bears nonchalantly splashing around in their above-ground pool."
"The yeti is now believed to be some sort of relative to the Himalayan black bear as well as the Himalayan brown bear."
"Why are those bears wearing pants? I mean, why not? They're crowned; they're clown bears."
"Keep going, right magnificent creatures, bears are a rare privilege to witness up close in their natural habitat."
"If Caleb Williams is that guy, this Bears team might be the best in the NFL."
"It's what we're going to be seeing in Alaska later: bears catching fish."
"These bears are more curious than angry or hostile."
"Great to be back in Alaska. Weather has been cold, real late spring, so bears should be out. Bears will definitely be out."
"The homeowner observes the Bear's visit with a mix of surprise and Delight. They can't help but chuckle at the Bear's endearing awkwardness."
"The family watches in awe as the bears curiously explore their backyard, while their gentle dog barks protectively at the bears through the glass door."
"...the massive bear serves as a symbol of the extraordinary coexistence between the urban and natural environment."
"...the bear ambles closer never displaying any signs of aggression."
"...the bear swiftly races past them without acknowledging their presence."
"A grizzly bear's bite is so strong that it's possible to crunch a bowling ball."
"We actually have a Halloween section, so that little ghost cup will go good in there, yep. That's true, bears would definitely be celebrating, bears will be celebrated."
"It's almost become a more or less a video about bears."
"Bears are super highly regulated in what we can do."
"Hibernation for bears simply means they don't need to eat or drink and rarely urinate or defecate... or not at all. For literally seven months. That's a long time."
"I wasn't the only female that was scared of the Bears okay and they were even the men that were looking out for the Bears and they were scared so it wasn't just me."
"The Bears were obviously the big winner in this draft."
"Bears don't like hot weather because it just knocks them on their butt."
"Are you kidding me? Bears all day!"
"February, deep in the snow-covered forest, many of the bears have given birth."
"The chase itself isn't anything special, but I am loving more and more how they randomly put bears in the background."
"If I can drop the most bear problems and using wood to heat your house like I'm trying to relate so hard right now."
"Bears have absolutely no right to be as cute as they are. I want to hug them and pet them big fluffy dogs super-sized."
"...and I was very gratified to discover after the book came out the lots and lots of people all over North America shared these concerns because I got letters by the sackful from people giving me advice on how to avoid bear attacks while hiking..."
"I always thought bears were so scary but these two are definitely changing my mind."
"Listeners, you can tell us: are pandas actually bears or are they not bears?"
"Bears won't show up until the measured move is met; sell when buyers are waiting."
"Bears have remarkable sensory abilities, and if you believe they can't see you or smell you from a distance, think again."
"Here's a clever bear that knows how to achieve its goal."
"Bears prepare for hibernation by eating a lot of food to store fat, finding a warm den, and slowing down their metabolism."
"There's about 600,000 black bears in North America meaning out of all of its cousins they've barely been affected by humans."
"The Bears committed to building a venue that could be used 365 days a year."
"Bears have been spotted very heavily."
"Pizzly bear: a rare hybrid of grizzly and polar bears."
"This show may follow adorable anthropomorphic bears, but it was actually an amazingly well-written epic sword and sorcery series worthy of standing shoulder to shoulder with the rings of power in The Witcher."
"They're not losing next week; they're never losing again. Bears playoffs, let's go!"
"Female Bears know this and react to any threat to their cubs, real or imagined, with a near-nuclear display of power and aggression."
"Truly bears are peaceful, they're docile."
"These gigantic Bears probably ate more vegetables than meat."
"Bears were cute, easy to draw, and had a very lovable appeal."
"The bear mimicked the soldiers when he saw the man lifting crates, he copied him."
"As the weather begins to get colder, bears enter a hyperphagic state in which they gorge themselves on as much food as possible before the winter."
"So okay, super important, might save your life: Do you know how to stop a bear from charging? You take away his credit cards."
"This really shows you another side of bears that you don't hear enough about: peacefulness."
"When you see a mother bear taking such good care of her cubs, you start wondering, does a mother love her cubs?"
"What a cool opportunity to observe bear behavior and to watch a mother teach her Cubs."
"Bears are very smart. Their intelligence is often compared to that of higher primates."
"Usually bears will try to avoid humans."
"Do not run or turn away from a bear as this may stimulate a predatory response."
"The brown bears on this island are a very unique population."
"This makes the island the most concentrated population of bears on Earth."
"My money was on the bear all along. The bears, undefeated."
"The size of these bears is just hard to put in perspective, to be honest with you."
"The sun bear is the smallest of all bears but can be very dangerous."
"People often think that when bears go into hibernation, they just sit there and sleep until spring, which is not the case."
"Bears of All Sorts are in hyperphagia, which simply means they eat as much food wherever they can find it."
"Bears have the best sense of smell of any animal, so their sinuses are very sensitive."
"Bears are extremely smart and they do live extremely long lives."
"I love the bigger Bears, they're real statement pieces, aren't they?"
"From man-eating black bears to a murderous brown bear, these are some of the most horrifying bear attacks you'll ever hear."
"India is the last country on the list with more than 10,000 bears but holds the title as the country with the most species."
"I love bears so much; it's not even funny."
"In Bear Society, a pecking order exists, determined by factors like age, size, and assertiveness."
"One thing that clearly stands out is that the population of bears in Enmore Forest will continue to increase."
"The Bears are pretty good role models."
"Once upon a time, there was a family of bears called The Barringer's."
"I love bears, but the last thing I wanted to do is go say hello."
"I like the bears, don't you? Let's do the little bears."
"This is the youngest member of the bear family, little tiny baby bear."
"People who love bears and coffee will go nuts over the unique, humorous sampler set from Silly Bean."