
Messenger Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"A messenger of God is far superior; you have many religious leaders in the world today, but Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, was a messenger of God."
"Isn't it funny how God always seems to pick a Jew to be the messenger?" - "Isn't it funny how God always seems to pick a Jew to be the messenger."
"I still pray to Jesus, of course, but I'm starting to learn more and more about him being more of a messenger than instead of a god you know I pray to." - Mister Latoya
"He was predominantly recognized as a messenger god."
"Angel just means messenger, whether it's Malachi, whether it's Angelos in Greek, just means Messenger."
"Don't treat the bearer of bad news as if they were to blame for it."
"He whom God have sent will speak the words of God."
"Please do not shoot the messenger."
"You never know who the messenger will be."
"The messenger is here with a special message."
"We're actually also messengers sending these messages abroad."
"At the end of the day, I'm just the messenger. I just give you what I get."
"How blessed are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good news."
"...the banshee was not an evil or malicious spirit. She was simply sick of seeing death and hated being the one to tell people that death was at hand."
"I'm the messenger. I don't know what I'm saying, confirm it, we go from there."
"You could have one heck of a destiny of being some form of messenger."
"...Allah gave the best of all all Messengers sallallah alaihi wasallam the most incredible of the one that was sent as a model to all of humanity and then he gave the greatest Revelation the Quran to those people."
"I'm only a channel and a message."
"I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord.'"
"When it comes to success, the message versus the messenger is a crucial factor."
"Being a medium, you're a messenger."
"I liken my job to that of a mailman, okay? So I don't really feel like I write the letters as much as I just kind of deliver the message."
"I am the messenger, so don't murder the messenger."
"Allah said clearly he never punishes a people until after he sent the messenger to them."
"It's about being a messenger when you have anything good or any knowledge, and I feel that's what I do well."
"What drove him to do this though? In fact, Enryu is only the messenger of the Outside God."
"We believe that Jesus Christ was one of the mightiest messengers of God."
"When we call you a prophet, we are indirectly saying that you are chosen by God to convey his message to the people."
"He gives this letter to the pigeon and this pigeon then sends this letter to the banker."
"Prophets are not fortune tellers. Prophets are those sent to deliver a message from God to God's people."
"He was an emissary of the Divine to mankind."
"It's the power of having the right messenger."
"Our tendency is to fall in love with the messenger instead of the message."
"When God sent a new message, he would empower the messenger to confirm his witness."
"You've chosen the wrong messenger."
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good tidings, running over the mountains."
"The angelic messengers: 'He is not here, but He's risen.'"
"Jesus didn't go to the jail himself, he sent a messenger."
"Jesus did not make himself equal to God. Jesus did not make himself the messenger, he didn't volunteer."
"Like Elijah, may we too be faithful messengers of God's truth in this world."
"He is the messenger of good who proclaims salvation. He is the one to whom it is written where it says, 'to comfort those that mourn' (Isaiah 61:2)."
"Muhammad peace be upon Him is a messenger of almighty God."
"Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you." - Angel Gabriel to Mary
"The story is eternal, has nothing to do with a man; that man is simply a messenger telling the eternal story."
"Prophet Muhammad peace and blessing be upon Him is the messenger of Allah for everyone."
"A wise person will welcome the messenger, but a foolish person will shoot the messenger."
"In the days of the Great Crusade, the Emperor often entrusted crucial messages or artifacts to be borne by his custodians to their destined recipients securely."
"We are just Messengers here, I just came to deliver a message, but you are here to meet with the King of Kings and the Lord of lords."
"I'm not a preacher, ordained minister, elder, or deacon, or none of that. I am a messenger, your vessel."
"The messenger is coming, the world is not ready for this final event."
"God gave Ellen White a revolutionary message of health reform."
"A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a faithful Ambassador brings health."
"Pain is a messenger that demands all of our attention, right?"
"Jesus is one of our great human treasures, one of the great messengers sent to open up new horizons of consciousness, new standards of behavior, visions of possibility."
"Those that bring you the good news must be accepted... accepting the messenger is an act that you have accepted the message... the feet of those that preach good news... how lovely... preach good news."
"It's about the message, not the messenger. We are all broken vessels, but God can work through imperfect people."
"It's crazy because it's that art, it's that messenger that you get to be as an artist that paves the way for this access that you have to even talk to people at all."
"Jesus Christ was one of the mightiest messengers of God."
"I feel like I'm truly a messenger carrying ancient knowledge and advancing it forward for future generations."
"For every nation, there is a messenger."
"I am not the message; I am not the light; I'm only the window."
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, the messenger of good who announces salvation, saying to Zion, your God is king."
"So that you might be witnesses to mankind and the messenger be a witness over you."
"The happiest of the people are those who answer the call of the messenger the most."
"One day a messenger from Middle-earth will come through the shadows to Valinor, and Manwë will hear, and Mandos relent."
"I am simply a messenger of the divine."
"Behold, I am sending my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me."
"Behold, I will send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me."
"Learn to believe in who God has sent."
"The Messiah, Jesus the Son of Mary, was but a Messenger of Allah and His Word which He directed to Mary and a soul created at a command."
"Messenger of the Gods is what Mercury means."
"We will make him among the messengers."
"A magnificent messenger from Allah who's reading onto you purified scrolls and scriptures."
"The other figure was known simply as the Angel of Aim, apparently it was a woman who was seen as Payne's messenger to the people."
"We believe that he was one of the mightiest messengers of Almighty God."
"We love Jesus; Jesus our great messenger."
"She wished she could bring all of them the good news they so desperately wanted to hear."
"That's my job, to be the bearer of good news."
"The Messiah, son of Mary, was no other than a messenger, messengers the like of whom had passed away before him."
"A communication from a Rasool Kareem, a messenger, an emissary who is soft-spoken."
"Verily he was true to what he promised, and he was a messenger and a prophet."
"Behold, I send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way."
"Its name, Oumuamua, comes from the Hawaiian term for 'scout' or 'messenger from afar arriving first.'"
"They are a messenger on behalf of the universe, I guess."
"Malachi was a messenger, God's messenger with a message."
"In Roman mythology, who was the winged messenger of the gods? Mercury, correct."
"If there is a God, then who would this man be? He would surely be a messenger of God, wouldn't he?"
"Allah sent from amongst us a messenger, we know his lineage, how truthful he is."
"I am just the vessel, I'm the transmitter, I am the light that just delivers the message."
"It was a test from Allah to see who was going to actually follow the messenger."
"As Muslims, we believe in Jesus, a mighty messenger."
"Iman in the messenger is a topic of three-quarters of the Quran."
"I am but a messenger of your Lord."
"The messenger of the Covenant is coming."
"Allah is a messenger, a prophet is a messenger."
"We say that Jesus was sent to children of Israel as a messenger to remind people to worship God Alone."
"The heart of our Messenger could withstand it."
"Malachi comes from the Hebrew word that means my messenger."
"Don't shoot the messenger, especially one from the future."
"He succeeded and if that's not evidence of him being a messenger, then give me an alternative plausible explanation for his behavior."
"May the peace be upon the messenger of Allah, and the mercy of Allah and blessings."
"Jesus was a messenger from God, he was a blessed messenger from God, he was born of a virgin birth, he was the Messiah."
"The messenger is just conscientiously doing the job his boss assigned him. And this boss? That would be none other than our old friend Reality."
"Shamans consider these creatures spirit messengers."
"I am simply a messenger of the divine, nothing less."
"The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was nothing more than a messenger of God, his word directed to Mary, a spirit from him."
"This is the story of one of the five top messengers of Allah."
"The word Angel actually just means messenger."
"Whoever you are, you're a true divine messenger."
"We never send a messenger except with the language of his people."
"Muslims do not make it reject them nor do they put him on the pedestal as a god; they respect him as one of the greatest messengers of God as the Messiah."
"I am going to send my messenger, and he will clear the way before me."
"No doubt it is the word of a noble messenger."
"The greatest messenger and prophet that Allah had ever sent to mankind is our beloved Prophet Muhammad."
"The nickname or the name means 'a messenger that reached out from the distant past.'"
"After the council decision has been made and announced, they serve as messengers of the decision."
"We never sent a messenger who did not speak the tongue of his people."
"Whoever delivers the Quran honestly is the messenger of God."
"Allah has sent a messenger towards every nation."
"You are a messenger of light and well-being."
"Mercury is the messenger of the gods."
"Miracles can confirm a message from God and can confirm a Messenger of God."
"This is a messenger of good news, or somebody who brings good news."
"You're definitely a messenger who is highly gifted."
"We walk through to the new understandings; we are the messengers, the guides."