
Planetary Health Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The only way we can heal as a planet is to face it and deal with it, individually and collectively."
"The planet's absorption of our disharmonious energies manifest in difficulties and tragedies."
"In order to be good custodians of our planet, we really need to understand how it's changing, how is it evolving."
"The surviving life forms witnessed as the planet uncleared itself, casting off the chains that had gripped it for so long."
"Never before in history has Mother Earth been under such stress."
"The fact that our planet is dying is evident, clear, unavoidable, and objectively correct."
"But, my goal is to make a living on a living planet."
"Planetary sustainability coming into sharper focus now and in the months to come."
"The tide is directly tied to regulating the temperature on this planet. Otherwise, we'd end up in another Ice Age."
"If all of us died, the planet don't give up, it's going to flourish."
"Our planet is being destroyed. If we change ourselves, we will save the planet."
"Let the earth repair itself, help keep that green planet and that blue planet together."
"The health of the planet and our health is one health."
"Earth is a textbook on what happens to a planet with a civilization."
"Now is the time when we are entering the most perilous period for life on the planet."
"Our planets are now a little bit more viable as you can see we are now in the plus when it comes to energy."
"We are sterilizing the planet on an installment plan. It doesn't mean the end of the world."
"The more we rise the vibration of the planet, the more people we wake up."
"Earth doesn't need us, but we really need Earth."
"Sometimes we need to take a closer look to get a better understanding of how our planet is working."
"Hey, we're killing the planet we're living on."
"This is our last chance at preserving the environment of the only planet known to exist that can support our lives."
"What could possibly matter more than sustaining the planet's ability to support life?"
"Our environmental goal is to advance human flourishing on earth."
"What's the most important thing about Earth? It's the core. It's the thing that keeps the planet alive."
"These natural tools offer us the ability to seek greater knowledge, tools that could positively affect life on our planet."
"We've got to change our whole philosophy to include planetary health systems."
"You're killing your planet, your planet is dying."
"I think this planet is so amazing...we have to go to space to save Earth."
"The Earth has never been a more livable place."
"The planetary diet was going to change in relation to the Sun disease."
"Imagine the earth as bright as the sun, we've neutralized the energy, we've brought healing to this planet."
"Compassionate action raises the planet's vibration."
"We have to basically start pulling the emergency brake. The planet is not gonna save itself. I mean, the planet will be fine, we won't."
"Earth is in one of the best conditions it's ever been."
"Seems we may have life itself to thank for keeping our planet livable."
"Our planet is on a collision course with disaster."
"Humanity in its evolvement will also clean itself up and the planet up, there'll come a time when you will attack the Garbage Patch in the ocean and clean it."
"The planet is poised to thrive in a massive, massive way."
"We have to start taking care of the planet and thinking more carefully about these effects."
"It's amazing, things that are good for the individual in the short term are good in the long term and also pretty well are good for the planet."
"Our Earth is just tired and polluted."
"One of the problems that we have on the planet is that we have air pollution."
"For this planet to be complete, for us to reach fulfillment, we must live in harmony with nature."
"We're not having the conversations that in fact can save the planet."
"You all live on me, so work like bees in a hive and keep this planet really healthy so that we can all thrive."
"We have a planet, if we destroy it, well, we're not going to have a place to live."
"The critical widespread negative impact of animal agriculture on our planet is undeniable."
"Animal agriculture has literally changed the face of our planet."
"As a planet, we're at a tipping point and we won't really have any place to work it all out... if we don't have a healthy planet."
"No conscious work is ever wasted, and it will flow back into the greater atmosphere of our beloved planet."
"Let's remember that the planetary risk which we're assuming here is much greater than any risk we'd ever be able to accept at a personal level."
"We are destroying our only home, unplugging our life support system for short-term gain."
"It's not only good for the planet, it is the planet."
"The true tragedy of our time is the spiraling decline of our planet's biodiversity."
"Wouldn't we be doing more good for the planet if we were planting trees?"
"We have to nourish the emotional life of the planet; we have to be kind."
"Trees are really important to keep the planet and us alive."
"The pearl is the indicator of the health of the planet."
"I fear that the future of our planet is in jeopardy."
"We can help contribute to a healthy planet."
"All those things that call to your love actually are also crucial to planetary physiology."
"The issue is whether or not we can save the planet. I tell you the inhabitants we can, the planet itself we cannot."