
Collections Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"My favorite box is the Drukhari Combat Patrol. Two big vehicles in one box is exciting."
"Probably my favorite item in my entire collection."
"When I hear 'collection,' to me, if it's not for fun, I'm wondering what you're doing."
"Of these my knife of the year is on the table."
"Wally's home includes a familiar face hidden among his collection."
"Shop gift shop gift shop there are two dragons inside of you one horde's knowledge and the other hordes trinkets they're both very excited when you bring them to a museum."
"A rares fossil we do not yet have in our collection, this right quetzal wing is just the kind of discovery we want to showcase."
"Oh man, you have the Guinness World Record book collection, like that's so cool."
"I feel very very pleased with this collection."
"Seeing this vast collection is definitely impressive to this day."
"Marowak: Bone collectors creating bizarre skeletons for expos."
"There are many communities that are built around these collections."
"I think this is a case where you really could be happy with any of these three sets in your collection."
"I got a lot of stuff that I really liked and that's what this video is about."
"It's really, really helpful to have a friend who's already into comics and already has a big collection."
"It's not the size of the collection, but how you display it that counts."
"Even a small collection can shine with the right presentation."
"Every collection is unique and deserves recognition!"
"Every jewelry piece has a story, every collection has a story."
"I wish you could see all that other [__] so this is the nerd room right here."
"Beautiful sea glass found in Japan: I will chew on these until I have no teeth left."
"Collections that come with a completion reward will even show the reward."
"Effort got put in here, and that's how I felt about all these collections."
"Well for three years now we've been raiding closet after closet and showing you some amazing collections."
"We're only looking for antiques and vintage, but flea markets can have a whole lot of stuff."
"I have a very large Squishy collection."
"Another really great Target option is a lot of the options that you're going to get from the Studio McGee collections."
"When we talk about collections, it's always about your memories over money."
"Honestly going through all of these I did not realize how many vinyls we actually have."
"Whose collections are out of control."
"So why would I ever need a collection?... You're missing out on some benefits that collections give you that folders just don't."
"The soul of a house comes from the owners and their collections."
"Buying entire collections and then breaking those collections down and sell the cards individually can yield you a great result."
"I know there's a lot of guys out there doing like attic find Fridays and stuff like that that I like watching the videos of those old collections that they pull out."
"Arrays and array lists are used when you have just a group, a collection of the same types of objects, and you just want to hold a bunch of them."
"We have a font collections button."
"Whenever I buy a collection I can't like pay in full until I check it out make sure that the collection is good to go things aren't like severely damaged check for authenticity on pops and stuff"
"Collections can really maximize profits in a big way."
"A big reason these classes are so similar is because they're both part of the Java Collections Framework and they both implement the List interface."
"Records shown it's like this I bought a record collection just five days ago or something like that."
"So many times I feel like people hide their collections, yeah, and they can become some of the neatest features in your home."
"I love all my assortments of tape. Look at this, I have a drawer of just tapes."
"my most cherished collections consist of journals meticulously transcribed by my ancestors"
"Collections for every part of your life."
"...a definitive collected edition that contains everything under the Sun that is critically relevant to this DCU major event..."
"All collections have an ID index, and unclustered collections store the ID index separately from the document."
"These collections were generously bequeathed to libraries, galleries, and museums where they remain on display today."
"This dedication to collecting spanning across generations and geographical branches exemplifies the enduring passion and commitment to acquiring and preserving exquisite cultural and historical treasures within the Rothschild family."
"The Rothschild collections have found their way into diverse destinations through generous acts of philanthropy on a grand scale."
"Functional collections lead to great designs, especially in typed languages like Haskell or Scala."
"So, I'm going to have hardbacks in the far corner one and then paperbacks on the other three which you're probably thinking, 'Do you really have enough to fill all of that?'"
"But my complaint really is that I wish they had just gathered up all those b-sides and put them on disks and not have to buy 45 CDs to get all of that stuff."
"In everything in life, it's all about who you know. I know a lot of people, but in this subject I'm dealing with, I know Jesus. That's my connection. If you connect with Jesus, you will collect your collections."
"So anyway, what were your top five knife purchases this year? We'd love to know."
"Awesome collection, with more to come."
"...I put together several collections. I will leave all the links below to these collections."
"Music is a real big part of that, you know, I like to collect comic books and dig for stuff and find memorabilia."
"Many books from many collections sit on our shelves, and each one has a story."
"Comprehensions: initialize collections in one line."
"Closer to the latest technological advances, the museum is in constant flux with collections continuing to grow richer each year."
"I'm really happy to have her. So now my Spider-Man collection is pretty much complete."
"I own five Protechs. Honestly, if you'd asked me if you just walked up and asked me how many Protechs do you own, I would have guessed more than five. Apparently, I just own five Protechs."
"So coming in at number six, and I think I could have guessed this off the top of my head, we have Shirogorov. I own six Shirogorov knives."
"Had I not had a YouTube channel, obviously I would not have 200 fragrances."
"Every collection tells a story, well actually many stories."
"Your collection is basically just like you went to your local TJ Maxx."
"It's always fun to look through people's collections of cards, coins, whatever it is that you collect."
"My Little Pony collection was pretty neat too."
"Who needs a mirror when you can be staring at your manga collection, right?"
"I love that look at all the this display right here too this is sick with the bear bricks you got the McDonald's the chunky dunks"
"I actually have that exact book in my collection."
"You guys should tweet me pictures of your collections if you have them. I think it's a really cool thing."
"In many of her collections, the stage for these voices has been mythic."
"They do have the crushed pennies in here too, the souvenir pennies."
"FICO 9 pay collections will not count negatively against your score."
"One of the absolute highlights of Iconic, the Collection."
"...these patients can develop these large walled-off solid collections..."
"Holy cow, just seeing those all together is kind of mind-blowing."
"That's exactly what I love about seeing different people's collections."
"Their dedication to their collections is unrivalled."
"We do also have amazing collections and assemblages that show that mastercrafts people were at work."
"I love looking at collections like this, and actually all of your collections."
"Never take card collections outside without adult supervision."
"A collection is an iterator factory."
"The new wing of the Center will be devoted to the care and storage of the Smithsonian's Aeronautical and Space History collections."
"Collections analytics can help to positively influence each of these areas for improved business performance without compromising one business objective for the sake of another."
"Everyone's got their collections and things they like to work on, and I sure like working on these old trucks."
"There's just so many different things that you can get involved with and collections that you can get started."
"Every collection that they come out with is just outstanding."
"I love how all of my collections go together, and I'm happy to know that you feel the same way."
"I'm happy you all could join me today for a tour of the orchid show and our incredible botanical collections."
"Cars: both artists are passionate about luxury cars, but which one has the most sophisticated collection?"
"Everybody's collections help inspire me to try new things."
"I always enjoy seeing other people's collections, so hopefully you get to enjoy seeing mine."
"I remember the nostalgia and just like I love seeing other people's collections."
"Now I'm traveling the country, meeting people with the most amazing collections we can find."
"Among all of these headlining collections, there was another release that you could argue is getting overlooked."
"You can create collections if you want to group similar products."
"Your collection is your story; share it with the world."
"We don't need our collections stressing us out."
"We take pride in our collections, no matter how big or small."
"I've been finishing a lot of collections recently and I'm really really excited about it."
"Collections are great whenever you're working with all data types, especially those custom data types that we've been working with up to this point in this series of lessons."
"Creating a collection call plan... is one of the best ways to get paid."
"Plus they release new collections every Friday with pieces starting at just 39."
"I want to curate my collections and make them really full, complete, beautiful, magnificent."
"I love when people put their own little flair on their collections."
"Sets are simply unordered collections of unique objects."
"I had a really good day at Petra's rock collection."
"I really enjoy watching people show off their collections."
"The physical characteristics of a lot of the feathers that you find in the modern world don't match the historically surviving originals that we actually have in museums and private collections."
"Collections grow and change over time."
"You will actually experience an increase in your collections."
"It's about discovery, it's about engaging with your entire collection in new ways that you never thought possible."
"MongoDB has databases, a database is made up of collections, and a collection is made up of documents."
"Synchronization in Lightroom Classic CC is handled via collections."
"I love their Halloween decor, I love all of their collections."
"I'm going to set up all my collections on camera this year so that you guys can see them."
"If you default on a card, it's called a charged off, they send you to collections, and that lasts on your credit score around seven years."
"This is what I'm talking about, this is what I hope we see more collections like this today."
"Tell us in the comments if you have an accidental collection where people just started buying you stuff."
"With our collections, we have a way of selecting and sort of organizing the hierarchy."
"Welcome to Collections, a show where we take a look at different collections around the world."
"The soul of a house comes from the owners of the house and their collections and their personalities."
"Scala has probably the best collections library of any language that I've seen."
"Hopefully we'll see more Amiga collections."
"I have a lot of collections in my house, and I thought this would be so pretty."
"There are just so many wonderful sets out this year."
"I'm excited about all the collections."
"This is where the fun is, these are my favorite lots, all of these."
"I love when they come out with palettes for the holidays and different collections."
"Collections tell so much about the collector."
"Holiday collections are hitting different this year."
"I'm excited to see if they do more themed collections coming up."
"I love just like hearing people talk about their collections."
"I'm just so impressed with all of the new collections coming out."
"Collections are meant to be enjoyed, not flaunted."
"Going back into our Collections and embracing what we used to love."
"I'm also super excited to let you guys know I'm really working with collections throughout the whole of 2017."