
Large Scale Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"The scam that we're talking about today didn't operate in the thousands of dollars range. But the numbers I saw thrown around were in the millions."
"Established in 1910, Glacier National Park covers over one million acres."
"I think it should be done on as big a stage as possible."
"3M has settled for 10.3 billion dollars with a capital B."
"It's the largest map ever and it does have a big highway."
"Eight billion dollars was raised in ten days from a country that has a population of just 91 million."
"This is probably the biggest site we've ever attempted on Time Team."
"I want you to push out of your comfort zone when it comes to the size of your art, the size of your mirrors, your curtains. I don't want you to be afraid of height."
"Our primary tool are large groundbased telescopes, and the very best one for our purposes is one of the largest in the world. It's called Subaru, just like the car."
"I saw this massive light ship that could carry at least a million people."
"India is the world's largest democracy with 900 million eligible voters."
"That had to have been one of the biggest battles yet in this campaign."
"Kafka handles large amounts of data; we produced 10 million events and it handled them with no trouble."
"For four or five years, I got to do the one thing I've always wanted to do on a really, really big scale."
"Massive maps, 128-player matches, and a doubling down on the specialist system became the name of the game."
"This was the biggest burglary in Britain ever recorded. They got away with £14 million worth of cash, gold, and jewelry."
"In total Baldwin's network was able to con 50,000 Ugandan Xin to drinking MMS."
"Witness the biggest in LW show ever featuring 20 participants including surprises, legends, and more!"
"This looks easily like Bethesda's biggest game yet."
"Chilling outside and all Frosty and cool on an iceberg the size of an Olympic pool."
"Germany is carrying out the largest antibody testing regime in Europe."
"Trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of potential."
"The scale of our mystery structure implies that it was something rather important."
"This place is massive... 1.3 million square feet."
"Believed to date back to the 13th century, this epic tome is three feet tall and 620 pages long..."
"Absolutely amazing and it's super high quality in terms of our like getting the like the large what was a zero one I've got printed I think it might even be bigger than a zero it's absolutely enormous."
"John Marcus's 40,000 liter aquarium: nearly eight meters wide, $100,000 to build."
"This Farm produces approximately 800 million liters, around 200 million gallons of dairy each year."
"I'm planning this humongous wedding with Pap."
"You've got an absolutely massive WrestleMania."
"So a pretty medium package I did last week sell a 30 foot projector screen it was inflatable it was awesome it was huge careful careful guys."
"Destroying an entire Village sized area in one attack has only been seen by a handful of people."
"The search quickly became one of the largest in Montana history."
"The game also emphasizes creative expression through voxal-based building, allowing you to unleash your architectural vision on an epic scale."
"It's just so much easier when you can do massive areas at once."
"Toxicity is a common thing when it comes to large-scale online fandoms."
"Large-scale restoration of ecosystems to the point where nature is allowed to take care of itself."
"It's a mammoth job that will take up the whole of the summer holidays."
"We're making big, huge blocks just like this."
"It's going to be mega two huge events in September."
"Large language models are pre-trained on massive volumes of publicly available data."
"We had a fantastic event with 20,000 people over three days."
"For 40 years, David Lean's been regarded as one of the most brilliant large-scale filmmakers in the world."
"It was a huge project but it was definitely a labor of love."
"I just cannot believe the sheer size of this place, it is massive, absolutely humongous."
"This ginormous man-made lake has a 4.5 million acre-foot capacity."
"We should act in a large-scale collective way."
"Gamescom is one of the biggest gaming events in the world."
"Royal Caribbean has traditionally been known as a cruise ship that has some of the largest cruise ships in the world."
"To complete a job of this scale requires extreme expertise and precision."
"Kubernetes has been road-tested; the foundation for Kubernetes is based on managing sites such as Gmail, Google.com, YouTube."
"Seas with Nemo and Friends bust the second largest saltwater tank in the world, holding 5.7 million gallons of water."
"Everyone's looking for a large-scale, low-cost, carbon-less energy solution, and I think we have it."
"With Ninjago Crystallized season 15, we got one of the largest mechs ever in the form of Nia's Samurai X Mech."
"It's the largest garden project in Europe and this is a taster of what's to come."
"This thing is huge, four feet by eight feet long, and it has 3528 holes."
"The Big Bud KTA 525 is a powerful agricultural tractor specifically designed for large-scale farming operations."
"The Kuroshio Sea tank is considered to be one of the largest fish tanks in the world."
"This could be a devastating tornado moving into the city of Coleman now, it is very large."
"Everything about this community kitchen is industrial size so that you can cook for a large amount of people at once."
"The AR 530 is the biggest section bending machine ever built, a giant 29.5x 29.5, almost 26 ft high, 340 tons, 220h with 1900 ton torque."
"That's a beautiful yellow duster from a company called EcoMarines, it's massive."
"It's a really large project and I've been working on it for two months now, so I'm really excited that it's done and I'm able to share it with you."
"It's a large project but I really enjoyed making it."
"The size is ridiculously huge, pretty much as you would expect for being 1/20th scale."
"We build large distributed systems that connect thousands or more machines."
"The Temple of Carnac is one of the largest religious sites in the entire history of the world."
"It's time to continue work on what's turning out to be a huge project."
"Holy cow, that's a big wing. Hi, this is absolutely amazing."
"It's a very exciting part of the construction step; you put all this effort in, and then you know it's large scale, it's dramatic."
"This kind of product is honestly made for those people with larger prints in mind."
"Gorgeous all turf complex loaded with action, filling up 94 acres."
"Unequivocally good, absolutely yes, by far it was the largest project the trust has ever undertaken."
"So that is something a very, very natural way that we have of solving very large problems."
"We've never seen anything like this before, it's huge."
"You can imagine how this lets you create pretty large-scale system models."
"These projects are very, very large; people often spend a decade building one of these things."
"We are diving into a really impressive large-scale container planting job."
"Redesigning a product used by a billion people is quite a daunting task."
"On the 2800, 3800 series access points, we can support up to 400 access points, 2000 clients in a single Mobility Express deployment."
"To produce larger orders and graphics, you should choose a vinyl cutter with a sufficient amount guaranteed tracking."
"I'm very excited about this one. I will never do another one like this though. I'm done with this big stuff."
"It can complete large projects with incredible efficiency and speed."
"It's extremely important for like super large scale usage to be able to dive into your application and see what's happening."
"It's so big, this is like the equivalent of sitting in a theater."
"I think it is very cool, if you're looking for something large, something electric, this is something you guys definitely need to check out."