
Social Reaction Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Who'd have known that trying to push NFTs on people that don't want NFTs would have a negative reaction?"
"The problem is the reaction at the moment is emphasizing racial difference, so we're actually doing exactly what the anti-racists fought against for all those years."
"When people bring out this casually throw around the word racism, it makes me angry."
"Prince Philip died and boy the bed winches started bed-winching."
"People finally react, and that is how you get fascism."
"I also have not reacted to uh abby as much because she is changing her view and she is being more inclusive of the people that she reacts to."
"Every time a certain Mark is given to people some groups immediately assume it's the mark of the beast."
"You can see people are actually starting to freak out."
"Cowardice is met not with some sort of conciliatory approval by those who are seeking a concession. Cowardice is met with abject humiliation."
"I've been saying this for years and the fact that this is now happening and you guys are freaking out like I'm over here like [expletive], I told you."
"People shouldn't be alarmed, they should be enraged."
"You might have some people that are kind of like whoa like what's come over you."
"If somebody put White Lives Matter on that same street right underneath or next to Black Lives Matter, people will destroy it and do all kinds of things to it and nothing will happen."
"It's always a great time to be a Nintendo owner or a Nintendo fan after we watch these, it's like we all win."
"A lot of people want to see justice in this case."
"People are upset, I saw that, I think it's ridiculous and it makes me sad."
"I've never seen so many people celebrate a black man's death in my life. It took me by surprise."
"People are extremely quick to overreact and draw extremely insane narratives on the simplest things."
"The closest narrative this case fits is the covington case: a rush to judgment about someone that was wrong."
"People were literally like, 'We gotta take the piss out of this, it's ridiculous.'"
"They had FBG Duck death parties, that's how much it meant to them."
"All of those are valid reasons for people to be upset and are certainly worthy of criticism."
"That's the biggest bro moment I've ever witnessed."
"You don't get to be an [ __ ] and just be an [ __ ] and not have somebody react to it."
"Anyone that gets seriously mad at a joke is usually purposefully misunderstanding."
"Just because people didn't get mad about one thing doesn't mean that they can't get mad about this."
"If Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for talking about his wife, I'd hate to see what he does to the men who [ __ ] her."
"It's never a good thing to learn that someone has done something like this."
"And in case you hadn't figured out that Pratt is supposed to be an evil rich guy, lots of people are gonna rejoice when I'm dead. No, when you die people are probably gonna puke."
"For an introvert, this is like, whoa, I can't believe this many people react to something that I create every day."
"The more you tell people they can't do something without providing any substance, the more popular you make him."
"People are freaking out... the reaction is way off the charts."
"Protesting doesn't work, riots are the direct effect."
"Some of you guys are literally Shook and that's F."
"Every single person is like, 'What the [ __ ] is this thing walking down the sidewalk right now?'"
"So many of our Muslim families... when a woman dresses... everybody else has a heart attack."
"To almost everybody's surprise, dude handled it with a level of class and grace that was really unheard of."
"Some people came out and were like, 'Oh my God, the word moist,' and people were like, 'Yeah, I cringe when people say that.' They don't care."
"People were like lol... 'This dumbass is selling...'"
"The sad thing is, I didn't see how bad it was until there was outrage from everyone."
"I think sometimes when a group of people is disenfranchised long enough, the reactions and the attempted corrections go wildly to the opposite extremists."
"I personally find rejoicing over the suffering of other people to be shocking."
"Most people fear that with a not guilty verdict the riots will get very bad."
"Continuously happen, it will put off people."
"This apology would have never happened if the public didn't get upset."
"All it takes is a little bit of news and the general noise blows up."
"It's crazy to me... people will walk out of your class over."
"Every time there's an appearance of black progress in this United States, there is always a more violent response."
"It's gonna get people f*** talking, the match... yeah, it's going to be very fun."
"I'm disappointed in both the way that black men and black women are reacting to Kevin Samuels's death."
"Red pill started as a reaction to feminism in the 19th century."
"The more people bash it and get aggressive the more it makes other people say well gee why is everyone so wound up about this."
"So many people were triggered by that, a lot of people were like damn, we knew it was real but this is like real real."
"I just do it cause y'all used to forever drag my ass."
"Another very important thing about skate rock is the ability to annoy the other half of the population."
"I am so sorry for that lady. Nobody ever wants to see that," expressing sympathy for the victim.
"It's gonna be funny and it's gonna make a lot of people mad."
"In all of the cases that we've just gone over it's the same exact thing, this is not even really about the accusations anymore, it's about how do we react and treat people when we find out those accusations are false."
"Everyone lost their [ __ ], I think he could have taken them."
"Everybody and their mama is losing their damn minds over this situation."
"Would they get a lot of blowback or would it be hype in the public's eye?"
"What's really disgusting is when you hear news like... several Republicans were exposed to coronavirus... and see the comments wishing these people will get sick, wishing these people will die."
"People were triggered, triggered by you guys doing, they mad because you guys are doing good."
"The magnitude of the anger coming from these people was so scary."
"But the fact that people were getting so mad about it and the fact that it's even an issue to begin with and just everything surrounding it is hilarious to me I love it because it doesn't it doesn't affect anybody else."
"I just counted to a hundred thousand and everyone made fun of me but it worked."
"She's lost eight pounds and friends have been asking her if she has had a facelift."
"This thing is gonna go really quickly to anger and social unrest if they don't do something quick."
"I can't believe Katie did that. That is so messed up."
"But trust me the girls will freak out."
"Now you'd have to face them. They'd mock you again because you are here on this earth at all."
"I'm just honest. I don't know why people always get mad at me; I'm honest."
"I think that's where some of it comes from, some of it comes from a place of like being reactionary towards like male hatred in some of these spaces."
"I think initially when I said I was gonna start trying to be more vegetarian, friends were kind of like, 'Oh no, we've lost him.'"
"Someone puts a message of love, and people dislike you. That's interesting to me."