
Application Development Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"Performance is probably the most important thing in your application."
"Platform as a Service (PaaS) gives you a platform ready for developing, testing, and managing applications."
"I genuinely want to build like a sick app... I just need to like right idea that just like clicks."
"Discord bots are server-sided applications, so we need to make sure we're using a server-sided environment to actually run the application."
"Instead of us learning about databases in a cold, soulless academic, isolated vacuum, we are going to learn about them within the holistic context of creating applications."
"JavaScript is used in native application development, virtual reality, and building chat and voice-controlled bots."
"There's an app for that, like in our rx Java, that's probably an operator that you just like give all of this for free."
"Any application you can think of needs to have some sort of database behind it."
"Let's get started on this incredible application."
"The reason we're iterating on applications and data so rapidly these days is because the human is a moving target."
"It's uh something that can easily make people feel much more comfortable building applications on ethereum."
"Knowing how to use MongoDB is so so so crucial. You can build scalable applications very fast."
"Our focus is on building a real-world application, not exploring all features of Angular or .NET Core."
"Find real-world problems, create app solutions. Simplify, monetize, repeat."
"Crypto is not a casino; the main point was supposed to have decentralized applications."
"ORMs are very good for simple applications such as our jokes app."
"Yes, you can use community edition to build actual production applications."
"So you've done it, you've crossed the line. Now you know enough to start building applications based on DB."
"If you have an idea that's not your fundamental idea but it's a little piece of it, great, make an app for that."
"Business applications will drive crypto adoption."
"When better crypto applications emerge, that's when it takes off."
"That's a fully working notes app with Flutter and Django backend."
"Here's how you can actually make use of it to store data and then repopulate it any time the application loads or whenever you need to access information."
"Now we have all of our data inside of our database and now we can go start working with it."
"WebAssembly: it's real stuff. You can do real things with it."
"Hopefully, it's given you a few ideas for some applications of your own."
"I want to teach you how to define, design, develop, and deploy your very own applications."
"Your name forever etched inside right the credits in the settings right the application it's kind of cool."
"It's actually the easiest way and the most effective way to decouple applications."
"JavaScript for the win: you can build web apps, progressive web apps, and more."
"The bravery of Nancy... I mean, it's like Normandy."
"Ethereum controls the market and the biggest apps are built on ether."
"Redux for complex applications, MobX for rapid prototyping."
"Generative AI models achieve higher accuracy while generalizing rather well and applications are built using natural language prompts or text."
"Count your points and Tandys if you're an app developer. That is genius."
"This is what allows you to mount the entire thing in your UNIX file system and now you can write applications that are running in the regular standard Process Model that are actually part of the web."
"Cardano is going to be the underlying layer to a vast majority of applications we use on a regular basis."
"It is recommended nowadays that you use Firestore for almost all kinds of situations."
"Python: a versatile language for developing various types of applications."
"Blockchain is accelerating breakthroughs in a range of applications."
"MongoDB's flexibility and scalability make it a popular choice for modern application development."
"We care about apps that users love to use, because if we're not here for the users, we're probably not focusing on the right things."
"To create a Spring-based application has become much more easier with the help of Spring Boot."
"Fetch utility is going to be the most straightforward way to make API requests within your application."
"When you're building an application, you need this kind of a server, now this UI or the front end will be making a call to a backend server which can be using this GP4 model."
"There's a big boom in the industry for building applications based on AI."
"AI Builder makes it simple to add intelligence to applications and workflows you build."
"I’m going to teach you the theory behind Dash and the most important three pillars of Dash that will allow you to understand how to build these kind of applications on your own."
"The main idea here is to try to identify the different objects that will be involved to be able to support your application."
"Now that I have a table that stores travel request information, let's go ahead and build a modern power app."
"If you are just making a very simple application that's not doing anything super high value then generally one of what we call safe swad is enough for most applications."
"All your secrets can be substituted from Key Vault. You don't have to store anything sensitive in your application so secretly."
"The moment you solve the current scalability challenge, it opens the door for every application developer to say, 'Huh, I think we can do 4k video now.'"
"There's amazing support built in for building these applications, bringing them to the cloud and doing so much more."
"Security is such an important part of our application development. Spring Security gives us a lot of power to do some amazing things."
"When we start to take people on the journey towards a BeyondCorp-style model... people don't love VPNs."
"How can we start to build applications that take advantage of Google scale?"
"Model your business data, define your business processes, and compose the app."
"Svelte.js: Create a fresh, lightning-fast application."
"Now, let's jump into the code and see how we can use React context inside the app router to share a global theme inside of your whole application."
"Azure App Service is a platform for hosting web applications, mobile backends, REST APIs, or Azure functions."
"Managing application configuration specific to the environment that it is running on is an important part of application development."
"The Context API: an easy way to organize and manage states throughout your application."
"Realistically, we have the foundation we would need to build full-fledged applications."
"The easiest way to get an application from your laptop to production is to make it the smallest amount of code possible."
"...the spring batch database is there to maintain state just for that process... it's perfectly safe within the world of 12 factor apps."
"Design your MongoDB schema based on what your application needs."
"For some applications that need to go beyond those standard features though, you might look at using something like a document database."
"So in this way, you can make this awesome little application using Google direction API."
"Now, the first step in our project, we're going to go ahead and add MongoDB to our application so that we can persist data, in our case actually persist the orders that the users are creating in our system."
"As application developers, we understand what our application is trying to do when it runs a statement against SQL Server."
"Serilog is a third-party library for enabling logging in Net Core applications."
"At this point, you have built an entire application which is a backend API connected to a MySQL database."
"You should have a pretty good understanding of how to build an application and have it working in the way that you want."
"We've really covered a lot from learning TypeScript as a beginner to building an entire application."
"Building model and monetized and distributed our application through Snowflake Marketplace and then we saw how the customers are going to bring their apps close to the data from Snowflake and run it against their data within minutes."
"Building resilience into your application."
"The only other thing we always need in our apps is a main loop, so we call Root.mainloop."
"Creating a react weather application, step by step."
"So now that you kind of understand the basic architecture of how we're going to approach this application and you understand what portals are, I think what we can safely do is start with our toast container or what we're calling toast portal."
"He built a really cool application."
"It invites you to take a step back to zoom out and think about what's happening on the large scale of your application."
"I wanted a real-world example because applications are more complicated than deploying your typical static blog."
"What this will allow you to do is for users to build more powerful AI agents in their own applications."
"We now have a pretty good basis for an Elixir application, we understand some of the oddities and how to get things set up."
"Atoms are ideal for when you have a small set of words that are going to be used throughout the application that indicates some meaning."
"We're then going to bootstrap the application, we're going to build out the registration, and we're going to build out the CRUD operations for our post objects."
"We're doing a massive application and by massive, I mean 100 screens or more, and this application is going to be a training app."
"The application is now fast, scalable, and resilient."
"Good luck making your applications, I wish you all the best."
"The core system consists of the functional and operational code that is necessary for the application to run."
"We have a working application, so this means that everything is working end-to-end."
"We can scale this in a more complex application."
"With functions, you can build applications with the help of serverless computing."
"This seems like a very simple application, but it's going to introduce a lot of new Vue concepts that we are going to learn."
"Java FX is a UI toolkit used to develop desktop and mobile applications in Java."
"The application is not just something you created and used by your customers and users, you should have the feedback loop."
"But now that we have some experience adding in a static chart, what I'd like to do is now explain how we can integrate the data stored within our database to display on a line chart within our application."
"I just like to think hard about what users are actually going to be creating in an application."
"You'll be able to launch your app on play store immediately after watching this course from the beginning to the end."
"Airtable becomes even more powerful because instead of just focusing on our grid views, we can start to turn it into a real application that we can interact with."
"This step sets up the database where your application stores and retrieves data."
"So if you have an existing application that you really want to run in the web, then this seems like a great solution."
"Electron JS is a tool using this you can create the window application for every operating system."
"Both of our applications are running."
"Let's go ahead and start utilizing the types that Prisma Client has generated for us in our application."
"The reason I work with languages like C and C++ is that I like to see nice applications done; I want to see useful things built."
"Renewing tokens and fetching secrets can result in a lot of logic for my application."
"You can extend it to do anything that you want for your app, and you can customize anything."
"What we're trying to do with this track pattern is to take control over the data flow in application."
"With Docker, every application has its own framework and suitable version."
"When you start working with Kubernetes, really what you're doing is laying the foundation for building cloud native applications."
"It would be really great if anyone wants to try and just prototype some applications on top of it."
"You can write your own application right now with these concepts."
"It is all customizable; you could manipulate this, you could tweak it, you could really do whatever you wanted to for the function and purpose of the application."
"This course focuses on real-world application development."
"The best way to create value for the organization is through the development of new applications and the ability to bring new features to your existing applications."
"If you can build applications that feel very interactive, then users are generally happier."
"Here's a simple JavaScript application that just acts as a to-do list."
"Your project is to complete working on this quiz application."
"If you're going to publish an application with this, you definitely want to use env files."
"NPM init is really just a way for you to keep track of all your packages in your application."
"Developing machine learning applications is complex."
"We saw so many cool new ways to design for your users and build applications."
"Use that knowledge to make an app and become popular like Mark Zuck."
"We're going to be also building an application with WebSockets at the end."
"Whether you want to build web apps, desktop apps, mobile apps, games, IoT, AI, do machine-learning, deploy to the Cloud; .NET is going to run everywhere."
"You can then take that application that you build, it's a cross-platform application built on the Xamarin platform, and run it natively on basically every device that's out there."
"Building a real life NLP application means you have to perform various steps right from data acquisition, data cleaning, to all the way till model building deployment and monitoring."
"In this video, we have put together an amazing app for you with Python; it's the tic-tac-toe app."
"I want to help you start building applications in C#."
"We want to have non-functional requirements for our application, something that is very useful when you're running the application in production."
"If you're not a data scientist, you really don't care about building LLMs; rather, you care more about building real-world apps around LLMs."
"I think what we want out of our platforms is to take care of the local system and let all networking concerns really should be handled at the application level."
"Once you understand how to work with an application, creating a new one from scratch is really, really simple."
"You can still use Apex, you can still create awesome applications."
"What we're going to be building is an expense application."
"There is some layer of customization or plugins that you can use to customize your applications to the exact needs you have."
"The dynamic actions allow us to make our application more dynamic."
"Now that you understand all that information, your ability to create better applications should be a thing."
"What do you want to see as the next step? What do you think the next logical step should be in this application?"
"We need to look at it as another tool that will help us build the right applications at the right time."
"For application developers, that's the world you want to be living in."
"Monitoring your application's performance is a critical part to building and maintaining production-grade applications."
"Spring Boot provides useful features for application developers to write their applications in a more idiomatic way."
"That allows us to make this a reusable component potentially that we can use later on in a different part of our application."
"So whenever you create or update something in the data in any application, there are some type of events that are triggered."
"The application that you want to target really needs to match your dataset."
"If you can add your data as a layer on top and then compose maybe multiple models together into an application, suddenly you are building something new."
"Let's start by creating our Dockerfile to containerize your application."
"This gives you the power to really go wild and add any kind of functionality that you want into the application."
"AppSheet is so agile, you are able to change your applications' logic and layout in just a matter of minutes."
"It's really powerful because now you've sort of taken this DevOps idea... and you've moved up the stack to basically being able to declare a full application."
"Cadence is a high-level way to build distributed applications and you focus on business logic, not plumbing."
"Anvil actually has pretty good documentation for when you're building an application."
"The first part of building any analytical application is often dealing with some of the most mundane problems around data access, data loading, and basic data manipulation and cleaning."
"Microservices is where you divide your monolithic application into multiple small services."
"The goal of this session was to help you use these features in the way that you can focus on building your application and even do even less automation, even less no code automation."
"The important part of a Docker container is that it has everything you need to be able to run the application."
"Your feedback definitely makes this application better."
"When you start to develop an application, what you really do is actually try to solve a problem in the real world by modeling that aspect of the real world in your application."
"Here we would have classes like bank, like customer, like bank account, like credit card, like debt, like loan, like interest rate."
"All these classes will be placed here because they belong to the core domain of the part of the world that we are actually trying to model in the application that we are building."
"So as you build any of your applications this week, if you'd like to give deploying into the internet a try, feel free to do so."
"This is a great lesson in building resilient applications, giving the users the experience that they would expect whenever things go wrong in your apps."
"There are things that almost every single application wants to do besides creating the UI, like do stuff with data."
"API, or application programming interfaces. These can be both your own that you build for your own applications to use, or third party APIs."
"We can engineer how these interactions happen... we can do things that can give rise to some really new exciting applications."
"TypeScript needs to be used in an actual application because the benefits are way more than the cost."
"So for us, serverless is not just a runtime, it's a way of building applications."
"Validating and sanitizing our input actually makes your application secure."
"This can significantly improve the throughput of your application and reduce latency."
"Just fixing up these few things makes a huge difference in this sample app."
"In this course, you will learn how to use the Ionic framework in combination with Capacitor to build powerful cross-platform applications."
"It's more important to produce an application that is true to who you are, genuine to who you are."
"This is super common in my apps these days."
"My name is Jamie Lan, and I'm a senior consultant for application development of Red Hat."
"With Gen App Builder, you actually have access to more options to provide a great customer experience that captures the best of both worlds: rich AI-generated content along with goal-oriented conversation steering."
"I need to create this. I know I need to digitize it. I know I need to build an application."
"Aim for a single point of definition for everything in your application."
"It saves you so much time by automatically generating functionalities that are usually needed for an application."
"Create reusable components that you could use in your application."
"You can do everything on chain, you can build an application, you can store data."
"We're going to create this basic ticket app and we're going to do all of your CRUD functions."
"You can do a variety of things using webcams, using text, using speech, and have a very convenient way of sharing these applications without having to install anything."
"Let's write 'Leave Tracker App' and press enter."
"You can build a really cool application with this technology."
"I really do enjoy this loading spinner and can definitely see myself using this in my own applications."
"You can build mobile and desktop applications without sacrificing anything on the native platforms."
"You can build awesome applications when you're focused and you're targeting those awesome performance devices that we all want."
"It's something that we do in almost every application."
"We have an application that not only processes data, but it processes user input."
"Execute the app as a stateless process."
"The important thing to note is that Istio requires no change to your application code."
"Link is a component provided by Next.js that allows you to create a link to navigate between pages in your application."
"If you're into making like a stock related application or any type of application that's going to plot data, this will come in really handy."
"So this is a good start if you want to build applications; we can build applications directly here."
"We want people to feel that excited about writing an application on top of Snowflake inexpensively where it's about human power and human creativity."
"Redux tracks all the states that your application has been through and the way that it's transitioned between each of these states."
"It's very easy to create a functional process application using these graphical objects and the code in the controller."