
Creation Belief Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Allah created you from clay like that of pottery...the nature of humans is productive."
"All individuals are created by God; therefore, they have inalienable human dignity."
"He made us in his image, me and you man, what you talking about right now?"
"You see the creator is inside you. It doesn't mean you are the creator, it means that made in his image is literal."
"There's a lot of reasons that we can feel connected to the earth and a lot I think what a lot of people mistake for feeling connected to the earth is it's feeling connected to the creator of the earth."
"I don't believe that we're part of a primordial of chemicals and heat and moisture coming together no like this is love goes beyond that."
"God knows all, He sees all, there's an intelligence behind creation."
"He doesn't love some of his children more than others, and he created all of us to be his children."
"God created all folks... Just like God created the pig, the pig is haram for us to consume, and we don't consume it."
"The world we inhabit is flawed; God created a flawed world."
"You are not created by accident; you are created in the image of God."
"By the power of the word, the Earth was framed and by the power of the word, the freedom of man shall be dominantly asserted in God's name."
"My starting place and answer your question is that Jesus Christ is Lord he is the creator he made the world it's his."
"We were created in the image of God, male and female."
"I think that it's okay for Christians to say at the end of the day all of these things are informed in my belief that God created the heavens and the Earth and he says what is and what isn't."
"Life: crafted by God from fertilization to birth."
"Allah created us to recognize him... and to worship him."
"Our help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth."
"There is a Creator who made you from the dust of the earth, and one day you're going to go back to that dust."
"You're not here by accident. You're not space goop thrown together by some stardust."
"There's god, god created mankind on the land."
"By giving up Christ... you're giving up the purpose for which you've been created."
"This life is not purposeless; there is a creator."
"The pinnacle of God's creative activity was human beings made in the image of God."
"Humans often think we are gods, but we are just the creation. There's only one God, and he is all-knowing, all-powerful, and worthy to be praised."
"Even the earth, all things that are on the face of it and the motion and all the planets which move in their regular form, witness there is a supreme creator."
"God is our father... He is the maker of us all."
"The Lord made a wonderful, sustainable planet."
"Our creator gave us these rights and we're going to put them inside our constitution."
"God created the universe and everything. That's amazing!"
"Shackle yourself to me because I created you."
"Humans very much see creation in Tamriel as a beautiful gift that was given to them."
"If you are conscious of the fact that you are created in the image of a creator, then a man must have some kind of belief."
"I believe life on this earth was created by God okay I believe that God is the author of all of the natural laws that we have okay so if you can and remember the origin of life is something that Darwin did not really speak about."
"I think it's common sense to say somebody designed humans. He used natural materials like dirt to do it."
"Nobody out there is ignorant that God exists. You know that if there's creation, there's gotta be a Creator."
"God does not make any mistakes and he created us. So it's not a mistake."
"We believe that women and men are created equal in the image of God."
"He is Creator. He created me decided I would be before time began, before time began."
"I believe in a supernatural God who created the heavens and the Earth."
"The material world was created by the highest God, the supreme deity, and therefore it is intrinsically good."
"Universal Consciousness sees all of us as the Creator because all of us are the Creator."
"You are entitled to everything because God's will is everything, and you are a creation of God."
"When I was created, I saw written 'There is no god but God' and the greatest of my creations are Muhammad and his father."
"God created us and how we're all uniquely created."
"Through this will, the creator has brought about our existence."
"For something to come into existence, must have a creator."
"God alone is eternal; we are everlasting because we were created."
"God created every human being with this emptiness."
"He was present with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made."
"We exist because He created us in His mind."
"God did breathe a soul into Adam and Eve into us."
"God created the universe, He created human beings, He gave them something called free will."
"The Quran mentions that when God created us, he took all of mankind, our souls, out from the loins of Adam our father, and said, 'Am I not your lord?' and all of the souls said 'Yes'."
"The difference between believing that the universe is an intended creation of God and that human beings are also intended by God and made in His image is very important."
"The creation is the creator, and the Creator resides within the creation, so you can't separate the two."
"We believe there is one unique creator for everything that exists."
"We are all created equal, endowed by our creator to be treated equal throughout our lives."