
Power Shift Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The Cabal has run out of time and they know it."
"The rising of a great power to challenge an existing great power represents a dynamic of utmost importance."
"And that is the end of Thanos, and now we got his gauntlets."
"The reign of Davos is ending... a weakening of globalist power structure."
"The Jupiter Uranus conjunction is going to reinforce the shift of the power to the people."
"It's going to be an incredibly powerful period of shift between the old world and the new."
"At the end of the Great War, the balance of power was drastically changed."
"There is very little time left for Vladimir Putin to lose power."
"Cryptocurrency is one of the only things in the world that can return the power of the people."
"This is a huge structural power change in the club."
"The Japanese invasion of China indirectly led to the Communists seizing power in the country."
"Centralized power structures lose relevance as savers move into bitcoin."
"The successful execution of such a large-scale drone attack signaled a shift in the balance of power in the ongoing conflict."
"Basically McConnell has now given all the cards to the Democrats."
"The power is shifting away from North America."
"The day of judgment: New Canaan is in flames, a new power has emerged in Utah."
"Tonight, power has shifted: financial power, political power, social power. We are in charge; we are a new generation."
"That's basically the agenda isn't it? To move National Power to international power so that it's beyond the reach of democracy."
"This article is a power play, and it makes perfect sense. It is totally within reason because they are losing their power, and they're losing it to the very people that they are indirectly attacking."
"Perhaps the most amazing thing that happened last night was the power shift in this country."
"We are witnessing a transition from Geographic power to digital power... bitcoiners will rule the cyberspace waves."
"The Sun had set on Sweden's time as a great power."
"GameStop's rise: a big shift of power from institutional investors to retail traders."
"Even though we may be seeing the mainstream news lose their power and influence, it's just being transferred to another group of ultra-wealthy elites."
"It's what will be inevitably the emergence of the new triangle of the global power."
"Lord Vader was a broken shadow of his former self… I knew that one day you would replace him." - Palpatine, to Marek
"Vito was now the one who held all the strings."
"She's the leader of the ten rings now let's get started."
"He states that the era where demons live in fear of humans will soon come to an end."
"The balance of power in this world is shifting away from the old guard and towards the Hellenic League."
"China's take been maneuvering for a while to take the position of being the dominant world power."
"The balance of power has kind of shifted over the past few days."
"The power elite have always controlled the information, and today, because of the internet, the average citizen knows more than even most nations knew even 20 years ago."
"Together we're taking power away from bureaucrats, insurance companies, and special interests."
"It's gone. This was a fundamental change in the landscape of dominance and Power."
"The more stuff gets added that completely shifts the power curve away from the races of old, the worse it's gonna get until we reach a point where old world and new world don't even feel like the same game anymore."
"Putin may walk away from his war with some territorial gains in Ukraine, but for him, was it worth the balance of power tipping even more in NATO's favor?"
"We need a radical shift in the balance of power between the platforms and the people."
"In one stroke, both armies had disappeared, the Carthaginian Senate, frightened by Scipio's presence and not having any army to defend themselves, called Hannibal back to Africa."
"We're also at the end of these religious organizations being in power."
"China is preparing for the end of US hegemony."
"Social media channels are becoming much more powerful than traditional mainstream media."
"This is not just another inauguration... this is a day for which power will be transferred back to the people."
"We are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard. It has begun."
"I'm happy he's one of those that have made history by making sure power shifts to the South."
"Now that my father, known as Daishinkan, has died, there is no one who can stop us angels from doing anything. We angels are free!" - Khan
"Decisions have shifted from government to private concentrations of power, unaccountable or purely in the interest of maximizing their own profit."
"Really, what you want is a conversion. A transfer of power."
"The continued rise of China means the end of US hegemony."
"We're coming on the air with breaking news and a major shift in power on Capitol Hill."
"Once brands and magazines dictated what we should buy, now consumers are telling us what they like and want and the power structure has been turned on its head."
"The revolution of 1905 marks a significant shift in the balance of power in Russia."
"What has happened in the country since World War II has not been because white people have suddenly changed their minds or become more generous or any of those things. What has happened is the power is beginning to shift."
"A new Godfather is poised to seize power."
"They are getting rid of the Boltons, putting the Starks back in power, and getting rid of the Boltons."
"The entrance marked the start of another power shift as the military's strongest assets made their way into the anime as if they were the four horsemen, a legendary entrance by all accounts."
"It's a total Paradigm Shift throwing off the balance of power and putting the Shinigami firmly on the back foot yet again."
"...the successful British takeover of natal marked an important shift in the balance of power within the Zulu Kingdom."
"The revolution initiated a huge movement of power from the Roman Catholic Church to the state."
"The balance of power between Earth and the Galactic Empire shifted dramatically."
"The balance of power between China and the United States has changed dramatically in recent times."
"Honestly, I just think there's a shift, there's a massive power shift here that's crazy."
"I just genuinely, genuinely feel like there's a shift. There's a massive, like, power shift here. That's crazy."
"When you have a great power shift, predictable responses follow."
"At the end of Big Brother 4, the veto was introduced as the diamond power of veto."
"If you believe it's that kind of Technology with the ability to deter conflict, project hard power to that degree, then it's also going to fundamentally change the balance of military power."
"Costello's retirement entrusted control over Washington to Carlos Marcelo, showcasing both a nuanced and sinister side of political corruption."
"The greatest redistribution of power since the industrial revolution."
"The most powerful force in the world is shifting from the state to encrypted computer networks."
"When the last queen dies, a month-long war will break out where all female workers will fight until the new group of winners emerge and become the new queens."
"Humble yourselves; sit down, for your rule shall collapse, the crown of your glory."
"The king and all his company sat silent on their horses, marveling, perceiving that the power of Saruman was overthrown."
"We're witnessing the violent eruptions of a great tectonic shift in global power."
"Finally, an Asian power has defeated a European power."
"We are reducing the power of the Prime Minister by transferring it more to the Parliament."
"Humanity shifted from power to the state, to power to the people."
"Europe and America cannot continue to dominate the world forever."
"The communist party... they've done quite an intelligent job of getting China in 40 years from being a third-rate power to a first-rate power."
"It switched the power over to the player and completely changed the outlook of the transfer window."
"Moscow has gone from an irrelevance to one of the principal centers of power."
"The F-22 Raptor completely changed history and tipped the scales of power with its futuristic designs."
"Now was the era of the noble Nam gong Clan and the Heavenly demon cult."
"The balance of power has changed in favor of the West."
"Taking dinosaurs off of that island will result in the biggest shift and challenge of power man would go through in its entire existence on this planet."
"Global dynamics increasingly reflect the emergence of non-western forms of modernity and the diffusion of power to the world's regions."
"In the late 17th century, Europe's balance of power between its most influential kingdoms and empires shifted rapidly."
"In the final analysis, though there were still Elves of great influence and power in Middle Earth during the events of the War of the Ring, their greatness had long been waning, and the age of Men had been rapidly approaching."
"Having defeated Mark Anthony, Octavian found himself in control of the entire Roman world."
"Essentially throughout her history, there has been a constant power shift moving from church to state and state to church."
"After this titanic struggle with the emperors in the 13th century, the popes and the emperors dwindle into virtual insignificance."
"The US is no longer the unipolar dominant power of the region."
"Aegina once a proud power in the Western Aegean was now a mere tribute paying ally."
"Goku standing ready to touch down on the brand new planet and change the hierarchy of power."
"I truly believe that from Pluto in Capricorn to Pluto and Aquarius, the power is shifting from the corporations and government to the people."
"The seizure of power by the Umayyads can be seen as a coup d'etat."
"These chieftains with this word that means chieftain all of a sudden they look around and the palace is burned down and the wanox is dead and all of his vice mayors and mayors and regional governors are all gone, it's like, I'm in charge now."
"...the new centre of power no longer remained the court of an autocrat where a voice of one man reigned supreme over all other voices; now the sight of true power became the Parliament where members conversed as equals."
"There will be such a transfer in the balance of power in this country in favor not of the elite but of ordinary people."
"When the lion is dead, the hares jump upon his carcass."
"I think a lot of us Americans are scared that the US will soon be one of the several superpowers as opposed to the only one."
"Wolverine becomes the new lord of the vampires."
"We need to think a little bit less about how technology is changing and think a lot more about how power is changing."
"An old power dynamic is getting toppled, and in its place, something deeper and richer is coming in."