
Affinity Quotes

There are 348 quotes

"The closest in love and affection for you would be a people who proclaim, 'We are Christians.' That couldn't be British, American, and French Christians... it can only be the Orthodox Christian."
"I have an affinity for anything that is old and derelict and doesn't run."
"Oh my god, London, I love this city and feel as if I was in a past life an Englishman." - Patrick Swayze
"She loves nature... she almost feels at home in nature itself."
"You still get to have your deepest affinity with the people who get it about you."
"If you love classic cars, then Donald loves you."
"I would not keep foxes but I do love foxes they are totally one of my soul animals that I really just resonate with like foxes wolves any kind of weasel snakes certain kinds of bird really resonate with me."
"You know what, god help me, I'm starting to like this guy."
"As a water sign, you should be drawn to the water like a fish."
"Beatrix had a natural affinity with animals."
"Some people, you just click with them on a soul level."
"This is definitely a man after my own heart."
"You're attracting other light workers into your life, part of their soul family."
"Between no generic quests at all, the Fallen Arm, the affinity we get with Makanos for life, yo."
"Resembling them in their clothing will lead to loving them and aligning with them."
"If you're still with me after my wooliness then you're definitely one of my favorite people."
"I've been here since 2019 and I love the community."
"Are you kidding me? How cute is this? So me right?"
"I've always been at home in the water."
"If I had to self-insert, it'd be as Aqua because Aqua's me."
"In my heart of hearts, I just didn't want to offend people who I actually had an affinity for."
"I'm really like of a big animal person."
"It's not just about lust when it comes to this connection; it's about a deep affinity, a deep love."
"I bought it without ever trying it, and for some reason, I just massively connect with it."
"You are a natural little summer baby."
"Like attracts like, that's what sympathy means, that's what Affinity means."
"You're going to feel like you have a match."
"You're attracting your soul tribe."
"Luffy does have something of an affinity for water though."
"Anybody that likes this video could also really enjoy that, I definitely think so."
"I feel like we'd be good friends."
"Life is a mystery, and you have a strong affinity for new beginnings."
"Like Minds going to flock together, you damn right they're going to flock to each other. You're damn right."
"This person feels very much connected to you. They feel like you are their person."
"I do like that, that is something I would do."
"Felt right. Felt good. Felt real good. Real connected to you guys. Me too."
"Biggie was one of the greats. Yeah, I [expletive] with him."
"The Sea for me has a fascination. I like being on the sea. I sleep better on a boat. I like the smell of it, the taste of it, so it's somewhere where I'm happy."
"You are drawn to one another and this is good."
"For those that think like me, here's your inspiration."
"Instinctively he liked Jack very much."
"I'm definitely feeling a very strong Soul Bond, Soul connection with this person."
"This person really feels like you are their person."
"Chances are you're a Trivium fan and vice versa."
"I like these guys a lot. I do. I really do."
"...kind of found a kindred spirit."
"Technology has always just been something that's embedded in me."
"Danger Mouse, a subject close to my heart."
"Guitars and cars really do seem to go together."
"I had this instant bond with this Carrera T."
"I think you're 100 right like you gravitate toward the people that you like right."
"I'm a Robocop guy. I have a weird Affinity towards robot people."
"Maybe within like five minutes, I felt like an instant connection."
"I like Germany. Everybody apparently. Everyone just, yesterday literally, I was just friends. Why wouldn't you like Germany?"
"There's a reason we love the things that we love."
"It's just the loveliest. I swear I was born to be near the beach or on near the water. That's what I've decided."
"If you like Japanese items, then you're in the right place."
"I actually love that song, and you too."
"As soon as I heard the opening chords of Total Eclipse of the Heart I was like, this is for me."
"Scott Hall, he's one of my favorite people."
"This deck and I have a really great relationship."
"The White Owl Mystic Arcana deck has no real reason why I love it so much, it just makes me happy."
"If you like this kind of stuff, you really have found your people."
"I connect with this deck, I connected with it instantly."
"This person just felt like an instant connection to you."
"They feel a very soulmate vibe to you."
"I love Wyoming. My kind of people, my kind of place."
"Man, Unicorn is really rewarding. It feels like a show that was made specifically for me to watch and I just don't think I've ever been able to get that experience from any other franchise or series, ever."
"I'm a water baby. I'm a Pisces so being near the water, I'm gonna catch down Lewis whether I want to or not."
"I love being here. I feel very New York."
"I love this way up. I love this connection. I love this duo."
"It's in our human DNA to love nature."
"that's the category that probably spoke to me the most"
"These are people I would choose as my friends in a minute, heartbeat."
"I know you love to make beautiful things, awesome things just like me."
"...most people know from their own experience that we have this affinity with the animal realm."
"I like this guy a lot... he is probably in my top five favorites."
"I can totally see myself on this bike."
"There's something about me that elephants like."
"That's one of my favorite rappers, yeah."
"You gravitate towards groups and people who are like-minded."
"...so being that this is my comparison on my channel I'm going to have to see this from the reproach of the two characters that I have the greatest affinity for."
"This place is like after my own heart."
"I'd probably do a monkey because they're as close to human as..."
"I love funny people, I think funny people are just... me too."
"I've always been connected to animals."
"You really can't tell, but I feel like I would definitely connect more with an African."
"The Notebook chose me you know in the Harry Potter book the wand chooses the wizard Harry that's kind of how I feel."
"I genuinely feel like she's someone I can have a very strong connection with"
"For those of you who have been following the channel, you'll know that Saber is one of my favorite characters."
"I've always been fond of the forest."
"I immediately fell in love with it."
"That's a right up my alley." - Zayn
"YouTube is the one platform that our hearts are totally connected to."
"He's like a Disney princess. All the cats approached him on their own."
"The love of the sea stayed with him all his life."
"You really do feel connected to the bike."
"There's something quite romantic about the fact that they have such an affinity for this product."
"Everyone aspires to be part of like a group of like-minded people."
"If you love to knit because I love as much as I love to knit then you're in the right spot."
"The shadow realm loves me and I love it."
"He was one of those people that you just kind of connect with as soon as you meet them."
"I really feel like I just love mugs, I love them so much."
"This has my name written all over it."
"Good aspects between the Sun and the moon are going to provide padding in the form of the basic affinity for each other, feeling like there's a sense of wholeness with each other."
"I truly consider this phantom of the wilderness to be my spirit animal."
"You have to build affinity, right? You have to move them from attention. You have to provide value where they actually like you."
"Make space in your life to enjoy people with whom you have affinity."
"I love New York, man. I love the New York family."
"There's like a shared affinity, I get it."
"More than just affinity, it is our call to action, our call to service."
"What is love? I think it's a confluence of emotions and behaviors that you exhibit towards people that, well, I don't want to use the word to describe, but towards people that are close to you that you have a certain affinity for."
"It's just nice to meet another human who shares my affinity for elf culture."
"You remind me of myself with your personality, your jokes."
"I'm psyched to see you, kinda sorta like me and Beyonce voice."
"Finally, I'm hearing somebody singing my tune then head over to derek's channel."
"I just do. I really just feel like this is my favorite."
"Walt took a liking to you immediately."
"Dwarves rule I identify with the dwarfs I don't even dislike elrond and Galadriel but watching that dwarf King say that curmudgeonly thing and how justified it was."
"You make this person feel like they're soul-connected to you."
"Even animals love you, and your natural affinity with them triggers jealousy in some."
"I always fit in more with guys like Jim Jarmusch or somebody like that."
"Out of all the meteor family, this is the one I like."
"I always thought I was going to have kids just because I like kids."
"If you have affinity and you have some ability then you go and you seek the opportunity, when they all come together then you have a call."
"Horses have just always been my life."
"I feel like I found another soul mate."
"I love Ballers too. That is made for you."
"That's my kind of people right there."
"Oh, all the horses like you guys. Oh, hi there. There's like so many, they all want to say hi."
"Feels good, fellow Bean aficionado."
"Sharks gonna be my special buddy."
"Is it your thing, Lucas? Um, yeah, it's the same thing."
"I love ducks. People always say like, 'I thought you didn't like birds?' But I love ducks."
"John Wick is probably my spirit animal."
"There are cases where a person is able to adapt to the new organ and it fits them perfectly afterward. These people do get new affinities just like you," Shisui elaborated.
"I love my Mexicans. They be ready to go, man."
"There was something in the personalities particularly of John, Paul, and George that they warmed to."
"His affinity with the horse to understand the horse and to get the best from their horses."
"I'm pretty biased towards the Colorado class battleships being my state's namesake ship."
"I felt instantly connected to her."
"Pandora is a Taurus just like me and as a fellow Taurus I have to say, and no bull, I love this."
"I've always had an affinity to the sea. My father was in The Merchant Navy as a younger man."
"You have to immediately fall in love with a new racquet that you're trying."
"We clicked it off immediately, we took to each other."
"From the very first opening notes of 'Train Captor Roland,' he knew immediately that it was a match made in heaven."
"I feel like Tanzania is my second home."
"BioChroma, being the color of life, naturally seeks the patterns of life and so will more willingly flow into that with which it's familiar."
"There's an energy of company, someone who is very like-minded."
"You have that special way with the animals too, though, with horses. You know, they just know. Some people are horse people."
"The R18 is really a bike whose first impression is to completely overwhelm you. But the more you ride it, the more you fall in love with it. The more it becomes your friend."
"From the moment I met her, I felt an instant connection."
"I just feel like we're just connected. I really do."
"It's not just about affinities and things that look alike, but how objects and tropes are used over time."
"James showed a strong affinity to a flamboyantly green and purple Buzz Lightyear costume."
"They feel extremely connected to you."
"Love is affinity. It's how close you want to be with people."
"You work with people that you like and you trust, and you like people that are like you."
"I love underdogs, that's my world."
"A lot of autistic people connect with children and animals better than other humans."
"The South, it's winning me over, is the South."
"Kindred spirit, you guys are like alike."
"They feel as if they belong with you."
"The more they understand each other, the more they will like each other."
"I don't know what it is about Asia, but something about it just clicks with me."
"Dogs would follow him home because they just got a sense that he was a dog lover."
"People who have a calm spirit to them, they're going to like you a lot."
"This connection that you and this person will share is going to be a connection that you like."
"Heavy connection to Nature here again."
"If you love the truth, then you'll gravitate towards it."
"Something about this town really speaks to me."
"Hydrophilic loves water, and hydrophobic hates water."
"I am a logophile; I have an affinity for words."
"Even just culturally, I have felt closer to this country and South Africans than back home."
"It's like they're my bros, you know what I mean?"
"Sometimes you do truly find someone you're like, that person really resonates with me, and that's who I want to befriend."
"The right people will come towards you."
"As you gain confidence in the things that you like, you gravitate toward like-minded people."
"I think I must have been a midge in a previous life because I absolutely love it here."
"The souls that are similar in development and character will be with each other."
"He saw something in my personality that he liked."
"A person will be with those whom they love."
"I love Devon because I've lived in them when we first got married and also when the children were born down here, so I've got a strong affinity with Devon."
"Sasuke had affinity for lightning and fire, two affinities were uncommon too unless one had a kekkei genkai."
"We just are mad about them, and I think there is a very indelible affinity to things mechanical."
"Jeffrey had a deep affinity for the ocean and a deep respect for all things in it."
"I love the skulls, they're right up my street, really a bit of me."
"Kevin had always had a connection with sea creatures."
"I had always had a deep connection to nature."
"I like anything that pulls me back to Lord of the Rings because I have such an affinity for the trilogy."
"I always liked animals; seem to like me too."
"I loved the forest; there was always something enticing about it for me."
"You're the man after my own heart."
"If you liked hearing me talk for this long, you're totally weird, which means I totally like you."
"From that day on, my daughter loved everything Baby Shark."
"I've always felt at home in the Arab world, especially Syria, in a way that I love."
"It's a matter of cultural exports... if you export a certain specific cultural product, people then fall in love with the product."
"Dragons are highly intelligent. They know when you like them and when you don't."
"I'm fascinated with Portland, it's very much my speed."
"It's a high affinity binder that binds to the PDL1 protein with 90 nanomolar affinity."