
Wind Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"The singing was created by the wind blowing across the top of the ice shelf."
"The only scenario really that you'll find a lot of your foliage kind of moving in a singular direction left right diagonal et cetera is on a windy day."
"The changing of the winds with height creates a rolling motion in the atmosphere."
"The wind's blowing my hair, I should've glued my wig down."
"One, earplugs. I can't tell you how many times I've been camping and it's just been super windy."
"Wind is one of the biggest forces that act on a building."
"Most ocean waves are created by wind and the strongest winds occur in and around storms."
"Wind crystals are formed in places where the wind has blown continuously for hundreds of years, influenced by wind magic; they crystallize like rocks."
"It's not too crazy windy, but we have the most amazing thing for our lunch today."
"Just like the wind, you pull me up when I was down."
"On five of the 12 levels of the Beaufort scale, wind is described as light, gentle, moderate, fresh, and strong."
"Despite the howling wind that pulled at my coat and hood, I caught the unmistakable scent of wood smoke and breathed a small sigh of relief."
"Pali lookout: The trade winds at the lookout can get so strong on some days you can actually lean into the wind."
"Midges don't like direct sunlight, they don't like wind."
"One thing we don't like is that it blows around like crazy in the wind."
"Isn't that cool, the wind's strong here. I'll grab the umbrella. It's okay. Oh no, okay maybe not. It's okay, it's okay, don't fly away!"
"The winds had fallen dramatically and all that remained were the gusts of wind very light coming from the shore."
"It got pretty loud in here in terms of the actual wind noise that got pretty bad there for for a little bit."
"I actually can't believe the wind did nothing, so it completely went away."
"The wind is your ally, lifting and carrying you effortlessly."
"It's so easy to overplay the wind."
"...hopefully this waffle has been for one audible because the wind has been blowing like crazy so I don't know if you can hear any of this."
"The wind heard him. The wind says, 'Oh Lord, it's you. I didn't like it, but these witches, you know how they are. They came to my house and they knocked on my door because they know my home. But your children don't know my home.'"
"So now we're headed into the wind in so that the sail can go up freely but so first thing we'll be able to take the sale ties off."
"Like the wind blows, like the grass grows, as the river flows, like a mother knows."
"Don't look at the wind necessarily as an enemy; the wind can actually be a benefit while you're docking."
"Look at how beautiful the landscape is, look at that windy twist."
"The winds started to pick up dramatically, and this flock of bluebirds was using it to their advantage by fluttering against the wind and suspending themselves midair."
"There was no reply, but the wind whipped about her one more time, petulant, and then dropped away and was gone."
"The wind was so intense that I couldn't change the panels and this thing was just hovering in the 70 km winds without a sound."
"This entity, distinct in its behavior and movement, seemingly operates independently of natural elements such as the wind, suggesting the presence of an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP)."
"...when you have elevated baskets into headwind, they usually do it. It's just the way our discs fly, the way these baskets catch."
"How cool is that you never have to run an engine you just go downwind all the way."
"I kind of really like that forehand but I think I just hit that tree because of the wind pushing us right when I get an upriser."
"Very windy day, but they're outside cooking again."
"But sleep would not come, outside the wind was sending armies of dead leaves marching across the courtyards."
"That is sat up like an absolute 154 wind off the left a little bit down we're gonna go wedge it's gonna make this on the left edge of the green let the wind push it one bounce tiny tiny bit of release and I feel like my putting is going to be on fire today I'll Fuego thank you."
"The direction of the wind is coming from the southeast and going northwest, which should actually push me along and help me."
"There's so much wind even on short wedge shots, that's insane."
"Now when we're dealing with accounting for wind we're going to start to bring in a little bit more of an art to the science."
"The wind ripped through this part of the forest."
"The slight wind, all of that little wind is really based on the scientific reality of hybrid vigor."
"It is a bastion of protection, a wall against the frozen wind."
"This hole can bite you. That's why I'm glad I'm practicing in the wind to see how my discs are reacting with all these different winds going on."
"It literally couldn't be windier down here if it tried."
"It's so windy, I hate the wind. I would definitely, my first time, I'll be that dude getting dragged through the woods."
"I was playing pretty early it wasn't a really significant wind I don't think."
"The wind really got hold of that one. It was almost traveling back towards Nicklaus at the finish."
"If you pull the rewards you the boom will go towards the water if your push the wind away from you the boom will go away from the water it can be your friend as well."
"Wow, today the wind is coming out of the South, and it's pretty windy."
"Whenever you experience the element of the wind, amen, God has come to visit you."
"The wind told the story, it carried the truth across the nations."
"The strongest wind we saw the whole weekend was 40 knots."
"I heard the wind pick up before I felt it. It whistled between the rocks and shrubs, seeming to whirl around, passing me and then doubling back before arriving. It brought a warmth with it that was odd for the desert at night."
"Wind is crazy and silly and dumb but kind of also fun."
"Wind is what carries most of the weather. Usually when it's windy outside, man, that's got a stormy outsider's home."
"It is a pretty good down test on Saturday afternoon... freshening wind turned majestic pebble into a bear of a golf course... average score for the third round with sorts of more than 76 strokes."
"I like it when it's windy then you can fly a kite."
"The wind is independent and sovereign. No one controls the wind, no one can start the wind, no one can steer the wind, no one can stop the wind."
"That's because there isn't any wind today. Maybe it just needs a little help, a huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your boat along."
"In this case, the dominant force moving the boat forward is the force of the wind pushing the boat from behind."
"The wind can create phenomena that are much more fleeting."
"The wind did nothing, did it? The wind did nothing, unbelievable, isn't it? I think the wind's right there."
"So this here is what I was going to use as a wall there is a good amount of wind in here that push that thing over."
"When the wind blows, it's very exciting."
"The force of wind cannot always be seen, but it can certainly be felt."
"Waking up with a bit of wind, but you know you can't help it."
"The wind calmed slightly allowing for me to hear his footsteps."
"Let the south wind blow upon me, that I may live in the midst of abundance."
"Winds are not just what you know you feel as a breeze."
"Hood River is world-famous because the geography of the area is such that the wind is almost always blowing here."
"We did that quickly, man. Yeah. It was a fast sail. Good winds."
"Downwind is the best sailing by far for comfort."
"The wind is always at the same time your worst enemy and your best friend."
"The most beautiful thing about einkorn is to see it swaying in the wind."
"The wind is the current here. I mean, it's like having your river running changing directions on you overnight."
"I feel very at Mercy of the wind right now, but what a relaxing and amazing experience."
"I'm literally turning my back, yeah, I've been doing it the whole time to hide from the wind."
"It's a little windy and gusty, which is nice."
"If you deal with wind when you shoot, I really recommend this app."
"Look at them, how they billow in the wind like a sudden swirling blizzard."
"Yeah the countryside is so pretty with the wind blowing in your hair."
"That might be the hardest t- shot with that wind played."
"The wind has a way of making the most innocent sounds suspicious."
"What was interesting on layout 3 is the slightly slower targets of English skeet can be affected by wind a little bit more than some of the fastest skeet disciplines."
"Judging the wind: crucial for precision shooting."
"The silence was immense. The only sound was the constant keening of wind through the ruins."
"No one tells the wind what to do. The wind blows wherever it desires to blow."
"...as hard as it is to suck up at the time, we'd love to be 15, 18 knots ripping around foiling."
"I like it! It's windy. Let's see if it'll fly."
"Good morning from the wind-swept campsite. It's one of those days, you know? You can't breathe when you go outside; the wind's just taking your breath away."
"The fire creates its own wind sometimes."
"Snow drifts form when it's windy and when the snow is carried sideways by the wind and it starts to pile up."
"It's fantastic, we have 13 knots of wind, we're doing between 8 and 9 knots of speed."
"I love holding a wheel and feeling the wind, it's just spectacular."
"Wind is simply air that is moving."
"Enjoy this windy scenery that we've got today."
"How did Joseph come to Jacob? How did Jacob's sight return? A little wind cleans the eye, like this."
"Sailing slowly isn't for everyone, but for us, there's nothing more satisfying than catching the wind and making the most of it."
"It's quite windy out there or I would be super tempted to take it out and actually show what this thing can do right now."
"The wind is kicking up, ah, my eyes!"
"The key to success on this course is going to be leading at mark one and then choosing the side of the course with the most wind."
"The ribbon was flailing strongly in the wind... yet the air was perfectly still."
"It's beautiful weather here, it's just windy."
"Key to success is going to be a good start to lead at mark 1 and then choosing the best side of the course with the strongest wind before they reach the finish."
"Wind and walleyes are a recipe for a great bite."
"Wind can be really beneficial for an angler."
"Not a huge amount of wind, but as I say, today it's absolutely glorious."
"It's so still, considering how windy it was up top, there's not a breath of wind."
"I feel marvelous with the wind in my face, head up, chest out, swinging my arms."
"The ship is pulled by the tides of the ocean and the wind in the air."
"Be free like the wind, provide freshness to all without attachment."
"Don't let the wind screw you up, pay super close attention to the wind."
"The size of the swells of the waves of the ocean really depends on how for how long and how far the wind is able to act on the ocean."
"Don't underestimate how powerful the wind is."
"We can literally fly like different distances depending on the winds, like 30-40 km. That's amazing."
"Wind shear is defined as a sudden, dramatic change in wind direction and speed."
"I think it would be a good idea to fly a kite during wind."
"Its sleek body glides through the wind."
"Hold on to your hat, George, or it'll blow off!"
"Guide him in the wind of your spirit."
"A north wind swirled through the trees below, sending thin white plumes of snow crystals flying from the highest branches like icy banners."
"By what way is light diffused, or the east wind scattered over the earth?"
"Zephier... means a gentle wind, gentle breeze."
"We know that the wind and solar and other renewable energy sources are right now the best pathway out of this."
"It's going to be windy out there."
"It's not about tornado versus straight line; it's just wind, and it's a threat to you, your family, your house, your property."
"Listen, all soaring towers of darkness, ought which even the wind cries, shed light on you."
"The way they move together... move with the wind, give this embodied shape to the wind. It is remarkable."
"The wind is the most grand and elegant means of transportation."
"You can get very severe wind gusts out of these, generally sixty to eighty, but you can get well over a hundred miles per hour with some of these downbursts."
"I can feel the wind blow and the late summer skies like a giant ember."
"The Christmas winds are really piping in the Caribbean at the moment."
"Bream follow the wind. If there's one big tip you could give to someone that wants to catch a bream, I would say is follow the wind."
"The mill confronts the sky where the clouds pile up overhead and are blown by the wind, the wind that gives the mill its reason for being."
"We're not fighting the wind, we're using the wind."
"There is a planet that has winds blowing at seven times the speed of sound."
"I love these to blow in the wind on your front door; they're gonna be so pretty."
"The wind on my face was blissful, exhilarating. I needed this."
"There's something rejuvenating about the wind blowing across your face."
"It's not raining right now, but it's very dark outside, there's a lot of clouds in the sky, and it's very, very windy."
"Wind is just air rushing from one place to another, speeding up as it goes through narrow gaps, slowing down as it hits obstacles."
"It's a slow-motion dance on Lake Michigan as Mother Nature has not delivered the wind."
"I love the way the breeze is starting to catch them."
"It's definitely pretty windy out there."
"The North Wind do blow in the UK."
"If you stand at Cardiff Bay when it's really windy, you can almost take flight."
"The wind was blowing incredibly; the boat was blown that way and hit the key side. It was scary, very scary."
"It's a very windy up here, stunning."
"The power of the winds, the very fuel and force which carried sail ships safely to their destination."
"The Tower of Voices is a constructed ghost, meant to take the rushing wind that met the plane in its final moments and harness it to sing a eulogy."
"Hear the wind blow, hear the wind blow."
"Hear the sound of the wind, it's strong and it's blowing again."
"Nature is messy, so when the wind blows, it doesn't just blow in one consistent current."
"You can't move the wind, so move the sail."
"It's so windy up here, it's just amazing. This one of the best views we've seen in a long time."
"It's nice and warm though, but it's windy."
"I love setting up in crosswind scenarios where birds are going to be landing going either from right to left or left to right."
"You can't see the wind either, but you can see what it does, and you know from recent history what the atom can do."
"The winds on Saturn are the second fastest among the Solar System's planets, after Neptune's."
"He makes a Spirit Bomb out of wind... he makes a Death Star laser out of concentrated air."
"Great wind, please lead me to the one in need."
"Wow, the sun feels amazing, but the wind is completely horrible."
"And the wind's pushing our sailboat back toward home!"
"The air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice on his cheeks."
"It's better to have your bees flying on empty towards the Against the Wind towards your nectar source and then once they load up on pollen and nectar when they're coming back to the hive they're coming back with a Tailwind With the Wind which makes it easier for them."
"Some people really like rainy days or snowy days, but I've always liked the really windy ones."
"The best conditions to fish are a hard east wind on a full moon with rising pressure on a high tide."
"The wind has picked up some dust off the Sahara desert and carried it out over the ocean."
"The consistency of the wind doesn't seem to have the swirling effect that hunting low in the bottoms creates."
"It's very windy today, that's something fly back up. I promise you'll be alright."
"The central theme of today's show is that natural phenomenon which fills the big sky: wind."
"It's like the force of the turns when you're skiing, the turns when you're skating, sailing, the feel of your body against the wind."
"The morning wind cannot dispel the aftermath."
"Wind can definitely play to our advantage."
"Without a doubt, everybody, it is super, super windy."
"Waves form when wind blows over the sea; the friction with the surface of the water against the wind causes ripples to form, and these grow bigger and turn into waves."
"When throwing a disc in a headwind or a tailwind, it's helpful to think of it like riding a bike in a headwind or a tailwind."
"This 3D noise is simulating some wind that's kind of blowing stuff around."
"The wind combed their manes and tails through the niches in the mountains; it roared and whistled."
"With the wind blowing on the grass, it was just so majestic."
"When the trees have no foliation on them, then the wind comes through much easier."
"If you listen closely, you can hear the wind speak."
"Animate them very quickly to make very plausible wind animation."
"It's a predominantly Tailwind course and the speeds are usually fairly fast."
"It's almost like the trees become a guitar that are being strummed by the wind."
"With a crosswind at 50k an hour and the deep section wheels, it will be difficult to hold the bike."
"If the wind blows from the east, the fish bite the least; wind blows from the west, fish bite the best."
"As I said this, it was as if a gust of wind hit, and it disappeared."
"Because of the mighty wind reaching 2.5 kilometers per second, the glass falls to the ground horizontally and cuts and sweeps away everything."
"Non-drafting triathlons are not completely non-drafting, especially depending on which direction the wind is coming from."
"If it wasn't for the wind blowing out here, I'd probably be out here in some shorts and flip-flops."
"Good day to fly a kite, oh yeah, you wouldn't have a string, you wouldn't have a kite left."
"We're not used to this type of wind; we usually don't get this kind of wind around here with all the trees and stuff."
"The trees seemed to grasp at the air as they swayed in the howling wind."
"The wind was blowing so hard that it literally was just slowly pushing the car across the highway."
"The breath of life becomes wind and will always respond."
"Bare branches scrabbled against one another as a cold wind moaned through them."
"We've got the box winds, it's just perfect for ballooning."
"It's windy, the humidity has broken, so it feels perfect."